Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

But it is an absolutely correct rhetoric move when talking to public on a public forum.
You couldn’t realize that and almost had a brain fart, which was only prevented by a fact that you have no brain.

I was never mining under umbrella, and I was never mining in a rorqual, just saying. I won’t have minded blackout if I did, and it made me consider it once again, but self-respect won that one in the end and I unsubbed.

But your post was not “addressing the public” it was a direct response to me, even quoting something I said earlier. Thus your failed backtrack to try and appear intellectual.

At this rate we may yet overflow the thread into part 3. I am sure that storage providers will be overjoyed.

Nah I’m done. Your stupidity is thoroughly demonstrated, and it’s clear on which side of blackout debate more intellectual people are, as if it wasn’t obvious to which side of IQ distribution spectrum blackout catered.

Well at least there is something we agree on. :rofl:

Obviously. You made it very clear how stupids loved it, even despite utterly failing to make any impact during it, just because it gave better people trouble of dealing with it.

You got LESS kills daily over the whole period BO was in place because you didn’t play as much for the early part of it - Ok I guess that makes sense coming from someone who states something, even the owners of the game say was a mistake, was good.

How about you tell us WHY you thought it was so good?
Was it - because your little gangs could sneak around unseen and pop newbie miners (as your KB indicates) in NPC NUL. Or was it popping T1 Frigates in your Lokis?

Honestly, looking at your KB history, you play in a very risk averse fashion - Is this why BO suited you so much and why you disagree with thousands of others?
You don’t go looking for fights as such, you go out looking for easy relatively risk free ganks - Just like many who are supporters of BO and ganking

I’m really sorry but you have no idea and really shouldn’t comment about crabs when the majority of your losses are to NPC’s.

NB; I haven’t shot at an NPC to make isk for many years - I find NOTHING about Eve more BORING.

Anyway, as this thread has more than run its course and there’s nothing left here but a few sad trolls, I’m unpinning it so i don’t get notifications.

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Just to point out that probably 3 out of each 4 rats I pop is for ADM, because we used to get hostile structures in our space all the time during spring and early summer (and literally none during derpout, guess attackers quit as well), so its like low-end rats that just go pop fast for the sake of kill count. And sometimes I need ISK, because owning stuff in nullsec is far from free.

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Seems like EVE needs to add a ‘how to D-Scan’ tutorial which crabs need to complete before they go whining into the great void.

Normally I’d ask how good dscan is against a cloaky covert cyno dropper.

But, like I said, non-pvp hisec scrub alliances don’t get any say in this, shoo.

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He wasn’t cloaked when he entered the system, was he?

Are you serious? He’s uncloaked for ONE TICK before he cloaks after decloaking at the gate. You need to dscan every second to get him, not even allowed to miss one second, and at that speed, you won’t be able to even read what he was in because you’ll have next tick coming. Not to mention that is completely useless because there are also blues and light blues coming through. Suggesting dscan in this situation is complete stupidity, and honestly, if you weren’t CODE, and thus expected complete and utter stupidity and incompetence from, I’d already flip at you, but here I am, explaining eve basics…

But the real situation was a bit different. He (and 2 of his buds) entered our systems before blackout, and stayed there, confirmed with locator agents. We already know he’s there. What’s next, how good dscan will do you?

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Every pilot living in null sec knows how to dscan. And @Orca_Platypus has answered your comment

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When WH’s were dangerous, I would actually catch them on d-scan before they could cloak I hit the button so fast.

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Get those dangerous wormholes.
Add a giant no-mass-limit wormhole you cannot ever close.
Add an automatic enemy reinforcement spawning wormhole every time you’re tackled by every little ■■■■.
Welcome to blackout.

Having someone cloaked in your wormhole is 1000 times less dangerous than it is in derpout nullsec.

Wait, you mean to tell me you don’t have any eyes on the gate??? No wonder you suck at this game! Try practicing in high sec, before you whine in null.

What’s next is you stop relying on local chat to tell you when he is logged in, and you actually try playing with gasp a hostile in ‘your’ system - but I guess it’s really his system, isn’t it?

How come you don’t have any friends to reinforce you, but everyone else seems to have friends to reinforce them? Why is that?


Hahahahaaha I too wonder why that is.


I dont know @Orca_Platypus but I will guess he is part of a small entity. Small entities dont have the manpower to counter a BO, which is why many independent pilots and small entities folded into big ones.

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Local Comms Blackout in Null should be creating content in two ways.

  1. In order for Sov owners to maintain their shipping lines there should be more and more alliance built star gates going up that Reds or Neutrals cannot use.

  2. With more alliance star gates going up the NPC star gates would become less used as alliances using Black Ops and Cyno’s will have points already established to jump into a system. Null space could start to see NPC star gates offlining an disappearing all together as the old star gates are replaced by Sov owner stargates.

How it would be done is simple. Your alliance has twenty or so alts used as a Cyno beacon that are permanently logged off in a system.

You want access to a non-NPC stargated system? You log the Alt-Cyno pilot on light the Cyno, log the pilot off and then go about your daily affirmations. Once finished you log the alt-Cyno back on Cyno out and go about your business.

With the flow of traffic restricted to Null but not entirely void of NPC stargates, eventually though you will run out of NPC star gates thus requiring the need to use a Sov owner’s star gate, Alliances will see less fewer chancers in their systems, increases in ISK from creating Sov owned gates and along with an increase of Black Ops ships to facilitate launching attacks or raids against another Sov.

All of New Eden at one time or another used to be like Null. Gates were not protected where only honesty kept two pilots from beating the pod goo out of each other. Over time as the empires grew so too did the Navies and CONCORD police force to moderate the gates turning the Old New Eden Null into High Sec.

Null space should be brutally primal in aspects of gates. With NPC gates coming down or going offline and not being able to be used for a various amount of time, Null would return to an Old New Eden frontier. But instead of honesty the only thing that will save you is your skills, friends and possibly that Black Ops carrier that just de-cloaked 350km off of the Alt-Cyno you just logged on and lit a cyno with.

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