Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

Yeah, my mistake, the average is 25k

Along with Currently online: 20,314

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By looking at the ‘Status Updated’ counter and hitting ‘refresh’. When it hits 1 minute, the next time you refresh will show under a minute. (ie: if it says ‘01m 54s ago’ when you push refresh, it comes up at 00m 00s on page load, then loads the timer and tells you ‘oh, that was 00m 03s ago’ and resumes counting. Try it!)


Yes, which follows the same trend for every Sunday/Monday at this time:

Doesn’t matter, it’s still being counted for the total amount of numbers logged in for that day.

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Which the ‘Max’ doesn’t show. In fact, nothing on the EVE Offline charts that I can find shows ‘total logins per day’. Otherwise, if you login 4 times, you’d count 4 times. It’s a useless metric. CCP could literally inflate their ‘how many people logged in?!?!’ by forcing random disconnects so people would need to log back in.

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There is literally not a single value on that chart that displays “The total amount of players logged in that day”. Not a single one. Every last datapoint on that chart is the number of players currently logged in at this particular minute.

You cannot even derive the number of players logged in during a particular day from that chart.

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Right, and that’s why it states:

Max (24h): 31,816 (2019-07-21 19:16:00)

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Ok, but that’s not…

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Yes. There were 31,816 players simultaneously in the game at 19:16:00. Incidentally, that is the highest value within this particular 24 hour period, making it the max.

That has nothing to do with how many logins there were today, nor how many unique players there were today,


Sooo, max amount isn’t the total amount.

Ok, whatever you say.

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Ok, look:

If 10 people login for 1 hour every hour between midnight and 11am, and 10 people login for 1 hour every hour between 12pm and midnight, but 10,000 people login for 1 hour between 11am and 12pm, all with no overlap, the highest concurrent user count, the ‘Maximum’ number of people on at one time, will be 10,000.

The total will be 10,220.

(Note: Why not 10,230? Because the people who are logged in at midnight should count for the previous day’s numbers. I mean, a case could be made for the 10,230 number by including the people who’ll login again at midnight, but this was back-of-the-envelope stuff and I’m totally overthinking it right now so feh.)
The two numbers measure different things.


10,000 players log in at 00:00 and remain logged in for the entire day.

1000 additional players log in at 12:00 and log out at 13:00.
2000 additional players log in at 18:00 and log out at 19:00.

How many players logged in that day?
What was the maximum number of concurrent players?

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ye I have seen a massive change… a lot of them moved to high sec

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Ok, so it only shows the amount of accounts that are logged in at a specific time frame.

That means actual player amount could be significantly lower or higher for that day. That means only CCP would know for sure what effect the Black Out has on player log in.

It is technically possible that PCU could go up while the total number of unique players goes down if, for instance, players remained logged in for longer periods of time than they normally would, causing players with playtimes that normally don’t overlap to begin overlapping.

If we change my previous example to:

10,000 people log in all day
500 more people log in at noon and continue to be logged in for the rest of the day.
2000 more people log in at 18:00 and log out at 19:00

Total uniques goes from 13,000 -> 12,500, while PCU goes from 12,000 -> 12,500

That particular condition seems unlikely to me, but yes, it is technically possible.

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Well, unless you assume that nobody ever multiboxes, the actual number of unique players has to be assumed to be lower at any given moment than the number of accounts connected, yes. But that also applies to all of the past numbers, as well. So, when you look at the record number of 65,303 on May 5, 2013… I know for a fact I had at least a half dozen accounts then, often on at the same time mining in Mackinaws. Everyone in my WH group did, and that was in 2010.

However, the actual number of players who log in over the day? No, there’s no way to know that. But there’s no way to know that for historical reference, either.

So, what you end up having to do is ask yourself: do we have hard evidence that usage patterns have changed? ie: that a significantly different percentage of the playerbase multiboxes now, vs what percentage multiboxes in the past? And honestly, there’s no reason to assume that. If the data doesn’t compel an assumption in order to explain it, we shouldn’t make that assumption.

So: we cannot make the assumption that there has been any significant change in the percentage of players who multibox.

That means that while we may not necessarily be able to pin down the exact number of total unique players who login, we can see trend lines. Now, as I’ve said before, player usage patterns vary day-to-day. People have to do things like work during the week, or for some on specific days during the weekend, etc. So you can’t compare Monday to Sunday or Tuesday, and so on. You have to compare Mondays to Mondays, etc.

This means the question that we wind up with is: Are more people online at the same point than were online in previous weeks?

As of today, we can comfortably say that this weekend to last weekend, yes, more people were online. This weekend to two weekends ago, we’re about the same. This weekend to every weekend between June 2 and Jul 7, we’ve had more people on. You know what we can’t do?

We can’t say what that means.

We can’t. We can’t tell a damned thing about what that means. Last weekend, the numbers were still in the immediate reaction from the Blackout going live. All that data’s useless. This weekend? This weekend is 1 observeration for each day. You can’t draw conclusions from that. You need at least 2, and even then, you’re only able to compare the trend line between those 2 points to the trend line between 2 other points (Like Jun 2 and Jun 9). 3 weeks is the minimum for the Blackout. If we really want to get useful data, it should go longer.


Give mining ships a trait, when their mining lasers are working (activated ) they have like double or triple the scan range. That way its abit fair imho compaired to the ships made for scanning the hunters use…

Same for orca or rorq, when they are mining with drones on a rock their scanrange gets increased.

Nerf the amount of people that can join a corp and nerf the amount of corps that can join an alliance (if CCP wants to fix big nullblocks). Also limit the amount of assets an alliance can deploy in space (to avoid one corp / holding all the assets). After that human nature / ego will do the rest to drive ppls apart.

Just my 5 isk thoughts

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@Arrendis @Haulie_Berry

Right, also have to include other aspects that could affect those numbers besides players real life activities, like the current SP giveaway, or the release of new content, or specials being offered from other gaming sites.

There’s just too many different variables that can affect the stats listed in Eve Offline to accurately say if player count is up or down due to changes made in the game.

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Well, they’ve considered that. Lemme just point out what we’ve openly said our response would be:

etc, etc, etc.

That won’t break up the blocs. It really won’t even inconvenience us.

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if one corp is not holding all the assets for all the alliances, there will be more disputes / wars between those alliances eventually (since every of those alliances will have their own holding corp)… Not like now a handfull ppls controlling the money / assets.

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Then you’ll have 12 corps holding the assets. All run by 1 player, with 12 characters.

Edit: just edit things into your posts, don’t reply to yourself.