Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

CCP should do a ‘black out’ on null sec local chat.

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Not really, all you need is one ship…

To be a threat you need experienced people and ships, an entry and targets out in space.
‘being a threat’ without blackout is almost impossible as people who are on the ball (or using bots…) will dock up as soon as anything enters local or when your one or two jumps out.
This wouldn’t be bad if they actually cared to defend their ‘precious’ space from other players without forming into a massive blob after an hour… but theres actually not even a need to do this now… so people stay docked for the most part.

So in three words; you are wrong.

Yea, if they want the game to be shut down…

It is unfortunate how risk averse nullseccers have become.

It’s better that we shut the game down with pride and dignity, rather than keep it going for twenty years as a highsec carebear paradise.

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Null sec is plenty dangerous as it is without CCP playing God…

Almost as risk-averse as the wormholers and small gang hunters who left after Local came back.

Complaining about people being risk-averse is one of the stupidest things I’ve seen people complain about in EVE. Nobody likes feeling like they’ve wasted their time. Everyone takes steps to make sure that when they’re risking something, they’re not doing it for absolutely nothing. You want the reward to be worth the risk. Congratulations, that’s risk-aversion. Population: The whole damned human race.

Feel free to stop playing, if it’s not giving you what you want. Invest your time in something that does.

Oh no, I’m not going to stop. The CODE is dedicated to hunting down every last bear, you will uninstall before we do. Always!

Izzat why James is long gone?

He logs in everyday. Ya know? :wink:

Sure he does.

What happened to you? Did someone gank your mining ship?

I am a firm believer that the game needs to go in the direction of having covert ops frigates be exclusively capable of finding cloaked ships, probably through some sort of unique probe and launcher.

This would be the equiv to interceptors getting nullified, etc. and would help balance the game.

On another note, I told ccp when you introduce blackout, to make sure the local was delayed, and i provided argumentation of why that should be the case. They took it a step further, and out right turned it off (my guess is that it was easier for them to do that).

Im glad they took a step out of their comfort zone, it means they are desperate for solutions, and that is a good thing (as you fight harder when you are desperate).

Back in the day, for a very short time cloaks had an energy usage rate that was very high, it prevented permanent cloaking (if i recall it used % of energy every tick, which ultimately lead to no more then 30 seconds of cloaking).

I’d like reinvestigate this. Im not sure how i feel about the charge system. Economically it is good, and in terms of being deployed and having to go back to resupply is also good, but there is a probably namely that the person is forced to log off if trapped, or that cloaked haulers could in theory just store fuel there and people would find work a around.

I think its much more solid to make it so that it consumes energy.

On another note,

It might be interesting to apply something with the radar systems to the cloaks, allowing specific types of probes to penetrate the cloak based on what type of script (ergo, frequency) its using.

So that would include adding a script slot into the cloak itself, and then mandating a script be used to cloak, then adding a few probes, and maybe some restrictions to (like i said above), covert ops ships to use the probes to find its matched probe-radar (etc) vs the cloaks-radar.

I think hellmar is tanking the game intentionally. This is my theory.

Games are expected to have a 10 year lifespan, if they go longer… great, if not well that is ok (but a bit of a bummer).

Eve really just needs a complete rework. It really would be best for the game. This time around they can weed out some complexity, design the game with more anti-multiboxing aspects to it, and all around improve it.

This is it right here, sadly.

Yes, we are aware that you are a delusional narcissist who thinks that I am the CEO of EVE, and that a profitable business is deliberately killing its primary revenue source for no apparent reason.

We also know that you are a liar and a fraud. You lie about your game design credentials, but you can not post a single profitable game that you have launched. You lie about your CSM votes, but you are not and never will be a CSM member. You lie about having a corp dedicated to helping newbies, but that is just a scam. These lies are obvious to anyone who interacts with you, and every time you are called on it you can only respond with more handwaving and self-promotion.

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Yes, we know that you don’t understand anything about game design in general, or about PvP/risk vs. reward/etc in EVE specifically.

Making cloaks consume resources is stupid as hell and demonstrates an utter lack of understanding about how cloaking is used. You need to understand two important facts:

  1. A ship with active player that is 100% committed to escape (IOW, not busy farming/attacking a PvP target/etc) is impossible to catch even without a cloak. You can warp between safespots faster than anyone can chase you, so as long as you remain active escape is guaranteed. This makes a cloak an offensive module, not a defensive one.

  2. The only reason to stay cloaked for a long period of time is that local gives an overpowered early warning tool to PvE farmers. The only counter to local is to keep your name in local 23/7 so that farmers can’t immediately dock up the moment an active threat exists, and the only way to do that is to cloak in a safespot. But other than that why stay cloaked for an extended period of time when you can just log off if you aren’t going to be active?

The conclusion is that if you remove local as an early warning tool the only uses for cloaks are very short term ones: to hide a ship for a short time as it gets into position to attack, to use the MWD/cloak trick to escape a gatecamp, etc. Anti-cloaking tools won’t have time to work unless they are blatantly overpowered and effectively remove cloaks from the game. And the anti-cloaking side knows this perfectly well. They don’t care about increasing PvP or interaction, they just want a way to restore local as an early warning tool for RMT botting.

(Not that this will help you, Naari, we know you’re stubbornly committed to your idiotic ideas about EVE becoming a PvE farming game, but maybe it will be enlightening to other people.)

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Nobody wants to talk to nullbears anyway. There’s no need for local there.

I had to edit James’ walls of text when he posted them on TMC, way back when. Dude’s more verbose than me and Mittens put together, and uses all those words to say even less.

Ah, so you are too dumb to understand him. Gotcha.