Looking for a New home

Looking for a corp in any space including J Space

Im currently doing invention and production and abyssal running

Over the years ive done a bit of every thing including

Capital building including supers and titans
Fleet PVP
Mission Blitzing
DED Sites

Bleedin Angel
Emma Tengu
Luna Starfighter
Maron Crystalia
Indigo Crystalia
Lucy Ozrand
Kaulis Porpoise

I live in the UK I play eve while i work so active alot

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Check us out

We are extremely active within the UK/EU. You have the SP. And if your willing to learn small gang PvP then you will fit right in. Also the alliance has plenty of Fleet PVP and an Indy arm for your much needed capital building.

If not us. Rattini Tribe Within the alliance would be right up your street.

Hay buddy am looking for vets to join my corp
If you fancy a chat join our discord

Hey, GDawn is recruiting, if you are interested join our channel “GDawn public” in game or visit our Discord! :slight_smile:

Check us out. Low-sec PVP is our focus.

Hi Bleedin Angel,

RIOT is UK based and in J space.

Here’s our ad, would be great to chat if you’re up for building a corp as well as ships :wink:

Hey! We are a small corporation in an Alliance in Nullsec. I guess we can cover all of that. Have a look and get in touch with us if you are interested.

Ethereal Morality Proud Member of the Initiative

✪ Chill Real Life Comes First Group of mature people


✪ PvP :skull_and_crossbones: oriented corp with PVE opportunities.

✪ Plenty of ISK making opportunities to fund PVP.

✪ Multiple Corp Moons to mine with associated corp mining Ops.

✪ Extensive Alliance infrastructure in place in space, With Alliance JF Services

✪ Experienced Corp Leadership and FC’s

✪ Friendly Members who are always willing to help

  • What We Require-
    ✪ At least one useful Alt (Cap Or Tackle)

✪ Minimum Age of 18 years old

✪ Omega Account

✪ 30,000,000 SP minimum Must be self-sufficient in: Rating in 0.0, Mining, Exploring, etc… 5 FATs per month requirement

✪ Full ESI on All Characters

✪ No Drama

✪ Willingness to train into Alliance Doctrine Ships and Be part of the Team. We often enjoy playing other games together when not logged into EVE.

If you want to know more Join us on Discord

Have you checked Primal Instinct? Might be a great fit for you!


If you are looking for a tight knit kind of group, hop on for a chat.We are a group of long time players living in nullsec nowadays.


Hi we are a EU corp with a strong NA timezone. o/

we are looking for members!