Liquidation Giveway:

One last time my friend as they say in space, though I hope beyond hope for several more: in before the lock

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We still wait for the end of the story… did you contract him the extractors for your hard earn SP ?


Isk has been transferred.
Contract of remaining assets impending.

I’m sorry for your loss Norian. I hope you find peace.

Regretfully, I cannot log in and have not for months. I will accept your word that transfers have been made.

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This whole thread just is one massive replay of this:

Well done mate.



All my isk, PLEX, and assets have been transferred/contracted to you.

You have 4 weeks to pick them up.

The offer to donate 25mil SP, is open to those that say a nice eulogy to Salvos_Rhoska within the next 48 hours, and can provide extractors in HS which I can reasonably reach in the next 48hrs, before all characters are biomassed and all accounts terminated by me.

State so in eulogy, and contract extractors to this account, or Salvos Rhoska, and I will dump the SP into that exctractor and contract you the injector, for free.

If demand exceeds my SP, I will refuse the contract.

In any case, this is over and I will not be returning. Ever.
Ive had it and have more important things to do than dealing with EVE and its politics.

Salvos Rhoska pretty much impacted anyone who ever had occasion to read a forum thread he felt passionately about.

Salvos was a capsuleer who was unafraid of voicing his opinion, who would not crumple under opposition, and on the rare occasion where he was convinced by others he was, in fact, in error, would admit to that error.

He was Salvos, and if in fact, he is leaving us (or has left us), as a community we will notice his absence, and his name will be remembered.

@Salvos Rhoska, if you are gone, I wish you well.


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I have exchanged with Salvos a number of times, once I got to talk to him, I found him intelligent and thoughtful, he was right on many things and he was also wrong. All in all a loss to the game. I wish him well. Can’t say more than that.

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Ok. See you in two weeks then. Or how long is the ban?


No. You wont, ever again, after the next 48hrs whilst I donate the remainder of my SP.

Its over for me here and in EVE.

Well you didn’t play EVE anyway. But I expect you back on the forums in a few weeks anyway. And you can’t hide with another character Salvos, you are too easy to spot for that.


Not going to happen.
I’m out, completely.

I already gave away all my isk/PLEX/assets, and in 48hrs I will donate the SP I have remaining, and then biomass all characters and terminate all accounts via contact to CCP.

This is it for me.
My time here is over, and I’m never coming back.

R.I.P. Salvos Rhoska. He left us so early. :milky_way:

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That discussion must have been like, but with two Daffies.

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Well, thats a bit sad actually. I hope you will make many great sculptures. o/

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Ive had to put up with more crap, and deal with so many levels of it, here and behind the scenes, that most of you cant even imagine or know of.

My back finally broke.

I’m done.
The trolls and powers that be, win.

This is just a thread where I give what little I have to those that appreciate it, and my swan/exit song.

After this, you will never see or hear of me again.

We’ll be the judges of that tbh

Everyone knows no one leaves EVE forever :grin:


Instead of sating that you leave bla bla bla, tell us why and let us decide if it’s viavle or not, what about that ?