
Everyone saying “this will just make logi not matter”, can any of you explain what fights were like back when logis sucked? It was before incursions, I don’t remember when exactly, that logis got a big buff. I don’t even remember what the buff was. Before that buff, it seemed logis were uncommon and spider tanking was super common. I’m not taking a for or against stance on this particular idea, but seeing people dismiss it out of hand just reminds me that PVP wasn’t completely dysfunctional with ineffectual logis. Is PVP more or less fun nowadays?

For the larger fights, at some point, it was decided by what buffer your ship could build because AoE DD were a thing and dread bombing the Titan once it shot was not exactly something people could plan around. If your ship could not survive at least an AoE DD, you would not get on grid. Long range battleship and warping out when targeted trying to escape before they burn through your tank. Logi weren’t “bad” as much as they were non-viable for some type of “content”. For the rest, I guess ti was a rather large combo of “need Logi V to really make it work” + “no dank killmails” + “It’s a waste if I ever go play in the big league where they are never used” + probably other things.

What I see with logi not being able to hold is the loss of reactive gameplay. The logi has to react to target selection while the enemy DPS has to react to their target catching reps or not. If logi can’t hold, they just become an extra layer of buffer that your burn through over time. Instead of swapping to try to catch them on the backfoot in one way or another, you just keep cycling the guns because the target will die anyway. On the flip side, the logi cycle his reps and just wait because he can’t be successful and force the other side to react.

uh… other way around…

This is more or less what i am picturing. There should be a limit of how much reps a ship can receive, otherwise it will always be a N+1 game. Using drones to assist local reps is mainly to allow Logi ships to carry weapons to assist in the dps race and give ‘line members’ more responsabillity over their own survival.
As i mentioned before, repairs will not work against current alpha fleets, but adaptive FCs will quickly learn that splitting their target calling will yield more dead enemy in a shorter ammount of time. Eventually, logi WILL be able to hold their allies long enough for them to warp away OR even permanently (might be near the end of the battle).

… it’s still N+1 how the hell in your brain have you come about to the conclusion that just limiting the amount of reps it stops being N+1??? currently right now, at this moment, there is a cap on how much you can rep a ship. that amount is the total HP of a ship and in most fleets is only the total HP of one tank.

so you just need to bring more alpha than the enemy does so that you can kill off enough of their ships that they can’t break that amount in the time it takes your reps to cycle before they do the same to you.

Your idea just pushes that goal post forcing you to bring ships that would have been in logi now being in DPS.

again big fleets stay the same but small and med sized fleets now have less options as logistics is less effective and less worth spending a pilot on.

wow, you really need reading comprehension skills.

Nah, it’s you who need game comprehension skill. If you think your idea will end up with anything different than N+1, you are just wrong. In fact, it will be a more concentrated level of N+1 because even less ship diversity is optimal.


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