@Solstice_Projekt @Black_Pedro
I am still strongly in a mood not to log into Eve, and I am not certain if or when I would feel like doing so, however I do have some remaining assets that are going to waste.
These assets are in safety wraps of some sort or another and I am unable to determine exactly what they are. Some of my possessions are strictly of sentimental value. Pods of old friends, specific gifted ships, fireworks and lore items from ancient times, and things like that. I don’t want to risk giving away a meaningful item, so I’ll have to go to the hassle of getting these items out of those wraps so that I can sort out what I should keep on those grounds.
If at some point I feel motivated to do this, I would like to donate the remaining items to you if you are interested. I am just not sure to whom or to what they should be contracted. You can tell me here, or in an Eve-mail that I will read at some indefinite point in the future.
This may come as something of a surprise since our in game alignments are just about polar opposite. However, that I know of, you two are the only particularly interesting group left in Eve, and I’d want my stuff to be used for something atypical, or sold to finance some unique gameplay which seems to be your specialty.
I will not be able to move these items for you, and they are located in a variety of places. I don’t have money anymore and I can’t fly omega ships anymore, either. If you intend to play for a while, want some random stuff, and don’t mind the hassle, drop me a line when you can.