Missing a cloak
doesnt need one cause its a PALADIN!
I switched to 250mm rails on the Proteus fit I posted earlier in this thread for the Gal Epic Arc.
The Studio mission required some manual piloting to spiral in to get under the guns of the battleships. Just don’t skimp on your tank.
I think he meant for travel. Some gankers will gleefully go for a blinged out shiny kill like that. Especially if you don’t manage to react hardeners at the gate once decloaking.
Same with incursion ships. If you’re going to fly a 3-5b boat in highsec, better to cloak trick to make sure. Plus its faster than normal aligning unless you have something like a machariel probably
Besides Jita and amarr there are very few people who will try to gank you.
If you don’t stay on the gate after decloak, they need to scan you, have the correct ganking ship on hand, track your position to shoot you out of the gate. With the risk of losing too much isk to cover for the price of your ship.
for the incursion ship, I commend refit to a travel fit (so align and tank), and request a move by public contract of all the bling. Worst case, the hauler gets killed and you get repaid for your modules.
I personally had an alt come in a BR or DST to move the stuff.
I think the megathrons / hyperions have like 20-30km range so you should range tank them, and the domnix are fitted railgun, so should not track you.
Why did you need to spiral in ?
I was thinking of redoing the Amarr L4 Epic Arc again. Doable in a regular T2 Gila?
I was pointing out that the subject of this thread is a “single” ship that can complete all arcs. Given at least the caldari arc requires either LS or NS travel, you can’t meet this threads topic at least with a marauder. That is unless you feel comfortable flying it with a T1 cloak through LS.
Um, because if you read his post he was in a proteus? You aren’t going to do an effective sniper fit in any cruiser (well maybe a sentry ishtar). But you can still effectively sig tank.
@JohnCee_Calhoooon on my most recent run (with the new loki talked about on this thread) I blitzed everything I could. So for studio I basically ignored the field and just destroyed the studio.
Probably? I’ve done it in an Ishtar in the past. I found it annoying though.
why do you need to go below 30km in a railgun proteus ?
Well given the fit he posted, in order to get a 30km optimal your railguns are only doing like 140dps.
Personally if I were going to do the Proteus I’d keep the blasters and just get up close.
You don’t want to get a 30km optimal. even though using a uranium you have 27+15 with 176 DPS.
But anyhow his drones are doing the DPS.
here are the effective DPS switching ammo (CN for non T2)
You win.
it still does not answer my question : why did he have to spiral in ? My guess is that he could get shot by the dominix above drone control range.
I didn’t know what their ranges were. I thought it best to kill frigates and cruisers as i spiraled into Javelin optimal on the battleships. I had tried spike at range against battleships in an earlier mission and it was pretty slow. It was a lot more fun doing it in the Proteus than in my trusty sniper Dominix.
Well your fit is oriented towards drone DPS, so your railguns should be used for small fries first.
But thanks for your answer
I switched away from the drone subsystem to the hybrid one. I apologize for not making that clear. As I didn’t have as much experience with the hybrid sub as I did with the drones, I was trying to clear the site as fast as i could while still being cautious.
Drone aggro management has been a pain especially against Elite frigates and cruisers in missions.
After doing 20+ runs of Epic Arcs, I guess I can throw in some opinion
Marauders are great. They can solo it. Still need an frigate or shuttle for those lowsec missions, but those are easy to come by. However, even though I enjoyed using Vargur and Kronos, I’ve stopped using marauders.
Why? Simple, unless they are cap stable, you are risking to much. In order to get the most of it, you need to turn on bastion. If you disconnect, or server goes down, that’ could be the last time you see your ship - unless you are cap stable.
So far I’ve lost 5-6 shinny (3-5B) marauders. All but one were replaced by CCP since it happen due to server going down or something similar. Once I had to replace it myself. My ISP went down and by the time I switched to mobile hotspot, the ship capped out and tank did shut off. Logged back to a pod.
With non Marauders, there is virtually no risk of loosing ship when disconnecting. There is only like 2 missions in whole arc where you will be scrammed. Any other mission, either you will be outside of scram range when landing on grid and kill them or you can move from the spawn spot so that you again end up outside of the range on next spawn. So if you drop connection, your ship warps off, worst thing that can happen it is that is slightly dipps into armor (assuming shield fit).
Having marauders cap stable is doable, but you are loosing on utility (tracking, damage application). Lately I have been doing it with Machariel + Orca combo. This is great, except Amarr arc which has that damn tracking disruption. If you like manually flying, you can still do it easily, but it is a pain.
I was looking into making my next run with HAM Loki, the dps will be lower to anything less than 50km in comparison to my Machariel, but it should be immune to tracking disruption.
5Bil marauder is way overkill and still, as pointed out before, does not meet the OP’s criteria. Unless you plan to yolo that beast through LS.
to be fair i was skimming and imo taking anything through lowsec unless its a covert ops strat-cruiser is suicide. i would advise the OP to perhaps refine his criteria for L4 missions. as they are found all over new eden.