[Lifeblood] Moon Mining Revamp - Main Thread

I was thinking of the post fired chunks, the mine-able chunks, rather than the huge chunk pulled from the moon.

We will open up a public slash command on Singularity later (probably next week), to be able to speed up the extraction process. With this it will be possible to test the largest quantities. This said: All the involved numbers are still placeholder numbers.

Regarding the asteroids: They are mostly behaving like normal asteroids and cannot be scanned down (or seen on the overview while being on a different grid). One difference is that they have a decay timer (for testing currently set to 24 hours), but this should have no impact on this particular discussion.

I didn’t they could be probed down (so the mine-able rocks won’t show on dscan?), but will the created field have a beacon that will appear on the overview or will it simply be a matter of visiting each refinery to see if there is a field there?

Just so im clear. Scanning the systems at the moment shows ALL ores available in each system. This will change once released with only certain ores available in each region?

The sound for moon minig is… ridiculous… please try to do a better one…

Sorry if this is a bit off topic …

Are the stats for the refineries officially released yet? I’ve looked on Sisi which has blueprints but not all stats and not sure if they will change.

Specific stats I’m looking for:

  • Type and quantity of Structure Components for Tatara and Athanor
  • Structure bonus for refining
  • Rig bonus for refining
  • Offense / Defense stats
  • Fitting H/M/L/R


Please confirm/clarify if the new Moon Ore will have more than just Tritanium in them. I can foresee this really throwing off regular ore mining if the moons only provide tritanium. I was under the assumption the new moon ore would provide a blend of moon goo and various minerals.

I can confirm that the current refining details are completely placeholder values. You will need to wait a bit longer to see real numbers (and materials).

The same applies to the questions of Lanek Thall and susmi haldorn (but the numbers for the structures themselves are already a bit closer to the final numbers than the numbers for the ores). Speculating on the current numbers is very much your own risk (and will quite likely lead to losses).

Thanks for replying so quickly. Can you also provide info about how moon mining will contribute to the Industry Index for ADM’s? At current, ore mining contributes more to the industry index than ice mining, so I’m curious where moon mining fits into the picture.

So will there be a way to compress the ore? currently in a rorq there is no option for compression.

There’s no plans currently to allow compression of these ores.

Is this a deliberate decision or a technical limitation?

Seems a bit odd as it pretty much guarantees needing a refinery service in the drilling rig as no-one wants to be hauling tons of uncompressed ore around to a central refinery.

It’s a deliberate decision at this time. The Moon Ores will be staying at 1m3 and the Moon Materials will actually generally have lower volumes than they currently have on Singularity, this will be implemented in the coming weeks.

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Alright, understood. Perhaps you can save me some math – is it intended for the ore or the resultant moon materials to be smaller? Like, would I move X units of Xenotime or the Y units of Dysprosium (and other stuff if applicable) that it refines into, if I’m trying to optimize for space?

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You could start be removing everything in your database that is DUST-specific.

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So your saying moon ores
will have a volume of 1 m3/per unit on traquility on launch day?

I’m not sure quite what you mean, but I can say that moon materials will likely have slightly different volumes, and that its intended that it will be easier to refine the moon ores first and move the resulting materials.

That’s correct, what gave it away? :wink:

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That’s exactly what I was asking about. Thanks!

Lol, thanks clarifying that!