Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

Well throughout history experiments ( the BO is an experiment: fact ) in real life have always been dodgy and have caused lots of upset and turmoil, why should it be any different in a virtual world?

I for one am going to keep a good and healthy attitude about this and attempt to play as normally as I can while I’m out here alone in Stain. I want to assist CCP by providing as much data as I can In the hope they can analyse it with the result being CCP providing a better Eve online experience.

This is partly the reason why I’m on here trolling a little bit, By remaining static/docked doing nothing and just complaining you maybe corrupting the data CCP wants to analyse, hmmmm, maybe staying docked or quitting is the data they want to analyse…who knows.

The Eve Online community are a cool set of people, lets just try to help CCP with their experiment as best we can.

Trust me when I say that the only thing that keeps me playing eve online right now is the community.

But yes, lets see what will happen, you are right. Personally I will be testing as alpha.

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And there are 2 of the problems:

a) lack of clear explanation on the blackout and its purpose . And please do not tell me the interview they did is a clear explanation. With all due respect to the guys that run Talking in Station, they really did not challenge CCP at all. It sounded more like a FoxNews/Trump type interview.

b) to have a clear data they should have never in the first place inserted promos in this whole mess. The fact they did the blackout and then started adding not 1, but 2 promos (maybe more, but I am not paying attention to the promos), that right there is a giveaway that their supposed plan for the BO is going down the toilet, to be polite

They offered a clear motivation for the blackout in the interview. That doesn’t change just because you don’t like it.

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They did this because i sat on the forums 3 months ago and advocated very hard for it. And i provided very serious argumentation to why it should be done. They did not totally listen, as i instructed them to do 5 minute timers on it (so you can move through systems but cant linger). I did this to break up the intelligence channels in null to help pvp occur for alliances to work together again, to generate content, and remove afk mining.

While i cannot officially reply for ccp, I imagine this is a testing phase for them to put my positions in play to see if they are accurate. We’ll see what happens from here.

Actually the population have massively mixed feelings about this. The thing is for the game to progress we need to get rid of a lot of its issues. The power donuts are the biggest problem in the game. Their influence all of the other game’s aspects. This is bound to cause some strife, however, it will pass as alliances learn to retreat to smaller controlled area’s and set up more around the clock camping. That results in even more security for the miners then before, but significantly more pvp for the pvpers.

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Please help us and point out the reason they mentioned in the interview for why blackout was implemented.

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04:50 - Hilmar : “Blackout is accomplishing their goals for this year, one of those goals is to make the game easier for new players and more challenging for veteran players, eve nullsec gameplay has been completely figured out and thus causing stagnancy”

08:00 - Hilmar : “overtime the chaos of eve online has been drained into order, the sand in the sandbox has turned into cement, eve online will enter into a new chaos era”

12:20 - Falcon : The Pendulum has swung too far to the safety side and then stopped. I see Nullsec as a wasteland of people who’ve embedded in, who are happy in their little bubbles, making ■■■■ tons of ISK, under conditions safer than empire space. Capital umbrellas mean they can do whatever they want all day, I think we need to be in a position where a lot more unpredictably is throw in, rattle the cage, see who survives and who doesn’t. This goes for lowsec too.

34:35 - CCP Falcon - the MER for July and August will look very bizarre due to the Blackout. Even when you filter out the login campaign from the data, it’s incredible to see activity is still there. ISK generated from bounties is down massively, but that player activity is still there it has just shifted to other activities as players have adapted. We believe blackout has a been an enormous success.

1:32:20 - when asked about how to make ISK making harder - Hilmar Take away the comfort players have when making ISK, players sense of security (blackout). Bots were affected massively by the blackout, although they are changing tactics, CCP will keep focusing on botters and making life uncomfortable for them.

1:35:20 - Falcon And if you’re not willing to go out into nullsec and take a risk then you don’t belong in nullsec. you should move back to empire if you want to mine in safety. Lawless space should have risk.


The Blackout was a good move by CCP and it‘s now settled. So stop discussing, go home and play EVE. If necessary adapt and enjoy the new mistery of space.

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I think there is enough information as the reasons for BO.
It’s still not crystal if it’s permanent or if all recent fails are derived from an attempt to unflip the switch and it shorted everywhere.

All I see is an action directed to a specific group that did nothing but follow the rules. Of course, some have been broken but I expected CCP to make use of other switches and not one so out of proportion that’s affecting most.

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It would be wiser to let the fish procreate and deescalate gradually. I think it’s lazyness and re-featuring something already in the game, pretending that it fits under the argument of “chaos”.

But now, there don’t seem to be many fish… and it is as cumbersome for the dweller as it is for the visitor. I see less intention to go around scanning systems based on Dotlan and similar data, just to encounter nada.

So, a game style had the higher ground for a few days but not anymore… and it’s not too much by deciphering a strategy or implementing a lame, cumbersome and boring tactic… there are just less targets.

Unless… you drop! yes, which as I said before and forgive me repeating… it is also a WH feature that you can invite in your wrongly called “chaos”… reduce the drop radius, projection and functionality… I mean, it’s another thing you already have, right? Why not continue on that step and hit the umbrella projection?

These are not proposals or visions of doable features… It’s just that it seems to me that some are trying to tell me that the wheel was just re-invented when it’s far from it.

If there is a problem, is lack of action with clear objective and poor creativity on CCP’s part. I cannot start naming the plethora of new, challenging things you could have come with but sadly, being on this side of the line and cash flow, there is little for me to do and apparent mute for you to listen.

read like ‘new misery in space’

According to Dotlan, Providence is looking very dead. ADM’s on a number of system are dropping, Some are at level 2, which I think is pretty much zero activity once you factor in that the hub has been there for x days is why the level is non-zero.

Imperium news had an article about NRDS, looks like it was right about it screwing over those folk.

Especially sad, since NRDS is supposed to be a poster child for eve on hard mode.


Don’t take offence but you do see that is a major problem in a time where the game is so stagnant. One region, the undoubtedly richest in the game - Is immune to change and operating as usual while other regions are desolate, devoid of players.,.


Yes you are right, just look at Hiroshima the “experiment” to fix a problem via mass destruction. Sacrifice the few, smaller areas to teach those at the root of the problem a lesson - It worked of course but at what cost.
Put that into context and CCP is dropping the hammer on many players who aren’t contributing to the problems of outrageous isk generation and stagnation within the game.

It’s like CCP are saying - See what we can do - Watchout XXXX alliance (insert alliance name of your choice), we could do it to you too.,.

Yes, I know. I edited that piece. :wink:

And that imbalance is a result of CCP throwing crap at the walls and hoping something sticks, without actually understanding how players handle things, or what actual work goes into securing space. Delve is not inherently the richest in the game. Malpais, for example, is tremendous space to use, if it’s fully upgraded. There isn’t even any NPC space there where people can stash a few hundred dreads inside the same region, unlike Delve.

Delve isn’t immune to changes, Delve is full of people who adjust to changes and make an effort to preserve their ability to respond. Everywhere else could be doing the same thing. Legacy mostly is, I think.

The stagnation will not be addressed by introducing mechanics like the Blackout that make it harder for (relatively) newer players in smaller groups, while simultaneously giving them incentives to join the big groups. The stagnation will not be corrected until CCP addresses a)the overwhelming strategic benefits of not risking a major loss, and b)the systemic and pervasive tedium riddling the game. Sov mechanics. Missioning. Incursions. Even the Abyss is formulaic, and once solved, it was solved.

All of the PvE in EVE comes down to that: tedious and repetitive, without even the saving grace of a compelling story to bring you along. As long as that’s the case, they need PvP to be dynamic and engaging, and entosis warfare ain’t. The actual mechanics of FW ain’t. I know of at least one group in AmarrMil that does roams every Friday night, and the difference between the FW mechanics and actually having reasons to PvP are so stark that when, during the course of a fight and recovering from it, they accidentally (because it’s never on purpose) complete a FW complex, they’ll joke around about ‘hey, look, we did faction warfare!’

If the players your coded system is supposed to benefit are mocking that system and only using it in an incidental way to achieve completely separate goals, that is not a good system. And EVE is full of those systems. Fixing EVE is gonna take a lot more than just throwing crap at a wall and shouting ‘CHAOS!!!’ as if you’ve achieved anything at all in your paroxysmal flailing.


I sort of new I’d get this sort of response and i couldn’t agree with you more.
CCP for many years have just kept adding to the existing issues without stopping to think about what the next phase of “their” vision will add to an already poor design choice.
They were warned about FozzieSov and entosis links, they were warned about Structure spam, they were TOLD Rorqual changes were bad - BUT it was in their long term “plan” for Eve so had to be done.
Now ALL of nulsec is paying the price for CCP’s inability to say - Hmmm, maybe we shouldn’t continue along this road, it is getting really narrow and close the cliff edge (stagnant nulsec).

Hilmar - STOP with this “Era of Chaos” NOW before you create something else that just doesn’t work.
Step back - Take a good hard look at the game and how it is played.
Then and ONLY then change things up that will actually change things up and not just drive away players.

12,000 posts of mainly - Blackout is futile and hitting smaller groups hard.
Isn’t that enough???


Based on the activity tracker, the average players online has dropped by 13,000 since blackout. I personally have decided not to play cloaky bomber fest and only have 1 account active until the end of the month.


I guess making trivially disprovable statements is one approach to arguing on the internet.

Not, you know… a good approach but it takes all kinds, I guess.

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За последнюю неделю средний онлайн составил 20к

За последние 3 месяца средний онлайн составил 24к

За последние пол года 28к

За год 31к

за 5 лет средний онлайн составил 37к.

За 4 года средний онлайн снизился на 6к.
За последний год снизился на 11к.
Такими темпами к августу следующего года серверы Евы закроют.

Причем еще часть майнерских альтов до сих пор числятся онлайном, так как их оплаченный срок омеги еще не вышел. То есть онлайн в скором времени еще упадет в геометрической прогрессии. Месяц-два и еще будет просядка на 30-40%.

Я не пониманию о каком росте онлайна нам втирает руководство CCP!
Подозреваю скоро Фалькона отправят на пенсию.

П.С. Сори за русский, по аглицки не умею.


Uhm… you realize a lot of that is purely because of the shorter interval, right?

Seriously, do a 2 week window anywhere on the chart and it will be dramatically lower than a longer interval across the same time period. A 2 week interval in 2016 will report a much lower average than the year “2016” (see below). Reason being that the population is getting “bucketed” into larger time periods as the interval increases, effectively averaging out the 0 value every day at downtime. When you’re at the shortest interval, this suppresses the apparent average no matter where you’re looking at the chart.

If you want to do an actual comparison, you have to compare the same interval at different points in time.

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