Live stream on July 10 at 18:00 UTC: Dev Q&A

We did.

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This isn’t a Q&A, this is just a slightly more detailed “these are the things we have planned” discussion. The clue is in the title, but you didn’t answer a single player question!


There is one good thing about this new forum: it gives us more creative ways to make fun of the developers.

I mean, come on!
You spent the first 20 minutes to set the stream up, that you supposed to do 1 hour earlier at least.
During the following 20 minutes we barely got any relevant information.
There was absolutely no Q and A.
CCP Rise did what he could though, nice work man!

I really don’t want to hurt the dev team, but I’m running out of walls to smash my head into.


I think I have a few very simple questions I would like to ask CCP… so here goes.

** 1 When will CCP actually release patches/releases where the patch/release won’t be nerfed shortly after the player adapts to the patch/release i.e. time spent>skills learned/injected, isk spent on ship fits etc.?** I would love a T3 redesign release because it’s much needed however why would I invest the time/isk to fly/buy them after the last several patches/releases where CCP has taught all of us that it will be a complete waste of time and isk because it will only be nefted shortly afterwards.

2 How will CCP keep players such as myself interested in EVE with all it’s patches/releases? So far, all the patches/releases>nerfs>repeat process is starting to get expensive, time consuming and somewhat boring.

3 What happens to a game when the game becomes boring to the player? Change is healthy for EVE and is needed, so let it happen when you have a release/patch. Let the releases/patches’ change do it’s job for better or worse. Give the changes time to ripple thru all parts of EVE before a new release/patch. If the change is good GREAT build on it!!! If the change is undesirable, counter the undesired change with something new. Stop nerfing, it tells your players that you released something prematurely and without consideration of them and the game they came to love.

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CCP - please don’t promote empty streams. I went to a lot of trouble to be on Twitch, on time and was rewarded with almost zero information and the discourtesy of CCP not preparing ahead of time to actually host the event. Does management feel it is okay to jerk around a couple of thousand customers at a whack?

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I missed the Q&A twitch thanks to a thing called work. If this forum reflects it truly from the comments - I get the feeling that I should related CCP to being a loved family member who’s addicted to every drug under the sun, and won’t seek the help to get themselves clean.

This isn’t a EVE is dying, but more of a EVE is rotting. Could also just be me, being me, which is normally in a bad mood.

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