Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

I consider myself as a “smart casual” kind of guy.


That is besides my point. Sure they decide what they want to do, depending what is feasible. Supercapitals/Rorquals, sure can and do. Not so easy as said for subcaps, so they opt to dock.

Haaaaah… take that like and sod off, damn you.

I can’t post up the youtube of that fight club scene towards to end where they’re driving the car and let go of the steering wheel to see what happens because they swear too much…

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The gunnery group was comprised of elements from our Recon SIG (who all have gunner roles already), Mid-level FCs (ie: ‘Ops’, not our ‘Skirmish Commander’ level FCs, but not the FC leads necessarily, either), and directors of the member-corps who own the structures, and people they tapped to help out. And the corp that owns the structure was responsible for ammo, as is normal when we’re home.

That’s happened, yeah. They usually need refuelling during the process with that many, but yes, we can bridge normal freighters around at need.

Some of each.

Don’t use Sentries. Use a mix.

Drones shouldn’t attack unless you direct them to, just like any other weapon.

On the 14th day we were still running move ops.


Were any people uncooperative in making necessary changes? There’s always someone dragging their feet who whines later when their tent gets blown away?

Got a video?

Yeah, that just feels wrong like artillery fit abandon’s.

So it might have been just as fast to build new ships back where you started?

Ugh. Launcher says extended downtime. Guess my playtime is up for the day soon.

How long is it till this ■■■■ ends?


The shiptoasts will continue until morale improves.






I wanna see freighter bridging titan silliness, played to the Benny Hill theme song.

Not much silliness to see. Titan lights bridge, freighters vanish, titan takes fuel out of DST, keeps bridging.

They don’t go in and out one at a time like the clown car trick?


Do they bounce of each other on the other side?

No more than any other capital landing on a cyno does. Usually they dock immediately.

Edit: also, the music you’re looking for is ‘Yakety Sax’.

The numbers we see cannot be evaluated correctly. They are to be regarded as falsified by the login-baits.
What is more interesting are the following things like

  • Impact on the economy (to be seen in next monthly report),
  • Effects on subscriptions
  • average playing time (e.g. was played actively or only the login-bait fetched)

So we have to wait what CCP presents to us and understandably that will not be all the numbers.


I can almost guarantee an increase.

By us.

CCP can definitely see what numbers were logging in last week only long enough to collect SP, or what numbers this week have logged in long enough to kill a few rats.

However, the longer the Blackout runs, the more the activity trendlines themselves will filter for that information. This is only the first data we’ll have that can be used for those trendlines.

I would say equal or decrease. In the long-term view it will be clearly a decrease, because people who came, because after some time they get bored again and if they were adaptable, they would have been living at WH for a long time, because the thing they came back for has been there for a long time.

But like I said, it’s all just speculation without the data and we won’t get to see it.

The free SP thing does seem just slightly like putting a finger on the scale when weighing the meat at the butcher.

Yeah, again not a great metric because of the free SP is more if your are omega.

Oh, I once saw a Niddhogger cyno to a station and bounce 30 km away. It was funny to me, but probably not to the Niddhogger pilot.