Lawlessness: A new PvP direction for High-Sec.
Preface: This does not affect Insurgencies, current war declaration mechanics, the security status of systems or how fast Concord responds in these systems. Just how Concord responds.
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• Concord will no longer respond to any acts of aggression outside of NPC stations, NPC stargates and NPC customs offices. This means that all anomalies (including events and Homefront Operations), asteroid belts, mission areas and player-owned custom-officers/structures are now Concord-free zones, ie: you can freely engage other players without a declaration of war or Concord response for a criminal act.
Caveats: The following apply, however:
• All station and gate defenses are heavily buffed, and will engage and destroy any ships with a criminal timer (ships or pods with a criminal timer cannot use stargates or dock at NPC stations)
• Major trading hubs (Jita, etc.) and stargates have further defenses preventing the use of smartbombs and fleet links within 20km of the station (these will not activate regardless of safety setting)
• High-sec fleets are limited to five (5) ships per fleet, regardless of skills
Concord Patrol: Players with a standing of > 9.0 for any particular Empire can freely engage any ships that have a < -5.0 standing with that Empire, anywhere in that Empire space.
White Knights: Players with a security status of 5.0 can freely engage any ship in Empire space with a security status of < 2.0.
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Q: Can I still gank in high-sec?
A: YES! In fact, you can generally gank without consequence outside of NPC stargates, NPC stations and other NPC structures.
Q: OK, what’s the catch?
A: You can no longer use stargates or dock at NPC stations with a criminal timer (friendly structures are ok). Depending on your Empire standings/security status, (some) players may also freely engage you anywhere in Empire space. And station and stargate defenses have been significantly buffed. Fleets are also limited to a maximum of five (5) ships in high-sec.
Q: Does this change wardec mechanics?
A: No - those continue to function as before. But some ganking groups may need to deploy stuctures for friendly hubs - thus making them eligible for wardecs.