TF that’s going on my head is that by fixing SOV, there would be significantly less issues.
The way to fix it needs creativity.
The rest is me blabbing some stupid ideas but it’s only as example and I truly believe SOV should be addressed before any other change because it’s an environmental, omnipresent feature.
It’s similar to what was attempted with Blackout, to alter an environmental feature. Well, in this case, it would be to re-build an environmental construct with new rules.
Supers and titons should remain as they are, same as cynos, cloaks, jump bridges, modules, etc.
The Null is the answer to all issues, which makes one wonder… if it’s " only the 12%" of all EVE, why bother?
Anyway, back to topic: It would be wiser to attempt a solution from the SOV’s perspective and leave the rest as is, because if you even try otherwise, it will never happen, we wouldn’t ever even end the discussion of cloak, for example.
Instead, try to bend the spoon by the handle, not the contents.
Don’t derive in personal counter-posts. The scale will not be affected. It would just be impossible to exercise extreme unbalanced confrontations, if you look at it from an open perspective.
So, if any super powered entity would like to obliterate a tiny other, it would be limited by mechanics depending on the system it takes place.
Free for all where there is no SOV
Limited according to local SOV conditions if any.
I don’t understand why you wouldn’t expand infinitely… or the so called scale-limit-free…
It’s just like unlimited plans… they don’t exist. There is no such thing as limit-less in a closed environment because it will collapse.
Just try to be open minded a bit and consider SOV as solution. Think about it for a while and come back with a proposal. Be smart!