Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

It was fair when the shoe was on the other foot, from your perspective though, wasnt it?

No, but I also dont consider myself a victim either.

Not true, when you are out mining in a field and you have 20 rorqs and dread coverage, 8 cloaky bombers can still dcloak, bomb your crap and warp off before they even hit. It takes defender missiles and heavy interdictors to prevent and not every alliance has these available 24/7. Nullsec will eventually be as dead as wormholes.


Agreed, I am getting some renovation done!

Ok, first? Stop using Excavators when you don’t have destroyer cover. If they bomb your Mining Drone IIs, you drop another 5 and keep on rockin’.

More importantly, though, how does that in any way contradict ‘The only safety you should found out here is the safety you can make’?

You want to be relatively safe without having to work at it? Go to Highsec.


Or the nearest umbrella. Let’s not pretend you have to do much work to be safer than highsec out there. Once the number of super alts and so on reach critical, which is an inevitability under the umbrellas, the defense damn near runs on automatic. It doesn’t take skill, luck, cleverness or anything like that. Just… sit in standing fleet, ready to unmute comms. Have whatever array of alts your chosen activity requires chilling in the background and enjoy Netflix.

The main difference between null and highsec at this point is that in null you can still be saved when the bad guys come for you.

I do agree with and appreciate the sentiment, but it’d sound a lot better if null wasn’t safer than highsec these days.

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Nope. It doesn’t take skill, luck, or cleverness. It takes work. Keeping that many people together without having the group tear itself apart over prima donna nonsense? That’s work. Getting people to stop being idiots, join the damned standing fleet, and learn how to keep themselves reasonably safe? That’s work. Getting all the resources extracted to build those defensive supers and titans in the first place? Work.

Does that mean maintaining that capability once it’s built up is incredibly difficult, agonizing effort? Nope! Any properly-built system is going to be a hell of a lot easier to maintain than it was to build in the first place.

We did the work. Now we’re continuing to do the much less work it takes to keep things rolling. The safety we have out here is the safety we make.


This year saw the largest fleet action in wormhole space ever with 2000+ pilots and CCP reinforced the node it took place in. Whilst some corps didn’t manage to kill anything all year, 8360 Corps with a presence in wormholes racked up kills.

Year over year has seen an increase in activity in wormholes, last year 35K to 40K ships were killed each month that’s about 4.15 Trillion ISK in losses.

Wormholes account for 1% of ALL the ISK lost in EvE.

To paraphrase Mark Twain
“Reports of the death of wormholes have been greatly exaggerated”


And that took over a year to set up, by null guys. Don’t go trying to spin the Rage eviction as ‘lookit how much people are going into j-space!’

That was one event - wormhole “Content” has consistently grown.

Maybe it’s because we don’t sit all safe n’cosy to grind isk to pay for accounts - so that we can grind for isk to pay for accounts - so that we can grind for isk to pay for accounts, we actually have fun playing!

So, hows the grind going for you … No local made it a little more exciting?


Edit: Wasn’t it after the Rage eviction that the involved leaders/CEO’s and others from null alliances chanted “No Local” at fanfest … got what you wanted are not all of you enjoying it?

Before BO, I saw wormholes as dice roller transport carrying element of surprise with a frequent benefit of relatively easy targets, hence their popularity and derived killmails. If that game style segment of bling ratatat benefits from the BO, meh… it’s a bit more difficult for the more gates open to nothing, less popular it will become for them too. Of course!, there are other type of WH peeps that perhaps love BO but that’s career dependent.
I think the balance tends to the negative in terms of the BO effect on wormholes. It was much easier just checking local on a Null system from a WH gate and now it takes more looking into with less chances of targets but also less payout.

Blackout does make null a hunting environment similar to wormholes and gives wormhole peeps a starting advantage because we are used to it - that will wear off.

Whilst we do chain into Null and some groups with null statics farm null for content, from my experience most fights are:

  • Solo/small gang vs daytrippers,
  • Small gang/ small fleet in the roaming holes (2’s & 4’s)
  • Small fleet / big clashes in the higher class (5.s & 6.'s)
  • A smattering of lower class daytripping into higher class for content.

Crashing into null for content is not that big - but BO has improved that

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I’ve lived in a lower category wormhole for a year it was a great experience, I remember interviewing a guy whose specialty was intel, He wanted approx 500m per session for his intel gathering skills which i thought was reasonable as his job was to watch wh entrances and generally be aware of whats in system while others do combat sites.

So, while the blackout is in effect it might be an idea for null alliances to invest money in efficient intel gatherers to do their thing while the rest of the guys do combat sites/mining. You’d be surprised what you’ll find if you start interviewing corps/players for this role. Consider getting consultancy from wormhole specialists as well. I hope all the alliances who are finding it hard can get back to a limited level of pve asap.

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What if the API and all data output blanks Null?

What if it becomes a real and complete Blackout? No Dotlan, no EVA, no Map options within EVE?

Specifically, it’s ‘one event’ you’re citing. I’m simply pointing out that it doesn’t support your point at all because it’s a complete aberration.

Not especially? I mean, idiots are dying, as idiots will. Since I’m not an idiot, I’m not at all worried.

I am a little tired of listening to the titan pilots whining that there aren’t any hunters to kill, but eh, they’re gonna ■■■■■ about wormholers being chickenshits and rolling any holes they get into Delve ASAP anyway.

Considering there was no fanfest this year, that’d be pretty damned impossible, wouldn’t it?

The Blackout is the implementation of an existing feature, applied prematurely in the wrong environment. The more I try to foresee a next step, coherent and conductive, the more I get why they call it chaos. Too bad it’s not equally spread.

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There was no such situation. Before the blackout, you could also kill the pve player.
In addition, it is pathetic for me to argue about how much CCP is supposed to help kill a vulnerable person. Local was better. He let them change ships and fight.
This conversation shows the differences between us and the main eve problem that nobody talks about.
CCP says EVE is a dangerous world. He says blackout introduces chaos. Both of these things are a lie.
In a dangerous world, war goes on always and everywhere. Killing the defenseless is not war. It’s not even a fight. These are executions. I know that many people like executions. I do not. For me it’s the biggest tragedy
In EVE, war is risk-free entertainment to kill boredom. There is no purpose to fight. Nobody fights because they have to. Nobody is fighting for something because there is no reason to fight
Blackout won’t change that. It will only cause some players to leave the game. Some will stop paying. Many people will stop digging. Many will stop producing.
CCP will further simplify the game. Not enough miners? Buy minerals for plex. Not enough producers? Buy ships for plex. Not enough players? Buy SP for plex or do the mission for SP.
Do you want it? I do not.
That’s why I stopped playing now to show CCP that I don’t want to go that way. I want EVE to be dangerous to everyone. Not only dangerous to the vulnerable. I want corporations and alliances to fight each other out of necessity, not for entertainment. I want victory to be decisive for achieving the strategic goal, not for whose fleet has lost more isk.
I want fights. I don’t want tournaments. I don’t want execution. I want the blood and sweat of warriors, not sheep


Wow you are very emotive in your wording.

I suppose you get out of it what you want to.

The main difference between us is I think I can be happy with less.

We are truly blessed to have such a progressive game company combat MMO addition. Now you get to enjoy the real world! :slight_smile:


You say you want real fights but it takes two sides to start a fight. One side is out there shooting whatever they can find, so what is your side doing? Nothing, I guess. Watching a roaming gang fly through your space which apparently is filled with defenseless people.

How about fighting because you simply don’t want some arseholes flying around your space shooting at defenseless people? Simple pride in your alliance and in the space that you own, isn’t that motivation enough? If not then why own sov at all?

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I like this para-graph

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