Liquidation Giveway:

All my bridges are burned.
Let it then be said, that Salvos was here, and never came back, as testimony for how hard I tried, but even that wasn’t enough.

I will not be returning.

Contract any purple you might have to me,other garbage like tons sp ships and items feel free to delete.

It is viable.

Look at what happened here to my posts over years, and penultimately in my CSM candidacy.

I no longer have faith at all in you, this community, CSM, or CCP, for good reason.

Are you really blaming the community for your shortcomings? Lmao

You should have learned from every opportunity, now you just sound like a sore loser

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The community, CSM and CCP.

The rot in this system is pervasive and will destroy this game eventually.

I tried my best to fight that, and failed.

You know, unfortunately, in this world ignorance is a bless, sorry mate you had to find the hard way that rich and careless people rule. This has been since forever. Pretty sure you’ll find this in real life too … Sadly !


I stood up here and fought it, more than any other, against waves of trolls, the corrupt and the powerful, thousands of times.

That is my legacy here, but I’m done and defeated.

It will take someone better than me to do it, and good luck to them, if such a person even exists or cares enough to do so.

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So mate, instead of focusing on what you didn’t change, focus on what principle you were fighting for and that is YOU not the result of your action that define it.

It’s always easier to blame others for our failures tho :wink:

  • /s
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In my very short time here, I often saw Salvos_Rhoska in controversial topics. Although many disagreed with him, I respect anyone willing to speak their mind against popular opinions.

Good luck in the future Salvos o7


I’m burned out and defeated by trolls, CSM and CCP in ways I cant communicate to you as of yet.

If you knew, had been subjected to and had seen what I have seen/experienced here and behind the scenes, you would make the same decision.

I should have given up much earlier in light of all that.
I didnt stand a chance, despite my efforts, since my first post, to my +7,700th one.
Nor will you or any other.

The rot here is so deep and systemic, you, nor I, or any other, stands a chance to excise it.

/me steps up to the Podium

What can be said about Slavos that has not already been said. (Um, what has been said? Nothin? go check zkill for me)

He played ‘the game’ on a different level than a lot of us. Not in spaceships but in words. A warrior of the forums as it were. Never choosing to join a corporation beyond his Alma Mater of Pator Technical School. (Hmm? No kills eh? Lost a Cyn and an MTU and that;s it?)

He cared about language, sometimes too much. (seriously I am not sure I should be up here, I abuse the English language just to hear the vowels scream)

At times he found life in New Eden frustrating but then don’t we all?

He got mad and decided that it was/is time to Win in the only way he knew.

May he find a better place and a better peace as this world was not for him.



And thus did Salvos win Eve.

Whatever our differences of opinion, I wish you well.


You can still try to appeal to pearl abyss directly, who knows the new overlords might see the wisdom in your words and tell CCP to change their ways.

“he was… passionate”

There, the best I can do.

The rot is already too deep and systemic.

If I couldn’t do it as the most prolific poster in the last 4-5yrs, with all the ■■■■ Ive dealt with and overcome regarding that rot, believe me, nobody else after me stands even a chance.

Once I legally terminate EULA by issuance of request to end my agreement, as per terms of EULA, I will be free to issue my exchanges with CCP, which are my property stored on my email account, so as to release them publicly.

Good riddance


Yeah, he looks like a washed up weirdo.

Probably also protests against chem trails.

Don’t get your hopes up. We won’t be this lucky. He’ll be back.