Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

The big counterargument to the intel structures is: structure spam.

The largest nullsec coalition in the game needed to spend a full 6 weeks running fleets 24/7—3-4 fleets out at all times, every day to kill all of the structures in 1 relatively lightly-populated region. By comparison, we estimate that it would take us about a year and a half to burn down Delve. Any smaller group… at least 2 full years to clear a single region.

Before introducing more structures, CCP needs to address the difficulties with clearing current structures. One timer. No timer at all for low power structures. No damage cap on low power structures. Nuke asset safety, and put in the ability to file a ticket via the account management website to have your possessions mothballed in escrow or something if you abruptly need to be offline because of an emergency of some sort.

And then, yeah, expand the hacking game through the entosis link. Make it active gameplay, not the lame ‘orbit button for 10-60m while people watch you’ they’ve copied from FW.


Delayed intelligence data :thinking: My first reaction big no. But as I continued reading i found something I liked. Delay allows the fleet to enter an area, adds more confusion, forces players to send out scouts to collect intelligence what is relay happening. What it brings out? Player skills! Intelligence is not code written data that appears to you with ms accuracy. Because that’s what I expect from the game, a game against another person’s skills. The game is just rules and tools. I don’t want to fight the code!

Why I do not support full blackout. I believe there is a solution to every problem and you are not the first to face this problem in the world, find this solution.
I see the empire as a world created, but 0.0 is a world that has to be built by you.
Logically speaking, the longer you rule a region in real life the better your defense, intelligence, logistics gets. You conquer the city, the first step is building strongholds, next comes logistical network, and finally you put up cameras with face recognition lets call it intelligence network. In real life, all of them can be broken. Question to Black Out supporters! Why shouldn’t I get in 0.0 chance to build my own intelligence network? I can build it, you can break it. Here’s why i like the idea of delayed intelligence. The longer you hold a region, the better your intelligence network will be, just like in real life! Just black out, it seems to me city street with no lighting, and who wants to walk in the dark? You don’t walk in the dark, you start looking for a solution, why you don’t allow people to create light in the dark if you are given the option to put it out?

  1. 0.0 intelligence network building capability.
  2. the farther from the regions capital, the slower the data network.
  3. To cover the entire star system, you may need more than one capital (keepstar)
  4. intelligence network can be broken, hacked, manipulated, the closer to the capital the harder it is.
  5. hacks, brake downs affect the whole constellation.

The healthier and stronger the Alliance is the better the network works, let the best win.

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Well it is looking like CCP Caved in for less than 2000 logins.

Hope it was worth destroying the future of the game for.

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That was past week dude. This week´s news is the people crying on how they no longer can stay unnoticed while afk cloakcamping in a T3, or how they cannot longer cheaply drop some carriers on a porpoise.

But adapt or die and such, right?

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aww why ccp … now come all the stupid bots back qwq

@Mark_Marconi that number is not accurate per say, because CCP basically said to players “screw you” and so, many have not or may never come back after this debacle. CCP lost whatever trust players had in them by screwing with null sec operations and null sec life.

@Arrendis the only thing I don’t like about your idea is the removal of safety assets. I do think safety assets is a needed feature


No they screwed the players by caving in to null sec. A tiny part of EvEs population.

Null needed rebalancing and the BO was a good start, now they have just signed the games death warrant.

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WOW would you mind sharing some of your drougs with me? Must be good stuff =)

Mark, your tears are delicious!

You should write a blog about living the wormhole life as an alpha. That could be truly uplifting - embracing the dangerous nature of EvE like the man you are and all…


Greetings all. My idea for the local / no local argument regarding null sec space:


Only one satellite can be deployed at any given time within a constellation and would provide local to every system within the constellation that it is deployed.

A satellite can be deployed anywhere within a constellation, require no fuel, and different variations would be more difficult to scan down and locate than others (similar to mobile depots). If a hostile entity locates a satellite it can be destroyed without any timers; reinforcement.

A satellite could be deployed for either a corporation or an alliance and would have a pass-worded permissions tab (similar to an intel channel) thus allowing whoever deploys the satellite the ability to share / block information.

Null sec systems without satellite coverage would not have local.

NPC null sec systems by default always show local, satellites not allowed.


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Sounds like repeated idea for the millionth time.

My thoughts are that sounds like several months worth of development time for a problem that could be solved a lot simpler.

Again Null has made the phrase Tears pointless.

They whined so much producing so much salt, no one can ever be said to have produced tears. It is like equating an ocean to a cup of water.

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But, what are my ideas for fighting inflation, you say? Here are some tracks:

Fine, Luka LAMARR. Then please allow me to dispute you point-by-point:

Increase taxes

Here’s what increased taxes does: It immediately increases prices to reflect the cut into the profit margin. This is especially bad for smaller entities, for whom many forms of income will effectively become unprofitable due to way too small margins.

Taxes are generally great for bigger entities, in a competition perspective, because they can better manage to live off smaller margins. And by more easily out-competing smaller entities because of smaller profit margins, they can more easily stay in power for longer. This is in general why big corp begrudgingly accepts higher taxes, while most smaller entities don’t even have enough man-power to complain.

Most people don’t notice it at all, because they are on welfare or trying to work a minimum-wage job—in essence another protection scheme that keeps smaller entities form competing—i.e. starting a competing business isn’t even part of their reality, and thus they become dependent on the state forcing higher and higher taxes.

That’s real life. Now superimpose that on EVE, and I’m sure you can see how badly it’ll effect the EVE economy.

Tax the great powers

Again, this will just lead to game stagnancy, fewer fights, and less things happening in general. The Great Powers already have taxation schemes themselves, to keep up ‘welfare’ for their members (a.k.a. ship replacement programs, etc).

Conversely, this is exactly why there’s so little happening in High Sec, because everything is taxed to death there. It’s a great example of how tax together with smaller profit margins stifles growth and emergent gameplay, actually.

Unlike in real life, where welfare generally keeps smaller entities and private citizens from competing in the market, in-game this alliance welfare means more people have an icentive to risk their ships to fight wars with you.

Power pay in ISKs to raise his standings / security status. But beware, not a small sum, a real sum.

Not sure what you mean by this, but it sounds bad. There are already good mechanism to raise standing and sec status in the game. But yeah, as an ‘ISK sink’ I guess it could work to fight inflation, as in ‘spending power,’ only the effect would be that more bad-guys would have easier access to high sec.

Pay ISKs to raise a skill level

What are you on about? That’s what skill injectors are for!

Players who are concordoken could also pay the price of the intervention at Concord.


Decrease loot fairy.

I understand, now. You’ve been trolling this whole time… You got me good there! :smiley:

Increase the cost of production: taxes, minerals needed for example.

Awesome! More tax! And instead of game content, CCP can dole out ‘content’ on a case-by-case basis based on real world welfare policies!!! :smiley:

These are just ideas, but put together, they could have a real impact on the game economy.

Yes. Yes they will! It will completely stifle all gameplay and make EVE into a mining simulator real quick! Great job there! :smiley:

only salt i see thoose days is yours… in evry Forum youre wining like a 3 year old tooked away hisn ice cream.


my thoughts… that guy whants to be lite but hes crying like a BossBabe all day Long. even the carebears and boters didnt wined so heavy.

So you are unable to understand the concept of scale.

Thats Ok I will just block you.

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no sir pls DONT … you bring my childs tru da college with the salt i sell from your Tears.

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I guess it would be too much to ask what BO effect you wish yo prevail and propose other methods to achieve.


Ok, I want easy kills. So, to solve it, please CCP make local names warpable with a simple mouseover click.

Thanks CCP, now I will PVP and won’t whine for the immediate intel which advantages I can’t even explain.


Why people hate big Alliances? This is the natural course of things.Do not worry, nothing lasts forever. Big ones also fall apart so new can rise. Stop creating unreal rules in game.