Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

I don’t think it’s a question of allure.

Big alliances are just too big, so their sole flaw is cohesion between individuals.
They have no opposition and there is no counter in game, they don’t fight each other, etc.
They don’t obliterate smaller entities not precisely because they can’t.

It’s like when you became Mike Tyson’s punch bag, remember?.. No?

Well but you get the idea.

Remember Goons were at war when those drifters started spawning. Ofcourse noone wants to go over the logistical nightmare of deploying thousands of people if CCP might to something stupid again any day and SOV warfare is just bad, but still, it’s not like they don’t try.
Ofcoure small groups are meaningless for those kinds of conflict and thats how it’s supposed to be. Any other game out there has a max number of people who can take part in any one fight.
To compete you need the numbers, the industrial output and diplomacy - it’s an entirely different game from anything you get below Dunbar’s number.

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Roll back the stupid cyno changes if you want any hope of players returning. This was an epic disaster.

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Maybe a solar system should have “sustainable limits” call them the K level.
meaning a combo of

Whatever else comes to your pumice or brain, if you will

Once each of the levels which are already in game in the form of indexes, etc… get to higher segment,
each of the chapters can expand either to adjacent systems or remote ones with similar levels…

  • Jump Bridges would work between similar K types with the known range limits
  • SOV would only enable if adjacent systems have adequate “propagable” SOV according to K factor under the same entity
  • Defense or PVP could only “fill” a system to certain limit determined by K, including ship types functionallity (all ships can travel through but some have limitations in functionallity)
  • Structures would only be buildable when K factors allow
  • Only certain number of top K systems could exist per constellation (1 or 2) and which would be the only ones where supers & titons can do anything other than travel
  • Only certain number of top K systems could belong to a single entity, proximity between top k systems would affect each other’s SOV propagability

It’s my fantasy world, yes but essentially what I mean is:


So, it’s not gonna happen.

Or maybe you go play a game that doesn’t advertise scale-limit-free space battles as one of it’s main and unique features?
Litterally no other game does this - so much to choose from! WTF is even going on in your head?

TF that’s going on my head is that by fixing SOV, there would be significantly less issues.

The way to fix it needs creativity.

The rest is me blabbing some stupid ideas but it’s only as example and I truly believe SOV should be addressed before any other change because it’s an environmental, omnipresent feature.

It’s similar to what was attempted with Blackout, to alter an environmental feature. Well, in this case, it would be to re-build an environmental construct with new rules.

Supers and titons should remain as they are, same as cynos, cloaks, jump bridges, modules, etc.

The Null is the answer to all issues, which makes one wonder… if it’s " only the 12%" of all EVE, why bother?

Anyway, back to topic: It would be wiser to attempt a solution from the SOV’s perspective and leave the rest as is, because if you even try otherwise, it will never happen, we wouldn’t ever even end the discussion of cloak, for example.

Instead, try to bend the spoon by the handle, not the contents.

Don’t derive in personal counter-posts. The scale will not be affected. It would just be impossible to exercise extreme unbalanced confrontations, if you look at it from an open perspective.

So, if any super powered entity would like to obliterate a tiny other, it would be limited by mechanics depending on the system it takes place.
Free for all where there is no SOV
Limited according to local SOV conditions if any.

I don’t understand why you wouldn’t expand infinitely… or the so called scale-limit-free…
It’s just like unlimited plans… they don’t exist. There is no such thing as limit-less in a closed environment because it will collapse.


Just try to be open minded a bit and consider SOV as solution. Think about it for a while and come back with a proposal. Be smart!

You know there is no sov in Highsec? Also none in Low or W-space and not even in NPC null.
If your group is too meaningless to even engage in diplomacy with sov holders a wormhole would be better suited for your needs.

My Corporation came from nothing but we made a name for ourselves to the point where we were able to join Goonswarm and made Delve our home.

If you’re too self important to join another alliance (or too bad to be considdered worthy) come and take my sov like a man.
Don’t tell CCP to change the rules so you and your five friends have an even chance against thausands.

Ok, nvm

You go ahead and cherrypick.

Omnipresent as environmental feature compared to BO… I did not say anything about HS. We’re talking about BO here

Jup i don’t even have to start in that direction. It’s an open Sandbox - you can’t “balance” a numerical advantage away and still have a sandbox.
You’re not interested in engageing in diplomacy, you have no business living in sov.

Ok, you know? I just used your post as excuse to open everyone’s mind about issues I believe we should focus on.

Please forget I’ve even tried and just read casual.

It’s just an idea. Nothing personal.

I swore i wasn’t going to do this again but - That “tiny part of Eve’s population” has been the driving force behind recruitment - When was the last time you saw the media cover a war in highsec, lowsec or even your treasured Worm Holes?

Pretty sure the history of Eve has broken that old adage - The only times a major force has been “eliminated” in Eve has been via, theft and or a spy.
Most notably - BOB, who’s alliance was disbanded by “a trusted member”, prematurely ending a great war.
CO2, who had their Keepstar signed over to an attacking force - Ending what could have been “a great war”.

  • There was more to these events but basically these actions caused the downfall of these groups. Awesome battles and prolonged fights had little to do with the demise of these great powers in Eve.
  • Current mega groups have learned over the years not to trust more people in positions of power than they need to, to avoid the same fate.

Sorry but corp with 8 dogs + 4 cats a budgie and their master can get into Goons.

If you knew Anything about Goons/CFC/Imperium you would know “Diplomacy is conditional” Goons have their traditional allies and enemies - Everyone else will be blued or set red depending on prevailing conditions > “Who’s attacking who right now” and do we like them more than those they are attacking

NB; ALL major groups in Sov Nul work the same way - It’s called “survival of the biggest”.,.

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Also nothing personal against you but what you propose doesn’t fix sov, but turns eve into an entirely different game…

Sov space is dominated by large blocks because thats the natural thing humals will do. The designation “nullsec” never made any sense annyways.
There was no danger for the first ones to move there untill another group decided they want that stuff for themselves. Now there is relative safety because the empire is an island of civilisation in an ocean of barbarism.
Only another civilisation can challange a civilisation. Rome had degenerated for centuries before it fell to barbarians.

Small corps operate in a completely different framework and don’t get to experience this side of EVE if they are not willing to engage in diplomacy.
Providence is like a region of city states with a mutual defence agreement - still diplomacy but you keep your autonomie.
As we have seen with BO less cohesion also means less resiliance.
And ‘pure’ PVPers are no more than savages in this picture. They can raid our villages but never influence the big picture. Hell they even pay us for their privilege to PVP, first with PLEX and then by giving the ISK to some industrialist.

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The biggest issue is the best way to be “good at Eve” is join a major null sec group. Weve lost alot of good players, who actually try to be inventive and cunning, to the N+1 Titan fleets. Everyone seems to want easy mode and null caters to that whether its PvP or industry. Players arent saying null should become a barren wasteland, but at the same time it shouldnt be able so easy and simple to multibox/bot the trillions of isk just so they can continue to use their vast resources to entrench their already solid position in the game.

If you want the game to die just keep removing thinking as part of the game since all you have to do is read the spreadsheet someone else already made.

IDK, maybe don’t fix SOV and try on everything else.

That will work.


You can multibox x alts and run highsec incursions all day or do it with Dreads in wormholes.
Why single out Nullsec? Bacause you don’t get economie of scale?
And there is no such thing as a ‘best way’ of being good at EVE. If you want to be good at market trading you’r best way it to have alts all over Highsec and maybe 1dq. If you want to be good at solo PVP your corp and location don’t matter at all…

The vast resources come from thousands of people working together versus a few tens here and maybe a hundred there, who all work only for themselves.
Next you demand your lemonade stand be able to achieve the same annual profit as coka cola, right?

Faction warfare has it’s arenas that can’t be entered by Titans, neither can Wormholes. More options for different kinds of fights, even with limited numbers would be interesting and probably good for the game but that does not have to be done within sov space.
Low Sec would be the obvious option since FW is long overdue for an upgrade.

Sov warfare itself also needs some work but the issue here is not ‘large alliances’
it’s the entosis system and structure creep that make sov warfare bad…

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There was a reason i put best in Eve in quotation marks if you have a hard time understanding sarcasm.

In high sec resources are fought over more in terms if ore and ice.

As for “All day with dreads in WH” i have yet to get that many sites respawn on a regular basis to actually run All day. In null your sites respawn at an unreasonable rate.

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Highsec is just a bad idea period. Thats the price they pay for concords valueable protection…
Actually thinking of it i wonder why CCP doesn’t use Highsec for some experimentation first and foremost.
Not like new player retention could get much worse at this point…
But Incursions make easily the same money as a carrier and are easyer to multibox.

WH sites have a much higher payout at once. I don’t hear many wormholers complain about being spacepoor but for all i care CCP can raise the spawnrate if thats an issue.
Making EVE more grindy won’t do any good for content in any case so i’d allways prefer it the other way around and spend more time in fleets than in ratting sites…

You dont hear WHers complain about WH space because if they do they generally just leave and go either to high or null.

High seccers complain about ganking bumping etc.

Null sec complains about anything that changes unless it makes things easier for them to krab.

Low sec usually complains about FW and capital blobs. Tbh low sec is the only one with reasonable complaints.

Null seccers are spoiled with near infinite respawns and never running out or ores to mine or sites to run. Thats why i single them out especially in a thread about changes to null sec. I take my shots at high sec to but they are more of an anoyance then a nuisence.