No it isnt.
Powergaming is choosing only the optimal stat set/item set without bothering with any RP.
Also the only force here is used to show the miner why and how he’s mining irresponsibly.
No it isnt.
Powergaming is choosing only the optimal stat set/item set without bothering with any RP.
Also the only force here is used to show the miner why and how he’s mining irresponsibly.
Old thread topic ?a=topic&threadID=354296
Talks about powergaming style of playing.
Casual gamers are pushed out of this game…etc
We aren’t roleplaying. All miners are required to pay taxes. That’s the law.
That doesnt make a 30 year old term mean something new.
This is exactly what I have tried to expose, your alliance wants other gamers to act like slaves to pay up fees that are not a normal part of playing the game.
It is a form of powergaming, one method of powergaming is by having many accounts run by one person.
The other form is having many accounts run by many people under rules set out like the 10 million isk permit. (By demanding such payment in isk is the same as if a person had many accounts to collect such isk via mining.)
Except thats really not whats happening.
These .cOD guys are full of crap. They don’t honor their permits. You pay the fee to one, then the next code guy comes along (most likely an alt of the one you payed) and shoots you spouting whatever rule he wants at the time. It’s a scam, 100%.
The 10 million isk permit is not a normal part of many casual gamers who wish to create a home in New Eden. They start off by trying parts of the game that allows them to experience the game for what it offers.
They soon find a relaxing activity like building ships to fly and feel that when first starting off they will need to learn the gathering of materials.
Nowhere have these new pilots of New Eden been required to pay a fee or purchase a permit to gather materials until they run into the pilot of that alliance who demands such fee to be paid.
This is not about ganking as that is a part of the game, It is about the 10 Million Isk Permit.
Not interested in having it scrapped or removed from your roleplay though I wanted to bring the topic up to inform new pilots who might be unsure about paying the fee because they have to or because they too wish to join in on your alliance roleplay rule set.
Yes exactly what you have said is exactly missing the point.
Which part? The amount?
The point.
The point is nothing to do with the permit.
Why do some people insist on defending the monumentally stupid?
As much as I personally think CODE. is ridiculous and kind of a BS experience for (truly) new players, I’ll still defend them by saying they’re not doing anything they’re not specifically allowed to do within the framework of the game. Whether they have a “right” to do it or not is utterly irrelevant. Give them the 10mil ISK to not get ganked or don’t–it’s kind of a choice you have.
You don’t have to like them to understand that what they’re doing is part of what makes Eve Eve.
No, no, we want the miners to act like legal law abiding citizens.
We need to preserve and protect our natural resources.
If your alliance feels that the miner is cancer like what it reads on bumperming how else do you see your capitals and stations operating.
Im not in an alliance
This is irrational and paranoid. Imagine someone saying, “Don’t pay $10 for that driver’s license! The next cop will just come along and shoot you anyways!” Come on now, let’s not exaggerate. We have many happy miners who are able to obey the basic rules and regulations of the mining belt.
Remember, mining is a privilege - not a right.
Well I am not naming names, though going forward I will refer to that or the alliance instead of your
Iceacid - we are quite happy to purchase ethically sourced organic ore from licensed and well regulated miners. We only arrest unlicensed illegal miners who are operating unsafely. The legal miners are a valuable and welcome part of the highsec economy.
This is true and I feel I did poorly in my opening thread on the permit though I will not edit it or change it.
Ok, well irrespective, does Minerbumping or any other official organ refer to people who only mine in EvE as “cancer”? Or did you put that emotive spin on it?