Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

The null that was dangerous and which you loved had local… so local isn’t the determining factor in null becoming EZ mode. Let’s think for a minute about what’s changed in null since you last had fun there.

  • super cap proliferation and the obsolescence of sub caps
  • citadel proliferation
  • tethering
  • excavator drones

Fixing any one of these would do more to bring back your null nirvana that simply cutting local. The only effect that would have would be to close the game.


Caracals are fast enough to scatter away from a spooling DD - what kind of noob FC would loose his gang in such a way? Probably the same kind that thinks they deserve a fair fight when intruding someones space and touching their ratting ships… Really if thats what you want you have to ask nicely instead of going around poiting things that are not for you.
I don’t quite get the ‘fun’ in free kills but thats a useless debate annyways since CCP simply can’t pay it’s bills anymore if nullsec stops loging in.
Why don’t you just live in W-space if thats the playstyle you like?


I guess we are approaching new Balos here! :heart_eyes:

We used to have guns on ships jamming but apparently CCP removed this feature and changed it so that they jam for everyone but the person making them jam - If we applied the same logic to the blackout you would have a system where non-sov members would see local but sov-members would not.

Did I mention I did not like the ECM changes

Well this is too bad… I liked Blackout. It gave back the feeling of danger that eve has everywhere, except in null-sec owned by the large groups.


Or simple math. CCP banned over 4200 bots, a record number for a single month, shortly after Blackout launched. Total PCU drop was apx 5k in that time. :thinking:

This! It’s the very core of the stagantion problem we face currently.

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Not like you ever venture into nullsec anyway judging by your killboard.

As was stated before, nullsec was and is ‘dangerous’ even with local as the daily kills of thousands of ships there prove.
Those crying for the removal of local only want to further their no risk gameplay style of getting 100% risk and effort-free ganks. It has zero to do with game health or stagnation. In fact, you would choose to make your ingame live a bit easier at the expense of EvE’s very existence.


Not. Even. Close.

Try 6200 banned in one day.

And as that 4200 (which was offset by July having only 700 banned, bringing the 2-month avg back in line with the ~2000/month from the first half of the year) doesn’t give us any assurances that the bot farms didn’t just spin up new accounts as fast as they were banned—which is the normal result of bot bans in all MMOs. So no, there’s no credible way to claim the PCU drops (which exceeded 7400) was offset by the bot bans.

Worth noting that online numbers are roughly 10% of total subs in the MMO world (can dig out a source from Blizz for this). So 30,000 online translates to around 300,000 subs. Banning 6200 is thus equivalent to a drop of 620 online.

It’s clear that the drop was not simply bot farms and CCP could clearly see this from their metrics which is why the Blackout was thankfully lifted.


I have the answer !! Alternate weeks of ban !!!

Every other week enable Local, Every other other week disable Local - all parties are satisfied at least half of the time.

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I was not sure when it was announced, but then when it happened, I got use to it and actually liked the blackout.; it forced me to ‘fly safe’. However, many many more people hated it and stopped logging or coming to null; and my home in null went silent, no more fights to be found in my TZ. So, wasn’t a good thing in the end ir, and still not sure yet if the friends who unsubbed and stopped playing are coming back.

I was an Indy character prior to the blackout and new to null. It wasn’t hard to adapt to putting out scouts and scaling back to cheaper ships to scale down the risk. It just made a tedious exercise even more tedious. Every activity became a group effort which was fun for ops but less so for smaller endeavors.

I would argue that none of us would have complained about a BO if the CCP numbnuts had first released the appropriate counter measures (intel structures for example). So hopefully @CCP_Falcon, @CCP_Hellmar and co have learned their lesson from this debacle and moving forward when planning a major change, they will think twice about doing it and first release whatever counter measures are needed.

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I am entertained by all the carebears complaining about the fact that null sec was no longer safer than low or high sec.

Maybe the Blackout would have been more accepted if it was more balanced.

Before it happens, the situation was like that for both sides.
- Tools for PVPers to find targets : the filters of the ingame map or the externals websites like Dotlan, Zkillboard (for knowing PVEers fits), cloaked ships, Dscan, Local to see if there is a target.
- Tools for PVEers to avoid being killed : Dscan, social interactions (intel channels), Supercap Umbrella if available, Local (most efficient for them).

Zkillboard and the ingame map are too delayed and inadequate to be used by PVEers as an intel tool, apart for avoiding gatecamps. They permit to know populated areas and NPC farming sectors or even most jumped systems, so they are more interesting for PVP. Still, the Local is largely efficient for defense than for finding an easy target, so it is an essential tool for PVEers.

That means that with the Blackout, the PVEers was cleary at a disadvantage, and he was worse with time as people was leaving the game and so reduced even more the efficiency of the intel channels and of the Supercap Umbrella. And when CCP declared that the cynos was about to be nerfed, PVEers would lose one another tool (no need to be on standby in capital ships as jumping was made less efficient and more costly).

At the same time, PVPers using cloaked ships got more chances to kill targets easily. I lost a Gnosis this way despite having the Dscan opened and regularly refreshed.

So… Blackout + Cynonerf =
- Tools for PVPers to find targets : the filters of the ingame map or the externals websites like Dotlan, Zkillboard (for knowing PVEers fits), cloaked ships, Dscan
- Tools for PVEers to avoid being killed : Dscan

And some people seriously expected the PVEers to continue playing in this situation ?

So… If CCP removed (yes I meant removed, not delayed) the filters of the Ingame map and any ESI related endpoints (and so nerfed Dotlan) AT THE SAME TIME that they removed the Local, it would have been more balanced and so maybe more tolerated, because the PVPers would have to work to find targets instead of relying on the remaining free intel tools of the game, and our side would have to find ways to adapt.

The only answer was to “HTFU, PVEers”, and as the PVPers was crying because of the Supercap Umbrella, the Cynonerf was coming… So the PVEers decided to win EVE.

Next time, don’t remove intel of only ONE side. In skirmishes and war, both sides have them. So it is both sides without ANY intel, or both sides with decent intel. No side should be advantaged, or the other one will die.

And so we died. Most of the PVEers at least.


I’d be happy if they manage a way to give chaos to the players in the form of arsenal, ships, modules, etc.

And fix SOV

the rest is BS

Too bad CCP didn’t have these intel structures (~37:15 mark) ready for blackout. Making them hackable as you suggest would have made blackout a much more exciting experience- and likely better received.

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You are just attention whoring.

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Kids!.. this wasn’t an election…

You can’t upvote the past.

BO is gone.

There’s a lot to fix and if you guys don’t look to the future and contribute…

It will happen again.