Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

1._& 2.
Depends on the situation. It makes sense now to do it if you are not prepared to fight back and rather try to run to avoid the pvp. You could also chose to fight instead of run…
Just because everybody theoretically “has to” spam dscan does not mean everybody actually does. And sometimes you may want to keep your last dscan to copy it into an intel tool that sums up how many of what was there.

Because people have limited time to play the game and most do not like to scan first before they can effectively do anything. And a lot of people like to be part of “something bigger”. The mechanics of wormhole space make larger organisations hardly possible. There are reasons why there are no wormhole-empires of a couple thousand people. Part of them might be that you need static connections and a place on the map where you can gather your members.

The play style of a cloaked hunter surely got more relaxed without local. The prey does not run instantly while the grid and sensor overlay still loads (and still bugs out). It’s surely harder to run from them with the blackout. It’s also harder for bots to be effective.

This one made me smile. A hunter will not take on another ship if he does not think he has a decent chance of killing it. To decide if you want to engage or not is the whole point of flying cloaked. If you don’t use this to your advantage, why fly cloaked in the first place?
In PvP, fitting a cloak takes away one highslot from your ship you could use for a nos or energy neutralizer. This can be the advantage between two ships of the same class that makes the difference. Usually the cloaked one knows this and simply won’t engage.

The answers to this questions probably requires another thread.


I’m pretty sure that at some Fanfest CCP Rise(if I remember correctly) was presenting a couple of stats about population distribution, WH’s were in single digits percent-wise.

  1. Sort of. Did some explo with several people in system, had to spam D-Scan like mad. I preferred to go to empty systems so I don’t have to mash that button, IMO that a completely asinine gameplay mechanic if you have to do it for extended periods of time.

  2. Disable the auto scan and do it manually, then re-enable auto again?

  1. Playing someone being hunted isnt for everyone. If you arent worried about losing something though Im not sure what in the game makes your heart race. Or why Black Alert bothers you.

  2. Interesting that you think there’d be the option to turn it off. Like autopilot I think Id prefer it off.

Better yet, if you have it set to automatic, you should be visible on the Probe Scanner.

Not interested in the other answers?

The point is that Intel / Self Defense should not be free, or automatic. You should actively work to keep yourself safe. Which is why you need to actively maintain watch on your Dscan. If you forget, and the service is not automated, then your forgetfulness could cost you.

There are plenty of people living, or at least operating, in WHs. The difference is that you cannot claim Sov in WHs. And you cannot use most of the Null sec mechanics (such as Cynos) in WHs.

Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, always whines and cries about how Cloaking needs rebalanced. Forgetting all the while, that Cloaking IS a balance mechanic. Every game has Rogues. Every game has Spies. But it’s impossible to spy on enemy movements, on enemy bases, unless you can Cloak. And you need to do so for hours at a time, b/c not everything in Eve happens in seconds or minutes. So yes, Cloaking is still perfectly balanced. They still have to decloak to act in any meaningful way, other than just watching and reporting. And they cannot act immediately after decloaking, because most ships require a recalibration time after dropping cloak. The ONLY change that Blackout has on Cloaking, is that now you don’t get to know if there’s someone out there spying on you. So now you have to actively defend your space against spies. (See #1-2)

Absolutely! Ever since they started allowing Cash → PLEX → ISK, and further ruined things with Skill Injectors, this game is most definitely Pay 2 Win. Anyone with money to spare can shake their credit card vigorously at CCP, and start flying any ship they want that same day. And where it used to be an issue of Noobs training to sit in a ship, but not having time to train for properly operating the ship, they can Inject themselves straight to Mastery 5 if they want.

BTW, “potentially cloaky” is irrelevant. There’s no difference between getting into a fight, and having more foes decloak, or having more foes warp in from somewhere. People need to stop blaming Cloaks for a situation going pear shaped. =)

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IMO the likeness factor of null vs WH space depends on what one intends to do in the respective environment. If you intend to live there, then you will surely start to see more differences. But let’s say you just want to go in, make some ISK and then return to your “base”. Then the main difference is basically really just the local vs no local. At least this is what was the deciding factor for me to avoid WH’s after a short test back then, before their release, on Singularity. From that perspective the current null is basically identical to WH’s to me. Yes you may get stuck in the WH and then try to find your way back, but I had to go 40 jumps before getting into my preferred null area and then the same 40 jumps back, so this seems about the same effort-wise.

I see people calling pressing a single button for hours over and over again every 5 seconds “gameplay” but it really seems like a completely insane game mechanic to me.

My point is that the effort to keep yourself safe seems disproportionally high. After all, a combat recon pilot doesn’t have to press anything to keep being invisible on D-Scan and cloaked ships don’t have to manually refresh their cloak either.

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Which actually could be a very good point in changing cloaky ships. Especially coverts. You want to spy? Pay attention, be on the move!

If u introduce blackout you should at least make it so that covert ships are dscannable while cloaked. Else there’s no counter play against them. It’s not wh space where they never come alone, it’s null where it gets onto u without you being able to do anything about it, it lits the cyno and drops a fleet on your head. It’s an ultimate hunter module that’s is a cancer. Imo you should rethink how it should work in blackout climate.

Screw this blackout. Everyone is saying maybe one week, not going to be permanent, yea right. I unsubbed my accounts. The moment local comes back, than ccp will get my money, until it does, occasionally logging in on a free account to see if it is back will be the new norm after playing this game for a freaking decade. I had several PAID accounts. CCP does not like money.

I tell you what CCP, and @CCP_Falcon, organizations who lose touch with their client base fail. 10,000 posts on a forum outside of the game so quickly should be a sign that more people are on this forum then playing the game itself. If your point was to drive traffic to this forum post instead of getting my money, than I suppose you succeeded. You will not get my money from 10 paid accounts until you bring back local in null. Right now, it is safer in a WH, only I hate WH space. You have seriously imbalanced the game mechanics. I have been playing for a decade, 10 years of my life flying space pixels on paid accounts, and I am not happy about these imbalances to production, supply and demand, contracts, PVP, PVE, and being able to actually play the game how I see fit. You said a week for testing, quit playing us. If you are going to make this change permanent, just say so we can move on.

Do not keep kicking the can down the road and stringing us along. 1 week, is the change permanent, is it not? How is CCP being TRANSPARENT with the game that we have invested so much time in playing and achieving in? No patch notes, no time-frame given, just stringing us along. Being at least transparent is a sure way to retain players, but you are not even offering us that.


Many players are predictable…
“I wanna rat in my carrier/shiny ship else im not playing !!” –
“I want to own structures in null as long as NPC’s dont attack it too hard i will play”
“I’ll only PVP if we are certain to win without a single loss”
“I’m gonna stay docked while black out is in effect”

I am happy CCP has forced you guys to play a different game and then attempt a marketing strategy, You’ve been harsh with your rigid play styles for too many years and it is refreshing that many of you are still here crying, CCP has the right to be equally as harsh and change the game to a dark and unforgiving place for EVERYONE if they choose. we have had a carebear/my little pony world which is exactly what Eve been the last 15 years.




I can’t rat on my 5 accounts with my 5 carriers so I’m going to cry on the forums and quit until the black out passes. I am too lazy to bother trying another way of ratting because I am used to Eve being an easy game. I do not want to put any effort into trying to play because I am spoiled and want Eve to be easy where I can see whose in local with me in my system.



You have no activity for two weeks now, why is that Aaron? 5 carriers pffft, you have no idea do you. I ratted on occasion, about once a month. Most of the time I am messing with market where I have 300B on the market. I am roaming doing PVP. I have two alt corps and a method capable of sustaining 1,000 contracts at any given time. I have 3 T2 manu alts, and you talk to me about something as trivial as ratting?

Do you not realize how hard this has been on demand? Any idea? No demand from the big blocks and there is a surplus of supply.

So translate that troll.

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Also, I can see your pauses in typing while you try to come with a lewd response to something you know nothing about. lol, you too are predictable. HAHAHHAHAH yet, here you are, on this forumn, and why is that? Why are you here and not playing the game. Why are you not PVPing out there in Null? Are there no more fleets rolling through for the last two weeks? HHAHAHAHAH let’s talk about that :slight_smile:

  1. It’s neither good, nor bad. It’s a tool available to offset a possible difficulty. It’s not mandatory.
  2. They don’t have to.
  3. J-space is more than just ‘no local’.
  4. As much as they were before.
  5. EVE is not pay to win. Dropping a bunch of money to get SP and shiny stuff won’t let you use it well. Having 5 accounts (and really, you don’t need to pay for 5 accounts to have 5 accounts of combat ships) won’t make you good at multiboxing. The people who can really multibox well in a fight without input broadcasting are few and far between.

The ‘salesmen’ of any company are always much better at “spinning” the state of things to look favourable than Developers are.

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I’d be freaking impressed if someone could manage 5 Carriers at the same time and, local or not, that guy would make a really nice target with low chance of getting everything saved when he’s under attack.
Your smug disapproval of other peoples playstyle (or what you imagine that to be) is pitiful, also you’d probably be the first one to quit if there weren’t any carebears around to do industry and put ISK into the PLEX market for you to buy.

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Seen it. He was pretty damned devastating with them. He was even drunk at the time.




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Bye Bye

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Seriously? Do you even play the game?
Spies, the good ones anyway, don’t sit in a system cloaked for hours day weeks months or even years to gain information, they join the corp or alliance they want to spy on.

Cloaking in Eve has never been “perfectly balanced”.
Prior to “blackout” cloaky camping was used as a deterrent to intimidate, not to gather information - Everyone could see you.,.

Now cloaking is totally OP, I flew right up next to a ratting Super and took 2 screenshots of him before decloaking on top of him and giving the poor guy a heart attack. (it was a friends super, he is still yelling at me 2 days later XD)
There is no counter to a well tanked cloaky that wants to light a cyno on you - Unless you have a super cap umbrella that can quickly respond and kill the possible 20 or more Dreads that jump in…