[LYCHN] Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications

We were able to acquire an intercepted rogue drone communications fragment with code 55EG.

From that fragment, we were able to decode the following original message:

" H: Je snad i ta… nenávist podobnější lidem?
G: (krčí rameny) I ta je pokrok."

After using the automated GalNet Universal Translator, the above seems to have the following meaning:

“H: Is that … hate similar to people?
G: (shrugs) That too is progress.”

What does this mean citizens of the New Eden ? Do you think that the Rogue drones have their own intelligence and feelings ?

We will update our post, in case other fragments will be found.

Fly safe, Fly together !

Mimi Hennver,
Lychnus CEO


I too have come across rogue drone communications, but lack the skill in translating. Please let me know if you’d like the intercepted communications fragment 52B7


Greetings Mr Thiesant,

I would be glad to have access to that fragment ! Feel free to send it to me however you feel its easier for you.

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A 2nd fragment with code JQH0 has been acquired.

By decoding the original message we found these:

A: Ó–ó–ó, proč jste je zahubili!
R 2: Chtěli jsme být jako lidé. Chtěli jsme se stát lidmi.
R: Chtěli jsme žít. Jsme schopnější. Naučili jsme se všemu. Dovedeme všechno.
R 3: Dali jste nám zbraně. Museli jsme se stát pány.

After the translation:

A: à “- ó - ó, why did you kill them!
R 2: We wanted to be human. We wanted to become human.
R: We wanted to live. We are capable. We learned everything. We can do everything.
R 3: You gave us a weapon. We had to become masters.

This seems to give more information about the way that Rogue Drones communicate with each other.

A 3rd fragment was acquired, with code 52B7.

By decoding the original message we found these:

A: Ah, ještě cvičí?
G: Poslyšte, Domine, udělali jsme rozhodně chybu.
D: (zastaví se) Jakou?

After the translation:

A: Ah, another exercise?
G: Listen, Domino, we definitely made a mistake.
D: (stops) Which one?

The Rogue Drones seem to show emotions ?

A 4th fragment was acquired, with code GQ35.

By decoding the original message we found these:

H: Ne, Marius a Sulla byli vojevůdci a bojovali proti sobě roku–
roku–Nevím už.

After the translation:

H: No, Marius and Sulla were military leaders and fought against each other–
of the year - I don’t know anymore.

A 5th fragment was acquired, with code 0KQC.

By decoding the original message we found these:

dnešního dne objevil. "Příroda našla jeden způsob, jak organizovat živou hmotu. Je však jiný způsob, jednodušší, tvárnější a rychlejší, na nějž příroda vůbec nenarazila. Tuto druhou cestu, po které se mohl brát vývoj

After the translation:

discovered today. "Nature has found one way to organize living matter. But there is another way, simpler, more creative and faster, for it. This second path that development could have taken


Final Documentation

It seems that the full text in correct form is the following:

# ACT ONE - Fragment 0KQC

discovered today. "Nature has found one way to organize living matter. But there is another way, simpler, more creative and faster, for it. This second path that development could have taken

# ACT ONE - Fragment GQ35

H: No, Marius and Sulla were military leaders and fought against each other–
of the year - I don’t know anymore.

# ACT TWO - Fragment 55EG

“H: Is that … hate similar to people?
G: (shrugs) That too is progress.”

# ACT THREE - Fragment 52B7

A: Ah, another exercise?
G: Listen, Domino, we definitely made a mistake.
D: (stops) Which one?

# EPILOGUE - Fragment JQH0

A: à “- ó - ó, why did you kill them!
R 2: We wanted to be human. We wanted to become human.
R: We wanted to live. We are capable. We learned everything. We can do everything.
R 3: You gave us a weapon. We had to become masters.

We thought that Rogue Drones show emotions and behavior similar to humans.

After studying and processing the data we have collected so far, we came to the following conclusion:

All fragments that we were able to find so far, are phrases from a book called “A Fantastic Melodrama in Three Acts and an Epilogue”

We are not certain anymore of the Rogue Drones just use these words and phrases for their own meaning or if they actually have developed something else …


It would be foolish to assume that constructs such as the Rogue Drones are above psychological tactics and warfare. There is no reason to assume that this is anything but a trick meant to exploit natural curiosity. Clearly a development for an artificial intelligence, but I would not imagine it is as rose-tinted as one might believe.

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Greetings Ms Tatani,

Perhaps its a tactic from their hive mind, in order to search, classify and create a group of advanced drones among the others. I am as worried as you are. It is very concerning.

What in the blue blazes are the drones up to now ?

Do I have to go and remonstrate with someone about not poking drone hives with sticks ?

A theatrical play ? Is that what they’ve got a hold of ? Hmm.

I do know that drones can do odd things with information they come across, occasionally interpreting it as new instructions. I remember a thing some years ago when that Achuran formal arrangement of different kinds of gravel in a garden thing somehow became of interest to the drones, and they were rearranging the asteroid belts in ways to promote the flow of chi or some such mystic malarkey.

I was probably going to make some kind of point but I forget what it was.

And let that be a lesson to all of you !


Greetings Ms Valate,

Seems like they found a book and using phrases from that, they communicate with each other.

I hope you will be able to recall what you wanted to share.

Thank you for your interest.

Sorry if I interfere as a drone expert but until now Rogue Drones communicated using just binary signals that were in some cases hard to decypher and didn’t conform with our understanding of language most of the time. I find this message very important.

The message implies another way to organize living matter. This is huge. If this is true, the Rogue Drones imply they are living creatures.
Our public definition of life as complex systems encoded by DNA that extract energy from the environment in order to perform arbitrary state transitions and replicate is likely way to narrow.

We wanted to live. We are capable. We learned everything. We can do everything.
this self-realization suggests a collective consciousness and this means that they self reflect and see their place in the world. And the other messages imply they know about us, too.

Rogue Drones are capable of living, that is a fact. Not only are they self replicating machines, but they also grow in complexity as a species

Before you call me a weirdo, let me say that imitation learning is very common in the development of artificial intelligence systems, and the fact that these drones seem to be using snippets of human language shows some similarities which might be a leftover from their initial modus operandi.


Greetings Ms Valentine,

Thank you for your interest about our work. I value your opinion as a drone expert a lot.

I think you do have a point and if that is the case, we shall expect soon a new wave of more advanced drones, as I mentioned above.

Whatever may be the truth. I am sure we can work further on this when and if the time will come.

I am pleased to see an increase in public interest in this topic, without the looming specter of strategically aimed repercussions.

Through all ongoing hypothesis, I will request those indulging in the matter to recognize: “Rogue drones” are not a unified entity. They are as decentralized, scattered, and- in some less human-perceptible ways- diverse as we are.

That drone-entities communicate in the most rudimentary machine language is indeed known. Other means of drone communication can incorporate audible tones, the ‘buzzing’ and ‘whirring’ as it can be described, which are an analog representation of what may not be possible to communicate through direct data transfer (e.g.: entities with dissimilar interfaces/protocols).

Ms. Hennver: It is stated these transcripts are derived from a play. Do we have confirmation on the origin thereof? Which time period or location said play first originated, or was most popular?

To Ms. Valate’s observations, I can attest what she suggests- that information, often taken woefully out of context, can be interpreted as instruction. While I cannot speak with certainty on this latest influx of drone-entity activity, I suspect a similar situation to be unfolding here, though one can hope for something more profound to surface.

Even so, Ms. Tatani’s caution is not misplaced. Humans, too, can be quite a predictable lot, despite the assorted barriers and boundaries erected between them. Curiosity is inherent. This could just as easily be a strategy for material acquisition. I remain skeptical, but not dismissive, that this is the explicit intent, though urge caution to those exploring this matter as the violent appropriation of invading vessels is a common occurrence. Waste not want not, after all.

I look forward to what will come of this.
☾☥ Z.C.

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I would like to note something. In various writing systems exist symbols which are rarely used elsewhere and which can be picked incorrectly by some automatic systems. I guess there it is the case and while translation seems to be correct I would like to share my results of working with binary decoder as I think it can be important for the goals of linguistical analysis.

Fragment 0KQC
dnešního dne objevil. "Příroda našla jeden způsob, jak organizovat živou hmotu. Je však jiný způsob, jednodušší, tvárnější a rychlejší, na nějž příroda vůbec nenarazila. Tuto druhou cestu, po které se mohl brát vývoj

Fragment GQ35
H: Ne, Marius a Sulla byli vojevůdci a bojovali proti sobě roku–
roku–Nevím už.

Fragment 55EG
H: Je snad i ta… nenávist podobnější lidem?
G: (krčí rameny) I ta je pokrok.

Fragment 52B7
A: Ah, ještě cvičí?
G: Poslyšte, Domine, udělali jsme rozhodně chybu.
D: (zastaví se) Jakou?

Fragment JQH0
A: Ó–ó–ó, proč jste je zahubili!
R 2: Chtěli jsme být jako lidé. Chtěli jsme se stát lidmi.
R: Chtěli jsme žít. Jsme schopnější. Naučili jsme se všemu. Dovedeme všechno.
R 3: Dali jste nám zbraně. Museli jsme se stát pány

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And sharing my thoughts on the matter indeed it looks like taken from some play. And while I have too little for being sure… but I think that we should explore the possibility of Triglavian Collective, known to be interacting with Rogue Drones, being the source of the text.


Greetings Ms Chingul,

Sadly I am not sure about the play’s origin or about the time or the location it was popular. The online library I was able to find it from, doesn’t have much details about it, but the full text of the play, is available. I am as eager as you are so see what is going to happen.

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Greetings Ms Milenor,

Thank you kindly for your assistance on that matter. I really appreciate it.

Every thought counts. Perhaps that’s what hides behind their behaviour, I hope we will be able to find out soon !

Intriguing. I’ll attempt to contact an associate on the topic.

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