Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

Then it wasn’t fanfest,… maybe it was a null roundtable @Vegas. It’s on youtube.
“No Local” “No Local” “No Local” - Null block getting what they want yet again, only this time they didn’t know what they were asking for LOL

And you’ve got evidence that this was ‘leaders/CEOs and other from null alliances’? I mean we basically didn’t go to the CCP events at Vegas last year. We went to the Imperium dinner, and then parties among Imperium guys.

It’s very Brisc

35 to 40k ships lost per month = ships worth under 100,000,000 per loss. Never realised WH’rs flew so cheap.
1% of losses, sorry but not very impressive, especially when you take into account how much can be made by a few in WH space.

Like in Nul, WH have the “haves” and the “have not’s”, from your figures the second group has far more losses. Which “just” fits in with the rest of Eve.

I didn’t do the math - This is the presentation

As I said, have’s and have not’s - Lowest losses in best WH’s owned by biggest groups, how is this any different to nul?

He states in the presentation ship losses tend to be more expensive - Yet the figures he uses indicate average loss is under 100 mil isk, pretty low for one of the highest isk making areas in the game.

Maybe CCP should make access to WH’s easier - Especially the higher class WH’s where a few make more isk per day than most nul residents can make in a week.

There is a lot of isk generated in Nul every week but trust me, it is by no means a balanced even thing. Funny, WH space is EXCATLY the same, just less accessible for the masses.

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I love the local blackout, but this is a retarded argument. Guaranteed ship loss by unavoidable, and unkillable NPCs vs player created safety mechanisms that require actual humans asses in seats and can be countered… Please stop repeating that kind of nonsense.


And that safety ceiling is far far too high, which is awful design for something like nullsec. It needs to have a hard cap, through mechanics keeping all nullsec activities vulnerable to a degree, no matter how players try to break the system. Doesn’t matter where in nullsec, or what organization is holding it, or how much they’ve managed to recruit: Nullsec being safer than highsec is just flat out borkd and is one of the main reasons Eve is awful at the moment.

Blackout is awesome, but again, this is ■■■■■■■■.

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Yup. But it’s the game design we’ve got, so it’s the game design we’re gonna use.

Edit oh, and as for this…

This is straight up nonsense. Not because null should be safer—it shouldn’t—but null being safer is a symptom. It’s like saying ‘you know, that cough is one of main reasons that guy over there is unhealthy’. Nope. The cough isn’t why he’s unhealthy, smoking 3 packs a day for 20 years and developing lung cancer is why he’s unhealthy. It’s also why he’s coughing.

EVE isn’t awful because we’re actually able to make good on CCP’s promise that we could actually build empires and secure our space. EVE’s awful because CCP hasn’t got the first goddamned clue what the hell the actual problems with EVE are, or how to go about fixing them… which is also why we’re able to secure our space as well as we are.

Defensive umbrellas that make offensive wars all but unwageable and ratting and mining nearly perfect safe aren’t the cause of EVE’s problems, they’re a result of EVE’s problems. And CCP needs to get their heads our of their collective rectums, stop trying to fix symptoms, and address the problems with the game, instead of blaming the players.

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Funny thing is - All through the development that led to what we have today (Fozziesov, Structures, Rorquals, just to name the worst) THOUSANDS of players and player groups warned CCP of the problems that could arise from the changes.

CCP in its wisdom ignored every warning they received and are now desperate to find “easy fixes” for problems they themselves created over a period of years.
This so called “era of chaos” will not succeed, the blackout is already an enormous failure as it does nothing to address the long term problems in Nulsec.
Sure it may have gotten rid of some botters but compared to the overall Stagnant state in NUL - Botters aren’t an issue.,.

The largest groups in Nul are seeing recruiters backed up with so many App from players and Corps - This really is the Worst outcome related to blackout and surely one CCP should have foreseen.


I wouldn’t even waste your keystrokes in here Praising or Opposing the black out anymore… You need to look at your audience (CCP) … They are literally a straight up clueless about any big picture. Falcon giving Hilmar all his dev information about EVE Fundamentals is like finding James316 from CODE to organize the New Player Experience… thisll prolly be my last post.

When you add it all up… unlimited multibox’ing rorquals (GREAT FKING IDEA BTW) , 10+ 500 mil "Stations"in every null system, and unlimited skill injectors…

Like really how long have you been working on even some of most simplest basic changes that are like RED ALERT OVER DUE!!! I falsely had faith about some kinda player controlled local mechanic… but damn… how long is that gonna take… like 5 years or what? This is a lost cause…

Also… some might think… damn bro… “Calm Down, Miner” … just think within the last 3 years only… How many man hours of dry ass grinding from the population of nullsec has gone on… The metric is probably a ludacris ■■■■ ton…all those hours geared at building this, conquering that, killing those people, getting more SP, getting more ships… ect ect… just to have it basicly undermined by CCP intervention… cause someone was reading reddit and the term “perfect intel/safer than highsec” sounded catchy. IT IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE

Without local ANY subcap activity that is not PVPing IN FORCE (or cloaky/kiting/shooting PVE Ships) IS SUICIDE.

So trolling these forums … say … compared to carrier ratting… this is much better…


It is kinda weird this topic is still active .After reading a lot of posts i would rly have to say to everybody that local comms black out is permanent , a lot of people here believe that wining or linking charts about the online players will change ccp decision , your are wrong after the talking in station show u can see that the ceo of ccp and the top developers are 100% on board with this new changes and the ones they will come, they also mentioned the feedback from the changes are so great etc.If its for the better or worse time will show, but everyone who have worked in companies know that if a project got the ceo signature its failure means his fired so everyone will try to succeed.CCP produce a product we are the costumers if you don t like the product do not buy it .It was mensioned that nul sec was safer than high sec , for me that is a joke and zkillboard is full of losses if you are not careful you die.It was also mentioned that local chat is the perfect intel tool lol you got to be in system also d scan also pay attention to gather intel about the people in the system etc.Local chat for me helps to get content and avoid been blobed , i kinda like fighting solo against people that know what they are doing and have pvp fits etc .About the issue of boating if ccp removed local for that that shows me they are incompetent, its like cutting your hand because you have an infection .The only sure thing i know is that eve has become boat friendly and human unfriendly.The reasons for that is simple lets say you rat for 3 hours with a ticket of 50 mil thats 450 mil u can buy a cta ship and have like 100 mil left how many clicks u have to make with the fighters how many screens u got to watch because u got your alt next door to watch for incoming people now to all that u can ad d scan too witch only save u from no cloackys.to make 50 mil tickets u kinda need 2 toons 1 in a carrier 1 in a gila or something like that thats 2,4 bil on the field so nah .Solution be a miner join the mining blob with a roqual and press the panic button that saves you.The changes of Rorqual made the market fill with ore cause back then Rorqual was a boosting ship at the poss and miners used mining barges another bright idea .I dont like mining at all its rly boring but its the new meta.About the people that write comments like can i have your staff when people say they will quit your iq is way bellow average . from what i have seen with the new changes everybody use cloakcy lokis and bombers provi is a wasteland and its kinda hard to find and kill roamers less small gang fights and rly depressing game play.Hilmar said if u can t handle the changes go to high sec that says it all .Btw hs isent a safe place to be war decs to death a lot of ganking and harassment defently not for me and not for the new player that reads about 3k fights and big ships etc.CCP isent reading what people write in here so i will say to everybody that is unhappy with the changes to look for alternatives .with the current changes null sec became more dangerous than whs with less rewards.But as i said it is ccp product if u do not like it don t buy it.For me the game was much better before cidadels fozzie sov etc better fights more people less complicate game play , less time to grid.Hope eve make it throw this era of chaos they should have named it nul sec chaos era but whatever . My opinion for this era of chaos is that is the worse patch ever , and from what i see i strongly disagree with ccp heads but as i said earlier am just a costumer.


I wish I had more than 1 account to unsubscribe


It’s now 2019-08-09, 0723 EVE time, and we got only 16145 population at the time. Can I say that EVE is dying, again?

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More chaos please. :smile: :two_hearts:

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Sure, but every time that’s been said, it’s been wrong.

You do know a game doesn’t have to shut down servers to be dead right?

In comparison to the good years Eve is dead - It just hasn’t laid down so they can fill in the hole yet.

Less content - Less sandbox (in a sandbox game) - Poor design and release structure - Even worse monitoring and balancing of poor changes - Knee jerk intervention from management - Have all led to the sad reflection of EveOnline we have today. The Eve many of us came to luv and devote more time and money to than we should have is gone.

I believe it is not too late but it will take more than bandaids and knee jerk decisions to get the game back on track.

Praise to the Graphics team - Eve has never been more beautiful and thanks to some very poor design decisions, there is plenty of time to sit in space and admire that beauty.,

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Everything is simple. I am not against BO, I am against the fact that the CCP have left the opportunity for pvp players to track my activity through the eva map. With what joy did they do that? why does their god out of nowhere allow pirates to track cyno, npc killing, or system development and not allow the use of local chat? because the one who invented this stupid person does not play Eve and does not see in what situation everything will be fair for all players. CCP if you decide to do something, do it honestly in all aspects and directions, and not from one crinkle in the head connecting two ears. I fly to Rom all the time, and I understand how the current situation with the BO makes it easier for me to capture many Pve ships. Because I have a map of Eve, on which I see everything I need to facilitate the capture of crabs. Although I understand perfectly well that this is the dumbest system from the CCP. Why is there a technology in Eva that allows you to see the activity of other players on all the Eva map and there is no technology that allows you to control the locale at zeros? Is it stupid? Once again I say for CCP if you do this ■■■■ - turn off all this stupid alert system about the actions of other players in the zeros. AT ALL EVERYTHING. and pvp/pve activity and digging and cyno and system development level. Let everything be honest - if another player needs something to learn about the system, he himself must fly into it and only then he will see everything. Without any help from the gods with an incomprehensible radio signal throughout the map of eve.


Stop flying a carrier if it’s so bad…

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