Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread

Well, Blackout was announced July 5th. July 10th that you are comparing to was the date of 48hour warning. So to be fair there might have been some effects of BO already from premature tantrum throwers.


It sure does, just not where it counts - mostly in hisec, for people subbing there to get free SP.
Nullsec remains to be a ghost town.

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If nullsec is a ghost town, you should be able to undock and play without fear, yes?


Ok then!
We’re 2k ABOVE the week before the announcement.



OFC You can see that people start to vote past 3 days not login in. You do not need 3-4 weeks or even 1month or so data to see that people do not like this change and they are already voting NO to this change.


I’d really like to know why CCP is doing this. If it’s to reduce bot activity, then it’s definitely overkill since it has a powerful blinding effect on EVERYONE in nullsec. Besides, the bot programmers will certainly find another way to achieve their goals - they always do. I also don’t understand why they’re being so secretive.

CCP, stop treating your customers like dirt and let us know what you’re up to! I, for one. am getting sick and tired of this bull.


Without fear, yes.
Without boredom, no.
Thus I cannot.

Fixed that for you. However you are correct, them voting no on this change makes it clear it was the right choice.

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It’s a ghost town, though! There’s nobody around! You can undock and do absolutely anything you want. If you can’t find something entertaining to do in that case, then the blackout isn’t your problem.


a simple unanswered question… still waiting

This has nothing to do with anything. There are other ways to deal with bots and afk pilots than a complete and utter blackout


Yeah CCP is treating us “CUSTOMERS” of this game like trash. I bet they will not hit that 2019 Forecast of +20% treating customers this way.

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Nonsense. The initial drop in activity is expected. You can’t tell anything from that other than ‘yup, people hate change’, which literally anyone who has looked at how social systems react to significant change can tell you. People never like change at first. There’s always resistance. Most of the time, that resistance is enough to prevent the change from taking effect until it’s broken down. In an instance like this, the change only representing 10% of PCU should have been a sign early on that most people didn’t have a problem with it.

Either way, that initial drop is baked in. It has to be completely discarded, because the system hasn’t settled into its new equilibrium yet. You can’t draw conclusions from it beyond ‘we changed something’. After that, you need multiple sets of the data from each day (because usage patterns differ from one day to the next, making day-to-day comparisons useless) before you can draw meaningful conclusions from the data.

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Ah you mean a right choice to get rid of paying customers, I see your point there. That is a logical way of any normal company to treat its customers.

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You ■■■■ on someone’s table.
He’s grossed out and tells you to clean up this mess.
And you’re like “yup, he hates change”.
Yeah, right, totally.

where come these 5k from? eve-offline statistics show a more or less consistent drop over about 2-3k

also the quarterly reports show relative consistent 4k bots banned each quarter, and most of us know ccp isn’t really the fast with that stuff.

i don’t think all of these 3k? are bots, the half or a bit more is more realistic. Since multiboxing got a huge nerf with the blackout, this would easily explain the remaining.

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Really, Orca, you need to stop intentionally missing the point. I don’t think you’re half as stupid as you insist on presenting yourself to be. Please stop insulting yourself with your stubborn insistence on behaving like the deluded jackass I don’t believe you to be.


Why? is funny

So you mean over 2k players leaving EvE in 3 days is ok as a paying customer. Sure if that makes you happy. That must be the worst plan from any company depending on customers paying money for using their game. Oh I see they must have taken a course from EA “How to treat a customer”


No, I mean that if you’re going to try to collect data from this test—which is the stated purpose of it—then you need to adhere to proper methods for data collection, and those methods include the fact that the data from the initial shock to the system has to be considered suspect and not reliable. Only the data from afterwards, when the system has found its new equilibrium, can be trusted.

Knee-jerk, emotional responses and the impulse to panic must be set aside if you’re going to achieve the kind of rigorous testing that’s needed to fix the many structural problems EVE has, and has had for years. And the players need to be patient with that.