Lag every evening, why?

Hi guys, working as fast as I can. Under a heavy load of tickets at the moment.

This issue appears to occur in Germany every year around Christmas.

As far as I can tell, from the test on our side and from network diagnostics from players, the issue appears to originate in Germany. Some players have reported they were able to bypass this issue by using VPN thereby rerouting themselves.

I do not have any other workarounds or solutions for this issue at this time.

Oh FINALY someone say there IS a connection Problem. Can i pls have my two sleipnirs back? or just 2,8b?
I cant remember to have the Connection Issues last Year but you have maybee better overview.
Eve is literaly not playable in this state, its high risk to even undock, you cant enjoy it cant make isk cant do anything and i think about ending my subscriptions after years of continous beeng a cutomer.

This Problem hurt CCPs income directly and as you say result in high workload for the support team and even the provider in germany have higher costs because as also in my case i got new router, techincan checked inhouse the connections and support had more as one conversation with me to the point the laughing at me.
All together this is not tollerable anymore.

But now to the helpfull part:
I monitor my connection issues on my Vodafone Cable since MONTH now!!! thats nothing happening every year^^ rumors say there is a increase in Spam volume every Year in the Fall on the De-Cix and they have large Problems this Year. as my the route goes fover them checked connection few weeks ago but “the serverlogs show nothing” answer leveling was happening^^
Fortunatly they changed the route from netherlandsd to france last days and i still have the hickups. (politely spoken)

This nails down the faulty network points to [] []

i have a feeling its above.nets fault

short internetsearch found this ip adresses together with connection issues from Unitymedia , Kabel Deutchland now both Vodafone but also O2 Online and Player in Wow, Battlefield 5, Overwatch, Star Wars Old Republic…

so in this Case Call your Networkmanagement, Call all other Game Devs all over the world, Call the involved Providers and let them reroute the traffic and change or beef up the faulty or overloaded network components.

as the problems with telecom user also accours its strange they use Telia as route to UK i have a feeling they mask some network hops or use tunneling i dont know but for all User who Route like me its clear where the issue is.

New route since days:
7 20 ms 27 ms 29 ms []
8 42 ms 39 ms 39 ms []
9 38 ms 40 ms 40 ms []
10 42 ms 40 ms 42 ms []
11 36 ms 37 ms 37 ms []
12 39 ms 34 ms 38 ms []
13 39 ms 38 ms 38 ms []
14 41 ms 40 ms 39 ms []
15 42 ms 43 ms 41 ms []
16 36 ms 38 ms 38 ms [

old route 2 weeks ago:

6 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms
7 21 ms 21 ms 26 ms []
8 19 ms 20 ms 17 ms []
9 30 ms 32 ms 29 ms []
10 29 ms 29 ms 29 ms []
11 32 ms 34 ms 34 ms []
12 29 ms 29 ms 29 ms []
13 34 ms 33 ms 36 ms []
14 32 ms 31 ms 44 ms []

4 12 ms 14 ms 10 ms
5 20 ms 18 ms 20 ms
6 19 ms 18 ms 21 ms
7 23 ms 20 ms 21 ms []
8 21 ms 19 ms 18 ms []
9 * * * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
10 * * * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
11 * * * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
12 29 ms 30 ms 29 ms []
13 28 ms 30 ms 38 ms []
14 42 ms 32 ms 31 ms []

and as a VPN is not advised from CCP to use with Eve due to automatic banning on ip level… vpn also is not clear where they route and costs money… can i have my money back? or have i try and error all vpn routings to find one who goes not over that faulty network component?

its not my job to get the rouing going its the providers, the peering partners, and at the end CCP and the Data Center TQ sists in who all be involved in the provess and should talk to each other.

i am sure you can use internetsearching for other reports but here few hits for the ip (who maybee also tell there is a problem every year since the reportings are some new and some old i found… had no patiance tho searc deeper because my beloved eve is not playable and i will not fix connection issues with vpn use risk all my accounts banned and make the job others should do)

oh and since this is only accouring in winter you say here is my connection issue list, some are missing. some was not in the logfiles and i am now to lazy to write them down since my tickets in Sept about the Problem got only answer “we provide the best route and doint see a problem here”
well now look where we are month later…

2019.08.08 10:19:52 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.08 10:44:16 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.10 03:05:10 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.16 04:06:53 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.18 00:01:53 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.19 02:24:47 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.21 19:31:00 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.23 12:58:54 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.24 19:38:28 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.25 13:04:39 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.26 00:41:25 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.30 05:32:00 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.08.30 10:11:31 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.01 03:59:44 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.02 08:58:45 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.02 21:34:00 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.03 14:41:10 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.03 16:52:32 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.03 20:41:36 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.03 22:44:10 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.04 12:11:57 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.10 17:35:35 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.12 07:42:05 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.12 12:53:34 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.14 00:16:58 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.17 11:25:07 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.23 19:06:22 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.23 19:47:48 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.24 02:24:26 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.09.24 18:42:55 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.07 20:03:57 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.09 02:29:35 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.09 09:21:07 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.09 21:00:51 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.12 09:33:33 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.12 13:27:53 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.13 03:36:06 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.13 06:13:10 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.13 17:22:09 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.13 20:38:15 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.14 11:48:52 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.14 14:42:25 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.14 18:12:45 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

15.10 12:55
15.10 14:33
[ 2019.10.16 20:02:31 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

16:10 20:42
[ 2019.10.19 12:44:45 ] (info) The transport has not yet been connected, or authentication was not successful.
[ 2019.10.20 08:46:00 ] Hickup/Lag
[ 2019.10.20 09:38:00 ] Hickup/Lag/disco
[ 2019.10.20 16:08:23 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.20 21:10:28 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.20 21:39:53 ] Störung
[ 2019.10.21 14:17:13 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.21 15:20:00 ] Störung
[ 2019.10.21 16:20:00 ] Störung
[ 2019.10.21 20:40:00 ] Störung
[ 2019.10.21 21:56:15 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.22 07:47:09 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.22 09:48:04 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.23 09:08:00 ] Störung
[ 2019.10.23 14:10:00 ] Störung
[ 2019.10.23 16:31:59 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.24 06:29:00 ] Störung
[ 2019.10.24 18:30:59 ] (question) You are about to accept the following contract: [Multiple Items].

[ 2019.10.24 23:11:19 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

[ 2019.10.25 12:22:38 ] (info) Network communication between your computer and the EVE Online server has been interrupted.

ticket numbers releated to all this are lost ships: #973974 #973978 #973979
found connection issues: #978704 24d ago…
lost ships again #982296 #982297 #982294

and if Vodafone reads this:
router change was on 15.10. and technican in house changed wallplug and did mesurements…

i hope someone takes all the xtra costs all arround have and the frustration all have and unload them there where it realy belongs

oh and 2 routings from a telecom user with and without vpn only one min between as a bonus…
i must admit i have no clue where the problem can be there but i have a feeling the routing goes directly between De-Cix and Linx to your datacenter since ccp have as i know direct peering there
it also tells me the routings from germany can just be changed and go not over the overloaded network components … a routing table entry the involved partners could make in seconds

vpn and no problems:
2 |[] | 47 ms
3 |[] | 30 ms
4 |[] | 29 ms
5 |[] | 30 ms
6 |[] | 28 ms

no vpn problems:
2 | | 8 ms
3 | | 19 ms
4 | | 20 ms
5 |[] | 48 ms
6 |[] | 45 ms
7 |[] | 45 ms

get your hotlines hot and your mails running and start talking to each other to solve this or you will or have loose Money

the angry german from the disbanded german helpchat with millions of letter written in it signing out
…to other single player games with spaceships instead… think about

1 Like

Way to go, you threaten to leave the game when it’s not even CCP’s problem, this is clearly a German telecoms problem, perhaps your frustration would be better pointed in their direction?
Hope it’s sorted for you very soon, we have german players with the same frustrations…

i am vodafone user ex Kabel Deutschland and not telekom… nice you read what stands there^^
and reportet the issue with a analysis where it must be sitting in the past to all possible involed partners even contacted who opened a ticket but clearly found nothing ^^ and yes also CCP have some influence and can contact netprovider or change routing sor influence routing tables and if you see

and find other disturbed games its a problem enyone who try to solve the problem might hit the right button to solve it

but sure no one was anything… and rembursements are not in our policy what ever^^ lucely it looks like the faulty network coponent finaly just blowed up, so all can maybee just go on like every day not solving problems or make a plan how to for the next time^^

some news on the lagfront…

routing from Vodafone cable net is now complete without [] []

new route:
1 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 11 ms 9 ms 13 ms []
3 12 ms 16 ms 12 ms []
4 12 ms 13 ms 10 ms
5 16 ms 17 ms 20 ms
6 17 ms 18 ms 18 ms
7 20 ms 27 ms 36 ms []
8 35 ms 34 ms 36 ms []
9 35 ms 33 ms 32 ms []
10 48 ms 35 ms 39 ms []
11 44 ms 39 ms 42 ms
12 35 ms 35 ms 36 ms []

so maybee babysteps to see if there is now a stable eve gameplay possible…
… and sure… no one could do anything about something because #reasons

Try living in Australia.

Maybe its just a special Hilmar serving of chaos…

The detail you’ve gone into for your troubleshooting in amazing. Keeping logs that show changes from week to week is almost unheard of. I think you’ve easily demonstrated that this issue is beyond what could be considered ‘normal’ network conditions.

Used to have similar issues with a player in NZ ( New Zealand ) who couldn’t connect to eve, but others ( in Australia ) could, but both of us could get to google and to the eve online forum.

I hope CCP doesn’t ban people for using a VPN while there are still botters and direct-input-broadcasting scum still plying their trade…

I think a problem here is that routing protocols don’t take into account the performance of individual applications.

The internet is now drowning in Netflix, a 10mbit stream of Netflix with a 600 ms ping isn’t a problem for ‘those’ users, but a 600 ms ping for Eve is an entirely different impact. I am all for network neutrality, but some times being open means people will abuse the situation at the detriment of all others.

costet me a vargur 2 days ago… i hit undock then 20-30 seconds later screen gone black loading sign and then i was dead… outside was trig Invasion and i wasnt able to do a Thing… but as Always the suport say “■■■■ you” not our Problem there isnt any lag for us… ccp never changes.

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Its annoying how station sentry guns don’t shoot at hostile NPC’s, though what’s really missing is tethering on NPC citadels. Do that and it solves lots of problems that are plague in this game.

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at last for some time duo con issues… we dont all have super duper inet Speed and then lets say 5 minutes or so. then even the last one should be loaded finaly

loglite errors so far

info 2019-12-07T15:23:39 5080 C:/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe DESKTOP-56PQKLC evelauncher default “Terminating process by request - returning 0”
info 2019-12-07T15:23:39 5080 C:/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe DESKTOP-56PQKLC evelauncher default Process 5420 finished with exit code 0
info 2019-12-07T15:23:39 5080 C:/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe DESKTOP-56PQKLC evelauncher default CustomWebPage(0x970cf20) “processstatus({server:‘tq’, username:‘XXXXXX’, isRunning: false, crashed: false})”
info 2019-12-07T15:23:39 5080 C:/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe DESKTOP-56PQKLC evelauncher web info: Received client process information from backend

lost 2 relic sites in wormhole space due to this,crashed on all hacking minigames and lost 16 probes because could not reconnect in time to recover them.

Here i thought i’m the only one. i have such lagg its unholy my god even lose connection a couple of times don’t know whats going on.

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 15 ms 3 ms 8 ms []
3 3 ms 3 ms 6 ms []
4 5 ms 7 ms 9 ms []
5 2 ms 8 ms 10 ms []
6 2 ms 7 ms 4 ms []
7 32 ms 37 ms 33 ms
8 31 ms 35 ms 30 ms
9 36 ms 33 ms 36 ms
10 35 ms 34 ms 34 ms
11 29 ms 34 ms 29 ms
12 30 ms 38 ms 28 ms
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 30 ms 28 ms 28 ms []

Trace complete.

Starting tracert for

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 7 ms 15 ms 6 ms []
3 2 ms 3 ms 3 ms []
4 7 ms 7 ms 5 ms []
5 4 ms 7 ms 7 ms []
6 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms []
7 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms
8 40 ms 37 ms 42 ms
9 35 ms 35 ms 36 ms
10 36 ms 34 ms 34 ms
11 33 ms 31 ms 30 ms
12 32 ms 37 ms 30 ms
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 33 ms 33 ms 34 ms []

Trace complete.

Starting tracert for

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 4 ms 9 ms 5 ms []
3 4 ms 4 ms 7 ms []
4 10 ms 6 ms 8 ms []
5 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms []
6 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms []
7 13 ms 12 ms 17 ms
8 13 ms 17 ms 19 ms
9 12 ms 13 ms 17 ms
10 * * * Request timed out.
11 * * * Request timed out.
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 14 ms 12 ms 12 ms []

Trace complete.

Traceroute diagnostics finished

weird stuff

Solved lag and disconnect problems by changing my advanced settings of my networkadapter.
There is a setting called: speed/duplex wich stands standard on auto.
Changed to highest speed en full duplex.
Since than not a single stutter, lag or disconnect.

The new servers in China don’t have as great as a connection to the rest of the world. You will get used to it.

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