Looking for new corp - adult, casual

I’ve only been playing casually since 2022 or so. I want to move on from my current corp and see something new. I prefer an adult group of casual players. US time zones would be ideal as I’m located in the EST/EDT zone. I like group events, although my schedule doesn’t allow me to participate in too many.

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Hey, we are just starting in High Sec and recruiting: GDawn :slight_smile:

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We appear to meet a lot of the wickets you’re looking for. If you’re interested in an adult corporation in Null Sec, check out our forum post and reach out to our recruitment channel in game.

Even if you don’t end up with us, good luck in your search and hope you find a good group

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Check us out mate. Pretty mature, chill, casual, and tight knit:

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Hey Chaldi,

We’re a small US/EU tz wormhole corp that has fairly good activity across both time zones, but we’re still looking for some more pilots.

We live in a C4 with C1/C3 statics. While we primarily hunt for pvp content, we have plenty of folks that rat, huff and engage in indy activities on the side to pay the bills.

We’re very laid back, real life first sort of folks. Along the lines of what you’re after I think- we’re all busy adults, many of us with families/other commitments. We play when we can, but I think much of the time we are fairly casual. Activity tends to wax and wane depending on what people have going on irl.

In any case, the goal for us is to have fun, not take internet spaceships overly seriously. People log in when they can, there’s definitely no playtime expectation.

You can find a link to our discord in our recruitment post, which I will provide below. Feel free to reach out if you are interested or would like more information.

Fly safe! o7

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If you are interested in wormholes at all it’s a lot of fun and we would love to have you!

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HI there, check us out, maybe we are what you’re looking for. o/

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We are currently building up our corp within a nullsec alliance. If you are interested join our discord and let’s have a chat. For ratting you have the whole imperium space free to use.


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Hey man, I’m the CEO of Legion Ascending, a null sec PVPVE/INDY corp. We have our toes in all the things from industry to all forms of PVP to PVE. We are a bunch of laid back guys who enjoy playing together and doing things as a group, even if that is just chilling in comms talking smack. Come have a chat with us and see what you think, we will answer any questions you have.

o7 dude

Super casual but fun and experienced group at WEF. Check us out!

Hi , Drama Llamas might be a option for you, we are a small corp living in 0.0 that treats EVE as a game. Check out our recruitment post here : https://forums.eveonline.com/t/us-eu-tz-drama-llamas-are-recruiting-pvp-pve-and-industry or pop into our recruitment channel in game “Llama Skool” and have a chat to see if we would be a good fit for you.

Come have a chat

Hello you should check us

Stain life - Corporations & Alliances / Recruitment Center - EVE Online Forums
we are a smaller tightnit pvp corp located out in stain that believes rl comes first and play to have fun. join our discord and chat to see if we are a fit for you



Maybe give us a look? We have a good size USTZ presence. Especially if you like a lot of variety in your content - we offer everything from small gang up to big alliance level fights, cap warfare, and everything in between. Hit us up if you are interested sir.