Left because of wardec

What do you mean ‘continue to exist’? The game has already well and truly surpassed the average life expectancy of an MMO and it’s a lot more forgiving to play today than it was fifteen years ago. Don’t pretend you have the best interested of the game in mind after you’ve declared that certain kinds of players can’t have their gameplay. This is EVE. No one gets any kind of gameplay that they can’t or won’t fight for IN GAME.

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People have been saying the same thing since 2003, yet Eve is still not dead. This particular dead horse has been beaten so much that the only remains are a bit of dust and some faint smears.

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Many thanks for your concern, however the game was able to survive for 15 years with wardecs and PVP everywhere including highsec, so I believe it will survive next 15 years. Maybe if you try to leave highsec at least for a little trip in a venture or an imicus/heron/probe/magnate you might even like the increased danger which also pairs with the increased rewards.

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EvE will never die!

–Gadget rides a Pale Capsuleer Horse


This has been claimed since 2003 and yet the game is still here. It’s defied the cries of players predictions for the last 15 years and Wardecs have been present since at least Exodus (2004 and may have been there before).

The last financial statements released by CCP showed record revenue levels from EVE, so just claiming EVE will die unless CCP listen to what you write…it’s no different to what hundreds of other players have written and been wrong about.


Better it disappear as it is than become the travesty you want it to be.
Also, on your bullet points you not only want full safe high sec, you want to pwn noobs and anyone below your unkillable battleships in other areas too, themeparker. Playing this with you is really not fun.


The things is, eve online has survived, as it will continue to survive for many years to come, but that’s all it’s doing. It has not garnered any more popularity (player base wise) and has continued it’s same player numbers for quite a few years now, this game deserves a hell of a lot more players than what it has! why? because it’s good but has issues! One of them being the select bunch of elitist pricks for starters… anyway…

Yes it has issues and you coating your eyes with glitter won’t fix it, but i love it myself regardless. One of it’s problems is Eve has a very poor retention rate with it’s players, and wether you like it or not Wardec’s is one of those problems. it’sa great system in principle, it’s just doesnt work in it’s current form. it’s an okay argument that this game isn’t for you, but how good would this game be if people actually stayed and helped the game grow into an even larger giant than what it is now? Yes a large number of players do stay, but nothing compared to what it actually deserves. I love this game and i want to see it expand to one of the biggest MMO’s out there but i see a couple fundamental problems which could do with addressing, albeit VERY carefully.

look how much this game has come in the past 10 years alone and how good it looks and how it plays now! There are a number of systems in this game which still leave a lot to be desired and need a rework, and the wardec alongside the bounty system is one of them wether you can admit it or not. But it needs time, and time this game has!


So much flawed logic:

  1. PvP is Isk positive to me. If you gank it efficiently and loot, it’s isk positive.
  2. If the supposed ‘griefers’ have endless supplies of cash thru nefarious stuff like you described, then they would have no need to mine or toon farm or have PvE alts or anything else at all in other regions.
  3. You also seem to make a distinction between the nefarious activities and bot mining, which says a lot about you.

The problem is CCP not making clear to a new player that high sec is not safe and can have its territory claimed. If new players knew that from the start, it would help.

I think the term ‘High Sec’ is a lie and citizens of New Eden would probably have come up with a new nickname for it.

I’d simply rename high sec to ‘Upper Low Sec’ or something more catchy to that effect.

Mid Sec?
Bad Sec?
Average Sec?

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Nah. Its fine. It only throws off people who do not understand linguistic indexicality (technically deixis but whatever).

Well it is ‘High Security’.
if it was just ‘Safe Space’, then there would be no need for security.

–Gadget needs a Forum Safe Space from time to time
(it’s where she hides her chocolate)


I think the best way would be to turn it into some WoW in space, as WoW has more players and therefore it must be a better game.

By ratting and mining in highec? Those people can’t even group to repel some lousy wardeccers, yet alone to achieve something really great and newsworthy (exceptions happen)

And if they are not ratting and mining in highsec, they are quite probably elsewhere, so wardec is not a problem for them.

Like, I hear you. I don’t like wardecs either, but it’s because current wardecs mechanics mean no risk or minimal risk for wardeccers. But what do you want? To remove wardecs completely? To remove any trace of danger from highsec?

There is an easy way to get rid of highsec wardecs. Low, null and WHs are very sparsely populated comparing to highsec. Why not to go there? Because :effort: ?


Yeah I know, i’m fine with High Sec personally but it would shut down the argument for those people who, when you look at them, you know the wheel is still turning but the hamster has died.

Any game could have that as a disclaimer.

Damn clone you must have an issue with your DNA restructuring because I think you are 12 chromes short of a full strand.

2 day old character gets 90+ replies on obvious troll thread…well done.


Its GD

All threads are obvious troll threads


No, the game has already come a long way from what it was and it is a hell of a lot more accessible than what it was. It just needs tweaking. Of all the systems that have been touched and worked on over the years, the war dec and bounty system have not been touched.
I would hate for this to be like wow. What im saying is it for what this game has to offer, the effort the developers go to to get their community involved, there should be a hell of a lot more players logging in and staying connected for more than 10 logins worth. But theres not.

I love the war dec system, and the principle behind it is great. It makes for an exciting game mechanic, but the way it runs now is not working. It does need tweaking abit atleast, to what, i don’t know at this point. It is one of many reasons why this game just isn’t expanding at the rate it should be. It just hasnt kept up with the new and updated features that the game now has to offer.

Im not saying get rid of it, far from it. But it is ‘A’ main reason for people being turned off and it shouldn’t be happening. When that’s happening something is ultimately flawed some where and needs looked at and dealt with accordingly.

I live in null and in no way shape or form does it affect me. Im not bothered by it but i can see the effect it is having on the stagnation of the population.

Oh im not saying the new players that CCP will theoretically retain will be in in hi-sec, like what the OP mentions. Its safe to say that a hell of a lot more will experiencing the game beyond the initial week thus moving onto bigger, better things, will be in low and null, filling up the systems that have laid dormant and empty for a long time now after actually realising what the game has to offer!

Its not that the game should only be accessible for the best of minds or players, or that it is so dumbed down that your dog can play, it’s just getting that fine balance just right and Its safe to say ccp are well on their way finding it they just need to keep at it!


To be fair though…

Depending on your fit… The BS pilot is going to lol at you when you try to take it down with frig.

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Didn’t you ever think that it was something no more than a mere incident?

Part of my corpmates and friends are already play StarCitizen and call me join them. The last time they log EVE Online was last year. And I see how more and more people around the world enjoy this game (though myself always been sceptic about it).
90% of our corporation including me have Elite: Dangerous with it’s latest DLC. Some of my corpmates play it regullary and visit EVE Online with alpha-clone only. There are already mission mechanics with much greater diversity than EVE Online has. And Frontier Developments released an update recently which made missions mechanics (among many others) even more better. 2nd half of year they will release an update which fundamentally change mining mechanics. And if it will be good, I’m afraid nothing be holding me in EVE Online anymore. Same will be with the whole corporation I’m afraid. Should I say that PvP mechanics in Elite: Dangerous and StarCitizen is real. Compare to them one understand that EVE is not PvP game actually.

Thing is CCP will not be able to manage situation. And it’s unlikely to avoid EVE’ final in next couple of years. But at least I [and players who stand here] will be clear - we made our duty. And actually CCP will get what it deserve due hiding and supporting (even if it was on indirect way) RMTers for all this years.


No, of course it’s more than mere incident.

It’s people pretending they know the future, because somehow their opinion is the only one that is right.

Every one of them has been wrong.

Why will this time be any different?

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