Listing the Alts of the ORCA Hypernet Owner Venetian Macau - abusing system

Today 10/jul/2021 Bots passing downtime :slight_smile:

I can confirm they are online near 23/24 hours, sending messages each 80 sec aprox. As you can see i am now more in rens than other areas. (mothballing accounts)

Will be updated later.

  • eystur - eilego taron - created today
  • Jita - Talandan Ten Otsolen - created today
  • perimeter - Hyykiala Tokila - created today
  • Amarr - Bakpom Hashur - created today

I donā€™t think this kind of things are even worth reporting. This is clearly something CCP has to already be aware of and yet they do nothing aboutā€¦

Itā€™s as if they thought making every other player have to block all those chars one by one each and every day is OKā€¦ As if we didnā€™t have anything better to do and we simply had to get used to that kind of crapā€¦

I look at these things as reasons to simply stop playing the game altogether, which Iā€™ll eventually do when I get fed up enough. If they donā€™t care, why should I and waste even more time trying to solve a problem they clearly donā€™t care about?

They also think that it is perfectly fine that you can spam hundreds of messages within a few seconds and consider this a major improvement of the chat system over the old chat system.

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It hints at the greater issue though that is alpha clones.

Maybe you did not notice yet, but most people on this planet are complete morons.

11 /jul/ 2021

  • eystur - Arnstalok Aumer - created today
  • perimeter - isitei aitai naari - created today
  • jita - ezzoranta akiga - created today

WIll be updated when i see more, each put a message in local in intervals of 80 sec, normally between downtime to next downtime

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I just report them as bots. I donā€™t see someone sitting there and making all these accounts manually and then seeding them all into systems they werenā€™t born in.

I use local a lot for everything from helping new people and general communication to watching for enemies.
Iā€™m not sure if you are kidding or not, but local is a tool and spam makes it a pain in the ass to use.

Seeing as market spam bots predate alpha clones, Iā€™m going with No.

Works as intended I guess

today 12 / 7 / 2021

Perimeter - Nuumora Ahuri Kautsuo
Jita - Savela Ikkas Okaski

same, created today 80 sec intervals

Nobody cares

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You cared enough to reply though.

:stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:


13 / Jul / 2021

Eystur - Urubrold Oldil Gengod - created today
jita - taaja uitoh - created today
perimetr - konotora isayeki

As always, characters created daily, promoting 23/24 hours each 80 seconds aprox an hypernet offer created for the same character

Cool, but, iā€™m stiull not sure what you think posting here is going to achieve exactly, if you want CCP to actually look at it you need to send in a support ticket, but even then they would only ban the alts which he would recreate daily anyway, unless his main actually breaks a rule it wonā€™t be touched

Ok, I think we are at a point to close this thread - if you suspect foul play than as already pointed out, please raise a support ticket so this can be investigate.

ISD Bahamut