Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

understand the game goes to s…
they just stayed alfa clone and a lot less omega

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I understand that you are making claims with no basis in fact, just like flat earthers and anti-vaxxers.

blind man without brain just monkey

You vastly underestimate what mechanics changes can do in that regard. There are a lot of games out there where group and community sizes are significantly curtailed simply because growing larger than so and so big simply adds completely unreasonable amounts of work with no benefit, as game mechanics get in the way of quantity being a quality.

You don’t seriously think “organizing out of game” is something Eve players came up with? It was kind of the default the very moment players decided to band together in groups at all.

There’s ways you can curtail n+1 in Eve, as well as introduce punishing drawbacks to both in and out of space group sizes. Especially if you also start adding more vulnerability to infiltration/betrayal through organization mechanics. This of course would be something that’d start a pretty massive screeching orchestra in these blocs, but let’s not start masturbating furiously at that aspect just yet.

All I’m saying is, there’s ways and if CCP really are serious about shaking things up, they can do it.
Whether or not they will is another matter entirely.

I think long term you will find this to be disappointing. Many will join/rejoin the big entities and null will get safer and safer.

Personally what I would like to see is wars of annihilation. Many of the arguments for the blackout is the need for conflict. I think if you have wars of annihilation, wars of conquests, instead of the traditional content wars, there will be plenty of conflict. Just my opinion

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Not sure why more people would join big entities but it is possible. Hopefully however less bots and less safe ratting and mining will occur in Null, as that will give the whole rest of the game a boost.
Big wars mean nothing compared to being pecked to death one bit at a time.

i thought that a little myself. I hope it doesnt go that way. will see…

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Yeah, and the net result is that to get into those groups in other mmos you gotta be max level max gear…

CCP может скажите? Затемнение временно действует или насовсем?

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It wasn’t always like that. Battletoads. Almish Mafia. Always out there being a pest. No idea who the local bullies are today, though if its dead maybe they’re finally fighting each other.

Arrendis and darkestkhan Eriker I fear that you both know exactly what I mean but once again are mearly trying to add more salt because its something that you don’t like the sound of/it goes againsed your views. If you truly don’t understand please read my post again and read it with more of an open mind… if still not I will gladly attempt to explain it if your unable to understand what I ment.

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Don’t be so dismissive. Players who’ve recently made the move out of high security space into null will have gone there with expectations that are now going to be a lot harder to deliver on, especially beginners.

There are groups in Null who made a name for themselves being new player friendly. Some prefer new players, since they don’t need to be un-taught some classic bad habits.

Isn’t attracting new people into Null Security a good thing?

It is sad that one outcome of these changes are going to be a people turned away, it certainly won’t help to have louts deciding who belongs there and who does not.


The simple answer as has been said so often is to adapt to the change and that means do the exact same thing in lo-sec space. All this means is that you cannot demand the highest payouts without taking the highest risks.

Would you say the blackout made Null more like low security space, high security space, or wormhole space?

Gates were changed to allow capitals to pass them, while wormholes allowed capitals to pass from day one. Was that a change that made gates operate more, or less like wormholes?

It was also supposed to replace the 14 day trial and give people a better idea of what the game was about. Did it result in a sustained increases to server population?

The lack of communication on the objectives of this experiment makes it feel more and more like those stories where some ridiculous money has been spent investigating how to export snow to the North Pole, or teach Pengins to roller skate.

Just keep paying the bill for this ‘research’? Shameful.


None of the above, while all three share some mechanics, all three now has slight variation of the mechanics.

Highest Payouts in null? Where the hell do shadow fighters come from then genius? They make excavator drones look like candy.

Will this attitude keep when asset safety is removed, when capitals can’t cyno to low security space, or blops dropping gets a nerf?

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Actually, this is very much in support of casual players. Null entities, and players in general are adaptive to situations. Because of this change, empires may actually have to start gate camping more, which will result in an increase of pvp.

basically, this encourages pvpers to go out and kill miners, but alliances will not tolerate that long as they will lose their member base and income. The result will be more defensive level of game play with null entities, which means their space will become more secure, and defensive in its nature.

this is good for the miners / casuals as it protects them better (in general) and its good for the pvpers because they will know where to go for small/mid sized pvp. Both sides win.

I advocated for this change a while ago, it will significantly help the game.


Sorry second highest payouts. WH space is a hell of a lot more dangerous than Null with a slightly better payout for small groups of people.

As to the other, I have no idea what you are talking about and I suspect neither do you.

IMO, what’s significant in the interview is that the CCP team thinks EVE needs shaking up in a big way. Though not “concrete” in describing specific changes to come, CCP Hellmar, CCP Goodfella, and CCP Falcon, all express dissatisfaction with the “purple doughnut” and the status quo in null sec.

Hellmar’s comments on New Eden’s economy- specifically on concentration of wealth and income inequality as factors devaluing isk- are particularly interesting.

Other Hellmar comments such as titan weapons should require fuel, NPC and player-built stations have unrealistic storage capacity, and CCP Falcon’s antipathy to “asset safety” if acted upon would have major implications.

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This is a vague and deceptive statement. What part of wormhole space and null are we talking about here?

The raw values matter, and more importantly, the locations do also because of consistency. You could have the most isk rich place in new eden but if you cant consistently mine it, you actually lose out being there. But you know, only a few of us are super smart and consider things like that.

Btw, Wormhole space is still garbo, and will also be garbo as long as you have to sit and spam “scan” and a single allied entity owns the best part.