No, gathering
the increase to reprocessing is 2 other skills, that mirror refinery and refinery effeciency
details were in one of the devblogs BTW
No, gathering
the increase to reprocessing is 2 other skills, that mirror refinery and refinery effeciency
details were in one of the devblogs BTW
Refineries are allowed in WH space. I just anchored one this morning on the test server. Moon mining is not. You have to place the refinery > 1000km from the old POS anchoring spot which also seems to be the “moon mining” spot. When you anchor it it clearly tells you that no mining will be allowed.
It makes sense to have refineries in WH’s, after all that’s where all that neat WH gas is reacted for T3 stuff… would be a pain to have to haul it all out and process it in yucky k space.
Of course the refinery can be anchored in WH space.
Note I’m not advocating for mining of the moon-specific resources in WH space. I’m suggesting that using moon drilling to produce standard ores could be an option instead. Eliminate the ore anoms from WH space and make it take some effort.
So you want to replace 1 or 2 ore anoms that anyone coming into the wormhole can warp directly to and catch miners off guard, anoms that are randomly generated and last limited time and not always available - with mining sites that have an unknown location in the wormhole and need to be scanned down and that miners can mine 24/7 forever - if you have more than one refinery and they’re set up staggered.
Not to be facetious but “good plan”. I think you haven’t thought it through completely…
I don’t really have a horse in this race, but the sites generated by refineries will be exceedingly easy to warp in on. The refinery itself is immediately visible and can be warped to without probes. Of all the concerns to have about WH refinery belts, this one is very silly.
OK, of the 14 refineries around this planet (because it has 14 moons), go ahead and pick one. My WH has 71 moons. With the income WH’s generate it’s not unheard of that I could afford 71 refineries. Being easy to warp to gets canceled out with spamming.
You must be in the rare and majestic WH type that has no d-scan.
I think you’re also failing to account for the fact that it may create more opportunities to catch miners off guard by having them undocked more often. As you said, the anoms are randomly generated and last for a limited time.
I’m trying not to be confrontational.
You’re postulating a scenario where mining moon belts for ore is somehow “better” than ore anomalies. It depends on your definition of “better”. I think it’s better for the miners. If I’m mining I probably heard you come into the WH because I have a cloaked alt orbiting the entrance. So I start warping my fleet. With anoms you have at best 2 anoms to choose from so you have a 50% chance of getting a fast interceptor or a bubbler on my fleet and catching someone.
With the moon mining scenario, again I start warping my fleet when I hear you come in. Now use d-scan and hope the planet I’m mining at is within d-scan range of the WH. Next, you have to scan down the moon or refinery because I will probably have more than 1 (I have an Astrahus, a Fortizar, an Azbel and 2 Raitarus in my WH right now, for example). It’s a rare occasion when you’ll get a hit on a moon right away from far away. So get to the planet. Next, d-scan the moon - and you find no one because I’m already in my Fortizar watching youtube videos or commenting in the forums.
I think leaving ore in anoms is much more likely to get miners caught - which is what I think you’re trying to get at. I’m all for miners getting caught. The more miners die, the higher price I can sell my stuff for. But I honestly think your scenario will not give you what you want.
What Querns wants has nothing to do with J-space.
Question on this: could we see it work for extracting standard ores?
No moongoo ore, but standard ores. Would be an interesting feature for WHs. And would give WH dwellers the ability to pull up their own ore belts, maybe not as good as the spawning ones.
Edit: Man. Saw your post, made my comment and then went back to reading everything else. And I sound like a parrot
CCP? What are you guys doing to help the inventory and such of players to handle all these new DB items. I know my industry window lags up for a good while when I first load it each session. You guys keep adding more and more stuff, which adds more and more lag, as things don’t seem to get optimized very quickly.
Are you guys doing anything more on the back end as well as in what players see, to ease up the lag?
CCP Fozzie,
can you look at the modulated deep core mining laser(s)? They are the only option to give the Prospect and Endurance a piece of the pie. Or can you imagine giving them a new moon mining lasers?
I think I would be a good idea to make it so deep core mining is required for mining moo-goo… Right now, afaik, you only need it for Mercoxit…
The DeepCore needs more love.
That is why I bring it up. I think it is okay that those lazors with absymal cpu requirement belong to strip miners.
@Amarisen_Gream, don’t forget, you can put all of them mining crystals in the deep core laser.
Sorry I was talking more about the Deepcore Stripper. The Deepcore stripper is only good for Mercoxit.
The Deepcore laser isn’t bad with crystals when compared to t2 Mining Lasers. I can’t remember numbers though, as I don’t fly a lot of mining frigates anymore.
Ontop of my head, I don’t have the values but when my skills complete, my focus shifts to a little more to the industry and some nice values. But I do know that you can mine more m³ per cycle with them t2 crystals.
As for the deep core strip, yeah I agree. Does anyone use those? I thought drone mining is all the rage now.
Drones can’t mine mercoxit.
see I didn’t know that.
Ha! I have an idea…
If you didn’t know that drones can’t mine mercoxit, then you have no business what-so-ever proposing mining ideas and if you do, no one should listen to your ideas because they’re probably pretty worthless.
Just saying.