Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

So what you are saying is that areas of null that have not changed hands should lose rewards. So delve would have practically none.

Bit harsh.

Null is meant to be a space where you build your own empire. Obviously its systems have to support more people on a regular basis. You are making the mistake to think that W-space is the same. Originally, W-space was never meant to be an area of space where you live, where you have structures and permanent residence. I think CCP should fix that instead. :innocent:


Actually that is exactly what WH space was designed for.

And it is not obvious that null needs to support more people, stuck in a WH sounds like the need to support more people, not ā€˜I will just jump to a trade hub spaceā€™

Null needs an axe taken to its rewards, so its probably good with all these people not logging in.

Also less null people, means the price of Plex falls to a price usable by more people, not just those in candy land.

IDK, why not stopping the ISK - Plex trade?

If you had nothing to trade as drive to have the tens of thousands bots as justification for the PCU decline rateā€¦

What else would the ISK - Plex be needed for?

Letā€™s say you would want to pay for your account using time making ISK in the game.
Is it possible today to do that as Toon per Toon level?
I mean, picture the maximum ISK production derived from a single Toon -vs- the Plex price plus the investment in time and assets to make that toon viable for such production.

You might find that if the current state of affairs keep going, you wonā€™t be able to Toon per Toon a Plex and ā€œpay by playingā€.

So, what does EVE need of a ISK - Plex trade? if in theory, you shouldnā€™t be able to produce a single Plex Toon per Toon.

And by toon per toon, I mean a single account with a single ship at a time, not part of any group, just by itself, no cheatingā€¦ all by the book.

Then it would surface that yes, the ISK - Plex trade is not feasible under normal - non cheating - circumstances and Plex should not be trade-able within the game but just a way to sell time and use as a gift card or whateverā€¦


Why is Plex a way to sell the game? Why making it tradeable for ISK if itā€™s pretty much the drive of all illegal activities?

Then you will understand that ā€¦ meh, maybe this whole deal is not that much about bots, right?

Because if you truly had that necessity, to remove the tens of thousands of bots, why not shutting off the Plex trade within the game?

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It most certainly was not. CCP has repeatedly said that they were very surprised by the development of people staying in wormholes as opposed to doing the intended farming and leaving.

Well assuming you are right. It still means that WH space is more dangerous and null sec should not be as rewarding.

It was never as rewardingā€¦ WH was always better isk / hour than any other place in eve.


Except its not. It can be for a few people but the total rewards in a system are far below that of null.

thats justā€¦ a quick search


And? how does that mean its total system rewards are equal to that of a null sov system? Can another 10 people do the same thing, in the same system?

This is not the days of Aurum, plex is a currency with all sorts of uses besides funding account time.

No local is still BS and should be Fixed. Makes using your low density space in null excessively pointless. Far to easy to sneak down a pipe with anything capable of cloaking.

We have stations and the gates are supposed to be our responsibility why would they not log a pilot coming through.

Simply to annoying to press d scan every few second EVEN if it actually worked, which due to cloaky silliness it often does not.

Once again IF they had made the decision Null was not for casual players anymore they should have told us that., Instead they gave us a fuzzy thing that we had no comparison to decide the risks and sort of misled us into thinking it was a test thing that would be several weeks and if the Devs like it may come back permanent. Instead boom here is the ?chaos" nonsense aka sorry casual player our game is no longer for you, after you spent the last 6 months aligning your skills and gear for this environment.

I might not be as pissed off if it was not a situation of a group of game devs letting something go to the point it becomes standard (I mean what 6+ years?), but within months of me trying out nerfing it with the biggest hammer they can find.

I ran a VNI and a Carrier dual box, it took me a long time to reset my skills for tech 2 fighters and fighter bonus carrier. Then bink Networking array nerf, then VNI nerf one. followed by blackout, followed by VNI sledgehammer, followed by no cynos on carriers. Really? I often wondered if every game uses me as a test, ok when this guy starts using it, it must be overpowered and nerf it.


Most null systems (not all have awesome true sec) the reward drops precitously once a few hard core ratters step in. I know my Carrier/Vni combo was able to basically needed the two rock havens and a sanctum to hit optimal payout. The gas haven liked to eat fighters and so did some lesser sites. Those lesser sites would pay out less optimal to others in system if they stayed out of my way.

So, I supect 4-5 ratters was the most we could have to see even 80% of the ā€œthe big bucksā€

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Yes, which is why a dropoff in PLEX volume traded indicates more accounts inactive than just those who PLEX their accounts.



no need for me to check trade volume of Plexā€¦checked corp - and alliance chat, checked Mumbleā€¦

only a few players left in Null, maybe EveĀ“s not dying, but small corps and alliances in Null do.

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Wow Mark wormholes more dangerous than Null because of asset safety? Youā€™re not supposed to store months worth of loot in there, noob. And just because you canā€™t afford a Dread doesnā€™t mean dreadbombs donā€™t existā€¦


Of course, shatty skins. :joy:

If you buy 100 Plex and wait for someone to krab to the bone with bots and buy that Plex with ISK,

Where is your revenue?
You just spent $1500 rouglyā€¦

How much money did you make?
In exchange what you have is a big pile of ISK you never mined or ratted. You donā€™t have a way to backup all that ISK. You are ISK laundering.

Will you ever get the $$$ back?
Or a markup??

Is it that all Bots just went RMT?
If so, why are so little RMT caught?

Why CCP allows for more than one Plex be sold per account / month? Do they care?
If Plex was not meant as in game trade of real money, why is CCP allowed to trade ISK in real money represented in Plex and not the other way?
Why canā€™t someone just get out and sell 100 Plex he just bought in game with botting and ā€¦


Ssooo, I can just go out, but 100 Plex, get back in, capitaliza in ISK and be the owner of a bunch of assets for no particular reason?
Because honestly, there is no reason to pile up assets ifā€¦


Because there is no big enough conflict to burn all that ISK in the first place.
Then, why didnā€™t the Plex ISK price ever went down?

Because those who buy Plex are not bots. Botting is used to buy only those Plex for their accounts to run.

The rest was ā€œlegalā€ ISK?

Why would the BO be implemented against bots then? it could have taken the Bots in a rush but ā€¦ no legal ISK makers? just people that are not cheating?
How many were those? How many did make ISK legally in the game and bought Plex for gaming.
How many did bot to buy plex and sell it IRL?

In the end, the person who bought the Plex in the first place, if he is not part of the botting and not part of the RMT, when did he get the money back?

LOLā€¦ To much work??? I started back in 2007 and have watched EVE get easier and easier. And itā€™s not just eve. Several games I really liked have done similar things to make the game easier and itā€™s getting disgusting really. I frankly love it when a game gets some difficulty put back in. In short ā€œEMBRACE THE CHALLENGE!!ā€

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Yeah Iā€™m sure your since 2007 you just out ratting in your ishtarā€¦ waiting to get gankedā€¦ loving the change the whole timeā€¦