Let's go over the details on this 10 Milllion Isk Permit

Any respectable miner who takes pride in his trade will naturally desire formal certification and a valid work permit. Of course, he will also benefit from the tireless effort of public servants who serve to keep the belt free of riffraff and unsavory characters. In order to fund law enforcement, it is (of course) necessary to collect taxes. Ultimately, the government of highsec works hand in hand with the miners, forming a mutual cooperative society. This New Order serves the interests of all stakeholders, forming the basis of our civilization.


No, from the bumperming website the exact term is there inside examples section.

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My friend, you must work on your reading comprehension skills. The passage you are citing was written by King James 315:

“Most EVE players view the highsec miners as a detestable, pestilential cancer. As Saviour of Highsec, I still find the strength to occasionally perform acts of mercy where the miners are concerned.”

As you can see, whereas most EVE players view the miner as a malignant cancer, James offers them the opportunity to earn citizenship and self-respect.


Can you link pls?

Flashes badge

McCandless, IEEE
Duly appointed Standards & Practices Investigator, if you need my credentials.

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I think the argument has been settled:

  1. James 315 is the Lord and Savior of HiSec.
  2. CODE. are His agents and prophets.
  3. All miners inherit the original sin of the First Bot.
  4. Miners do not know what is best for themselves.
  5. Bot aspirancy is the natural tendency of miners.
  6. It is only through James 315’s guidance that a miner can find salvation.

Only through purchase of a mining permit and constant vigilance against AFK mining activity (bot aspirancy) can miners reach salvation, and it is only through the collective salvation of miners that New Eden can remain healthy and balanced. This is James 315’s plan for us.

Granted with free will in the sandbox, you are free to forgo purchasing a mining permit, and to engage in bot aspirancy. But know that the wages of sin is death, and an agent of the New Order is not far away to mete out divine justice.

I think at this time, instead of quibbling with the ignorant who insist on their right to sin, we should let those seeking salvation know who they can contact in order to buy a mining permit and secure their rightful place in James 315’s HiSec Paradise.


In short.
To Roleplay or Not to Roleplay.

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So is ransoming powergaming? Trading? Scamming?

What the ■■■■ isn’t forced on eachother in a pvp sandbox?

Is this the new carebear tactic for pushing their agenda?


All miners are born with the original sin of the First Bot, and as such live in a fallen state, far from Grace. The natural tendency of the miner is bot aspirancy, with all the social, economic, and environmental ills that such activity brings. In short, left to their natural devices, miners are a detestable, pestilential cancer - swarming about, eating everything they can and, ultimately, destroying their host.

The natural state of miners is bot aspirancy, and bot aspirancy is sin, and the wages of sin is death. But James 315 has provided a Way to salvation for miners. But first they must accept their own self-destructive nature, and seek change and salvation through Him.


The only information I wanted to take away from this thread is the details of this 10 Million Isk Permit.

To inform new pilots of New Eden that the permit is not high sec law and it is for them to decide to play along or go about their game time their way.

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But it is the Law.

Like any law, you are free to break it - however, sooner or later, there will be consequences. An Agent of James 315 will find you, and divine justice will be delivered.


This is that alliance roleplay.

I get it, I really do, without those permits the stack of cards will tumble.

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This is not “roleplay”.

James 315 wrote the Law of HiSec, and it is enforced on a daily basis. Over 300,000 criminals and sinners have been brought to justice.

You have nothing with which to dispute James 315’s power or authority. Only your opinion. Well my friend, your opinion will not save you when the burning salvation of Void S rips through the hull of your barge. That is the wage of sin.


There is zero proof of this permit and am currently deciding that is doesn’t even exist.

Please produce picture proof of such a permit displaying details and such.

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Pretty much everything, except dying in a Abyss.

Though thats neither PvP or sandboxy


Better use of your time might be advising them not to mine or CEO like doofuses

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I was a ganker and a casual player. Then again I was pushed out of the game by CCP making wardecs only feasible for non-casuals. So you are partly right.


Picture proof that these 10Million Isk permits are fake and not required.

Even when mining under one of their home system.

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Apparently it was a bluff. As soon as I entered system, Iceacid Frostpacker fled. A tacid admission of his own guilt and the error of his ways.


I believe we don’t talk enough about this. Too often the so called Anti-gankers claim that the greater New Order community is against mining, but that is obviously not true, it is just a flagrant straw man argument. I would love to see the so called Anti-gankers take responsibility for trying to make HiSec toxic with all their false claims about the Code.

Ethical mining is extremely important for HiSec, but where is the so called Anti-gankers on this issue? Why are they so afraid of it? Is it because they profit off mining newbies that only get slave wages?

And I would also want to add that ships made of organic ethical ore mined by Code compliant miners is, beside the Code itself and all our Agents of course, the secret behind our success.


Calling new players pigs … well done!