Main AFK cloaky thread

Local makes null too safe. Despite having a fraction of the population of hi-sec, it creates the vast majority of wealth of the game as a whole.

The only way to effectively hunt null isk making is by afk cloaking. It’s sucky game play, but its necessary because local is way too powerful (you want to talk about things being too easy, docking the moment someone appears in local is easy).

If you want to stop afk cloaking, it’s going to cost you local.


Probably not as dumb as your remark.

Because you are advocating a change that has the sole purpose of making nullsec safer for RMTers/renter trash by making local a 100% accurate warning of a potential threat.

It is very easy to do cloaky camping and present a threat, whether real or not - only the camper really knows - but very difficult to counter. That’s the imbalance.

So what? It’s very easy, but only the weakest failures suffer any loss from it. Strong alliances just counter the AFK cloaker by ignoring the name in local, as any attempt at an attack would be instant suicide. And the weak alliances/players that can’t deal with AFK cloaking are not worth considering.

Null-sec shouldn’t be safe for anyone and that should also include the cloaky campers who are very safe in their cloaks that never de-cloak, except when logging back in after downtime.

Those campers also can’t do anything besides sit idle in a safespot, so their safety is fine. No risk, no reward. To get any kills they have to decloak and face risks. And if they refuse to ever decloak and accept that risk, well, why exactly are you worried about them? Just ignore the name in local.

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may i ask, whats the concensus regarding D-Scan presence for cloaked ships even if their using covert ops?

i mean, not making them inmune to Directional Scanner while cloaked. of course people will make safes and stay out of the 14 AU range if they have mastery on this but at least they should show up on it no matter if they are invisible. its not like it makes them easier to find but at least you know someone is out there sitting in a deadspace pocket waiting for serious movement.

please note that i dont have issues with D-Scan inmunity for certain Recons, its just that if they’re not visually detectable and the Directional is limited by a maximum range, at least they should be able to show up there, combat probes cannot decloak them (AFAIK) and the methods to cancel their cloak takes a lot of time probably so why even bother doing all that hassle.

if the guy in a Bomber/Astero wants to gank me, at least i should know he’s there so i can play cat and mouse properly. same when you are in WH space.

either you dare to enter the relic/data site and risk yourself or try and play around with the enemy. that doesnt happen because they are literally invisible on everything which kinda takes out the whole point of having a D-Scan on boad.

Cloaky Camping will never be regulated. It encourages multiple subscriptions (RM to CCP) from campers, and it is the only profession in EvE that requires CCP to devote almost no server assets for campers in space. Sounds like a WIN WIN for CCP, and CSM never even noticed this.
[Side benefit to CCP - Keeps other paying players docked up or spending time looking at maps instead of undocking to create fun content.] WELL DONE, CCP and CSM!

Is the crux of it. You’re not supposed to know. Null sec is meant to be dangerous. Cloaks are meant to be invisible.

If cloakies ever appear on d-scan, i imagine it’s going to be at pretty close range and/or require a narrow scan.

Absolutely not. D-scan presence would make it impossible to ever catch a target with a cloaked ship because they’d be spamming d-scan. There is no cat and mouse game, only “as soon as you appear on d-scan the target warps out and doesn’t come back until you leave local”. It’s just far too easy to escape a ship that appears on d-scan.

which kinda takes out the whole point of having a D-Scan on boad.

It does no such thing. D-scan still gives you valuable information about every ship that isn’t cloaked. It just doesn’t give you information that completely negates the ship classes dedicated to stealth combat.

Awesome thread. It seems like a very powerful weapon to use in a very unique way. My question is this, shouldn’t there be more security protecting unarmed, unguarded assets from destruction by bombers if one is in the system?

If you know a stealthed bombing ship is out there somewhere hunting, doesn’t that give you the advantage to bring some security out to protect the unarmed? That seems like free intelligence, a name shows up in chat telling you a ship is out there hunting. That seems pretty easy to counter with that free intel. Not much of a stealth fighter if you can see they are there somewhere.

Shouldn’t stealth ships NOT show up in local? That seems like a huge advantage to see a name appear in local without having to scan for it or see them.

Perhaps some improved scanning skill or fitting to help determine if there is a stealth ship somewhere in the system that can slowly gradually pinpoint there general location so they would have to keep moving or get scanned down eventually, and would prevent the AFK problem?

Then again I think mining needs to be updated to the level of detail they spent on that “Project Discovery” thing.

This would give instant intel of the presence of a cloaked vessel in Wormhole Space. Pretty much breaking WH Space.

Also D-Scan would allow you to workout where a cloaked ship was by reducing the angle of the scan.

It also means that with the first scan… you instantly have the intel that a cloak is in system.

  1. making your cloaks don’t appear in local idea redundant.
  2. You’ve just broken WH Space.

Then it doesn’t work in wormhole space, there fixed it?

Aside from being an awkward special-case ruling (why does a ship’s onboard sensor system only stop working in this one specific area where local doesn’t exist, despite working just fine for everything but cloaked ships?) it’s also an answer to only half of the objection. I notice that you ignored the more difficult half, the fact that making a stealth ship visible on d-scan negates the entire purpose of having a cloak on a combat ship and makes cloaked hunting virtually impossible against a competent player.

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How about this:

First off, the current condition of cloaking/local doesn’t bother me at all. Either play the game or don’t.

A new module called a cloak scrubber illuminates a cloaked ship. It pulses out within its range of 20km, not doing any damage or decloaking. It will for a brief moment make them visible, perhaps even on the overview. -NOT targetable, you would actually have to fly toward them and get within 5km to decloak them.

It could even burst out (not visible) to 14AU, and for something like 5 seconds make the cloaked ships detectable for probes and d-scan.

It seems reasonable that it should require significant CPU, and lots of joules to operate. Does not auto repeat, maybe cool down timer too. And it takes a valuable high slot.

I did do a search. it’s a similar concept but didn’t have quite the same description.

Live in fear, Fly safe!

Can you guys stop asking for ways to subvert cloaks while retaining your ultimate ability to know that a cloaked ship is in your space?

For crying out loud…symmetry people…symmetry. If you gain something the other side should get something too.

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Teckos is back? :exploding_head:

So Cloacky campers are a way to play the game AFK, but all AFK ways of playing EVE have a limit, if you are ratting site will finish, if you are mining orehold will fill up, even PI that is the most AFK way of playing as a limit, storage will fill up or extraction will stop. Acording to CCP Rorqual had to go on grid to improve game play and stop you to go to work while your Rorqual was boosting your corp/alliance mates 24/7, so CCP why is the other way around acceptable? Cloaky campers can go to work not play the game at all, from DT to DT and stop anyone that actually it’s not AFK from playing the game. There should be also a limit on this situation by fuel costs to cloack or from a gradual degradation of the capacitor that depending on ship type or size would take more or less time to decloak. I mean Cloaking is strategy and it’s fine but CCP shouldn’t allow to be 100% AFK because nothing else really is, and allow to someone that is AFK to influence the game in so many ways makes the game pointless.

For a fair and healty game play, please CCP revise the cloak abilities of ships. From time to time players need recloack or refuel to stay cloaked.

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Please do tell how they actually stop you from undocking? Do they somehow remove the undock button from your in station overview?


LOL. The hyperbole by using the term “zero risk” is rather silly. Most players have no problem actively watching and defending against threats from gangs, large groups, and solo players traveling the pipes or from random wormholes or log off traps–they require active play from both sides. No one I known in null have any issue with risk–there’s plenty in null. The issue is risk by players posing a 24/7 risk from minutes a day of actual playing–the effect of afk cloaking is current wildly out of proportion to effort.

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Sorry I can’t explain you that I did not mention undocking in my sentence

Now what’s the difference between cloaking and those activities you list in comparison? Quite simple. Cloaky camping doesn’t have any impact on the game, while all those activities you compare it with do. A cloaky camper isn’t generating any ISK or items, but ratters, miners and PI installations all do that.

Cloaky camping doesn’t influence the game at all. It only influences your feeble mind by making your way too powerful intel tool, local chat, not 100% reliable anymore.
Do we care that your bot docks up because “name in local” and your RMT income dwindles as a result? No we don’t. Not one bit. Suck it up, princess!