[Lifeblood] Moon Mining Revamp - Main Thread

How am I going to remove Dust related items from my DB? I’m not a DEV!

My bad. I was under the impression that you were talking about some sort of private industry program you were using, in which case doing so is trivial.

Although I understand the reasoning for this on transport to high sec, for act mining, this puts a even a larger step needed. As one the great benifits to rorqs is there compression system.

Any idea on bpo costs?

Billions and billions of isk.

Carl Sagan approves


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The belts are currently spawning far enough away from the Refineries to warp to them, while being close enough to be in range for any offensive modules that could be fitted on them. Will it stay like that?

Where did you find the mining crystals? I didn’t see any on market in Derelik

Somewhere in one of these threads, that was confirmed.

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“its intended that it will be easier to refine the moon ores first and move the resulting materials.” - CCP Lebowski

And so die the hopes of a new reprocessing income stream for this forge resident.


Will there be refinery reprocessing rigs for the moon ores?


what will happened to mobile siphon after this?

Would it possible to change the copy/paste for the moon scans or get an export to clipboard so its in a slightly better format?

Something like:

System, Planet, Moon, Material, Concentration

Maybe calendar event for moon chunk should be alliance wide where applicable.

@CCP_Lebowski moon scanning clipboard output is broken on sisi (as of a few hours ago):

[no label: UI/Common/Moon]	Moon Product	Quantity	Ore TypeID	SolarSystemID	[no label: UI/Moonmining/PlanetID]	[no label: UI/Moonmining/MoonID]
Sahda I - Moon 1
	Hemorphite	0.40000000596	1231	30003474	40220204	40220207
	Titanite	0.20000000298	1231	30003474	40220204	40220207
	Vanadinite	0.10000000149	1231	30003474	40220204	40220207
	Zeolites	0.300000011921	1231	30003474	40220204	40220207
Sahda II - Moon 1
	Kernite	0.40000000596	20	30003474	40220206	40220207
	Otavite	0.300000011921	20	30003474	40220206	40220207
	Sylvite	0.300000011921	20	30003474	40220206	40220207
  • Ore TypeID is the value of the first ore of a particular moon, for all rows
  • MoonID has the same value everywhere (apparently that of the last moon scanned?)


rechecked with more scanning:
MoonID for all rows changes as results trickle in, it’s always that of the last result received.
Ore TypeID is not always the “first” ore, but seems to randomly be one of the moon’s ores (same for all rows, still; maybe first result in some internal order of results received?).


[Add:] also, the color of the quantity indicator bar for Pyroxeres is black, which on the black background provides a contrast of… whopping nothing :smiley:

Thanks for the heads up, we’re on it!

When will the new reprocessing rigs be seeded on the market so we can test them out?


the reprocessing rigs are out in market now although the large version for ore and ice is conspicuously absent but the medium are all available

the OLD large reprocessing rigs still there but i think their bonus wont affect moon ore

on the topic of moon mining crystal - is the model for all the mining crystals are a placeholder? cause all of them look like veldspar mining crystal