Liquidation Giveway:

That’s up to them, but it sure as hell wont look good for this game or CCP.

Nor is PA the only entity I will communicate what I have, to.

That’s what Steve said.


Do you think the majority of EVE has idea or care whom Steve is, even as CSM?

This is Steve’s post record:

In his time as CSM since this new forum was created, he has talked to Salvos_Rhoska here more than the rest of the remaining top five combined.

Well if you keep making troll clown bait posts filled with impotent rage, to which we’ll happily reply to (partly to make sure others don’t catch the same dumb AND of course to keep the rage going) that’s going to happen.


Considering the posts Salvos was making, it was no surprise Steve was trying to correct the errors.


Considering Salvos is gone this thread looks pretty salvoshed.


I don’t care for ISK or anything else, but the thought saddens me I will not have the opportunity to get a @Salvos_Rhoska frozen corpse just as a rare in-game relic to remind me of him long after he is gone. :frowning:

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You mean you wish you were done. Seeing how you make statement over statement on all the things you’re going to do next does it seem much like the opposite is the case.

What if any of the things you say you’ll do next has an actual effect? Would you still say you’re done or would it give you back some hope to continue with what you’re trying to achieve? Or is this indeed just an attempt at getting back at CCP for banning your main?

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Shouldn’t this be in OOPE?

Farewell Salvos_Rhoska,

May you have a good life outside of Eve. All the best.

(No, I do not want your stuff … which is probably for the best seeing as I am not getting it anyway)

Come on now, this isn’t even half of the “I quit” thread I made back in 2008 (and back then I actually had a point). Needs more posting.

Wait contract you 20mil worth of SP extractors??? Nitshe Go home your drunk if you think that will work here @Norian_Rever

On a serious note all the best o7

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