The thing that needs to be fixed not only in highsec, but everywhere is undocking, so many get ganked exiting station even before they even know they’re getting attacked.
There should be a 5-10second invul on any ship undocking, to stop ganking of ships still in black screen.
Your ship is invulnerable for 30 seconds after undocking, or until you take an action-moving, activating a module, targeting something, etc. You remain invulnerable if you merely stop your ship. Seriously. Undock a ship and scope the timer in the top left.
Yes, DSCAN helps you.
You can see them decloak and recloak after they enter system/log in.
You can see probes if you’re at a CS.
If it’s a sabre, you can see it in warp.
There are plenty of times you can see a cloaky. As for recons the eyes you should have on your entries should easily see him (and if you have a brain and eyes are cloaky he doesn’t know you know…)
In either case if you’re playing correctly and you are aligned or taking other precautionary measures, as soon as the cloaky decloaks, or the recon warps in (in both cases they’re on your overview), you just warp out or take whatever other measures you have and it’s no longer an issue.
The only thing having no local punishes is lazy or AFK players, or bots.
Well … my Orca needs some 10 secs to get into warp … so how does that help me against a sabre that doesn’t even have to lock me to keep me from warping ? And what I do not like on the black out … ONLY the small stuff (newbros who cannot fly/afford a rorqual) are getting ganked … absolutly NOBODY will come to aid or rescue. So your point is, that I have to have 1 account on each gate (omega, to stay cloaky) lets say good system with only 2 exists thats 2 omegas that don’t earn a ■■■■■■■ isk, then you have to have 1 account scanning for anos, like WHs, cause not every ganktard comes through a gate, this can be done with the Orca, sofar no loss and then you have to have a (small) pvp fleet that also doesn’t earn a ■■■■■■■ isk … sofar NS doesn’t pay out since I have so many (omega-)accounts that only costs but do not earn isk.
So lets talk about botters. Botters, in this case the big ones, that do huge amount of isk by botting, will just spare some alpha in a pos-bubble attach them with a script to their own “local” and have everything they need. For the pests they just need 1 super parked next to the rorquales, easily afforded, and that’s it … and guess what … they already have that. So no change for them.
The only ones that get ■■■■■■ in the arse are the smaller one without supers and dreads … and as far as I have read posts here and from dev posts … they were not the intended targets. So I qould say … epic failure.
What the testing of balance adjustments means … CCP clearly stated that the blackout is a test. So they ARE testing in release enviroment which is clearly extremly bad behavior against customers. Tests have to be done on test-enviroments, thats what they are made for. Not doing so is a violation of every rule QA writes.
While you consider that, let’s also look at your final point:
This would be true if what was being tested was code. Code isn’t being tested here. Players are. Player reactions and player habits and patterns of behaviors. You can’t actually test that in a test-environment, because:
You’re self-selecting voluntary testers, which skews your results.
You’re limiting the number of interactions because the rest of the population isn’t there, which skews results.
You’re limiting the indirect impact—things like ‘how many people move in/out of null from/to highsec during this?’ Which skews your results.
In other words, if you’re going to take a small subset of the population, unless you have a way to take a 100% completely random sampling of the playerbase and then force them to login to the test and treat it like it’s not a test environment… you’ve screwed your test. The data you’ll get won’t be good data. It will, in fact, be extremely bad data. Not only will you not be able to trust it, you’ll know it’s wrong, but you won’t know how it’s wrong… because you don’t have the good data for comparison.
Some things, I’m afraid, you just can’t accurately model with a non-random sampling of a population subset.
I lived in an orca for a good while. I’ve never lost it.
I already described exactly how to not lose your orce. STAY ALIGNED.
Read posts. Maybe read them twice. Then respond.
As for bots, please create and show the rest of us how bots can work without local.
And as for testing this in test environment… no. They need more data, which they can’t get without you nullibears crying up a river being part of it.
They’ve never even said they were considering that. This isn’t a Beta Test. A beta is a test of how coded systems respond under wider (but still not full-load) usage. This is a behavioral study. CCP isn’t testing ‘no local’, CCP is testing us.
Guess it all depends on your interpretation of what was originally stated. I see reference to ‘The Cluster’ which makes me think of the game environment. If it was about the players I think they would have said ‘The Community’ instead of ‘The Cluster’.
They know what effect it will have on ‘the Cluster’: none.
This will not change the game environment one little bit. All of the systems will be where they were. All of the code will continue to function exactly as it did. Remember, ‘No local’ isn’t new code. They know how it works. They’ve had it up and running for 11 years now.
The real disconnect here, I think, isn’t between you and I. We’re looking at this and applying fairly standardized, reasonably precise language to what we’re trying express. CCP tends to not do that.
I know where you can find some guys out in space, but you might need to reset them. >.>
Oh I agree, CCP says one thing but actually means another.
The fact is it’s a test and they don’t know what affect it’ll have on the game itself. Since Log-in numbers definitely have an affect on the cluster I can understand them using that term, even though they’re probably referring to the community. And of course they won’t come right out and say that for fear of inciting another playerbase riot. Capsuleers don’t like it when it’s confirmed they’re being used as guinea pigs.
And I count on you to correct me. This “seems” be all about botting more than anything else. Has anyone seen a change in botting practices in game yet?