Main AFK cloaky thread

But i wanted to use your same idea to ensure a real player is doing the ratting and not an automated bot. Exact same functionality as you want applying to cloakers. In order to ensure nobody is AFK cloaking, EVERY cloaker in the game has to click a random button every 5 mins. So in order to make sure nobody is Bot-ratting, every ratter in the game must click a random button every 5 mins.

So why are you so intent on this being applied to cloaks but not to ratters???

/sarcasm “Sounds like something a botter would say”

how are you going to tell the difference between someone ratting and someone in a pvp fleet ? why impact all aspects of the game and make it annoying in pvp, roaming around etc… when the issue is only that you can leave your computer for an extended amount of time while being cloaked that is the issue ?

Bot’s are bannable offence by CCP, so its already illegal and already being dealt with, here were talking about a legal mechanic that needs to change.

No, AFK cloaking is the only viable way to disrupt an attentive, or botting, PvE player in nullsec. It is impossible to load grid fast enough to catch someone, even in an interceptor if they are paying attention to local. Login traps won’t catch anyone but possibly a bot. At best you can chase them into a station, but you aren’t catching an attentive player in modern nullsec unless they are completely incompetent or AFK.

As has been repeated a hundred times in this thread, the problem is the OP nature of local. AFK cloaking is a counter to that. If you made it impossible to AFK cloak, you would buff that intel source even more, and make it even safer to rat in highsec. People don’t AFK cloak because it is the easiest way to catch someone - it is the only viable way to disrupt someone’s income generation short of evicting them.

The point of AFK cloaking is not to catch ratters, although that is the ultimate threat and thus a good AFK cloaker will want to do that from time-to-time. No, it is to apply pressure on nullsec groups so that they don’t have access to some of the most lucrative incomes in the game while enjoying an the perfect alarm bell of local chat. An AFK cloaker is the only way to counter that intel tool.

Wandering away from your computer while you go play football hurts no one. You have literally zero effect on New Eden other than to leave a name in a chat channel. I’m sorry, but you are going to have to have some compelling reason to implement such a change, coincidentally one that will make your game safer and you richer. Your reason that this is “unfair” to stay logged into a computer game but do nothing is frankly ludicrous.

Local chat was never intended to be an intel tool to warn you to get to safety. Let’s address that first, and then we can discuss whether AFK cloaking - the only counter to local intel - is somehow overpowered.

which is why delayed local has been added to the table in the past in this tread and in other threads to allow quick sneaky players to get through.

If you are saying that someone afk and not impacting the gameplay for others in front of the computer screen is ludicrous then your completely wrong.

Is it right for someone to spend one hour trying to “find” a person cloaked playing football with friends ? or having to play after downtime for one hour until that cloaked person comes back from work to login again because the cloaker is part of an alliance that can drop 100 blops at any given time ? No my friend. Ensure that the cloaked is behind the computer, prep the kill for a few hours and then do the drop with 100 blops.

They can’t drop a hundred friends on you if they are down the street playing football. It’s ludicrous to claim an AFK player is any danger as by definition they are not even at the keyboard.

It’s perfectly fine for me to choose not to play Eve. People idle in stations all the time, leaving their name in local chat, without causing 3700+ post tear threads on the forums. The only reason that this is an issue, is that some groups feel they are entitled to rely on local as a free early warning system to hide from any incursion in to their space which is something that was never intended. Local is suppose to be a social tool to communicate, not a 100% perfect proximity detector.

Should there be a way of clearing a cloaked ship out of your sovereign space? Maybe, after some reasonable amount of time (which is much more than 5 minutes!). But it isn’t going to be some ham-fisted UI box only your opponents have to click that increases the reliability of the local chat intel with no cost or effort to you. Whatever solution CCP comes up with is going to be more complex and still going to put you at some risk, rather than the 0% risk an attentive player is at if they can rely on local to detect hostiles and immediately dock up.


RMTing renter trash.

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I dont expect to be 100% risk free. I expect there to be a player on the other side. as for afk people in citadels, you can see how many there are inside from the outside, even in wormholes. and you can deal with a citadel like attack it. So citadels arent really the issue here. its the missing counter to the afk cloaky toon, and the fact theres no person behind the keyboard and when he comes back from said soccer practice he can choose to play without any counter notice.

Whatever solution CCP comes up with is going to be more complex and still going to put you at some risk, rather than the 0% risk an attentive player is at if they can rely on local to detect hostiles and immediately dock up.

But if you know that a player is not there (no name in local - you PvE in 100% safety watching local to immediately know when this changes), or are sure they are there because of some anti-AFK mechanism (you dock up - 100% safety until they leave and you resume risk-free farming) then you are 100% risk free.

How would a fight ever happen again?

You expect local intel to 100% reliably inform you when a threat is there so you can avoid it. That translates to 100% safety, something nullsec, heck all of New Eden for that matter, isn’t suppose to have. If a player isn’t there behind the name in local you cannot lose anything, so demanding they be removed from local is nothing but asking CCP to pander to your deep-seated need for total safety.

Buck up man! Stop being scared of a name in local. Perhaps you are disappointed that name just sits there and doesn’t bring you a fight, but they are under no obligation to play with you. Nullsec is suppose to be where the big boys play. If your group is too small, or too timid to operate in nullsec, perhaps your group should consider somewhere else where you feel more comfortable?

Anyways, the forum is informing me we are bantering too much. I’ll leave you on your blatant mission to get CCP to change the rules in your favour, one generations of carebears before you have failed at. Somehow, I don’t think you are going to be the one to succeed.

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hey man, ya remember me? ya didn’t even last a single ■■■■■■■ week outside of this thread and ya needed other threads to compensate. what the ■■■■! how can ya even live with yerself?? ya’ve got some serious case of online addiction right there!

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AFK cloaking is not botting. CCP has already stated this. If you really think this is the case you are going to get nowhere.

Once you impose this on ratters then fine. If anything ratters need it more as they actually do things like inject ISK into the game.

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I fully agree, Cloak-AFK has to have a way of eliminating, because the camp system is not after anything productive for the game. I believe that there should be a cloak inhibitor, as there is cyno, where the player would drop in the system and appear in the overview, where it would give a time of 30 minutes (example) and after that time if nobody kills this inhibitor all cloaks were canceled , where 30 minutes is a good time for the person to do what I want, because camp system demo I know many of players who stopped playing for this practice where everyone paid omega.

Killing you or scaring you into not ratting.

Both are productive.


No the answer is to make friends.

It is pretty selfish to think you are entitled to survive 1v100.

Are those other 100 customers less humans, they have no rights?

Also you do realize the ship has to UNCLOAK to activate a Covert Cyno?


Technically he doesn’t want to win a 1v100 fight…he wants to prevent them, at least via covert cynos and covert bridges.

Yes of course, the bears really just want PvP to go away.

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Not really.

What they want to do is marginalize risk.

It’s why they went to the ass end of nowhere, got lots of friends, and formed up those defense fleets you are avoiding, or I guess rent space from those who do.

That’s not eliminating PvP, it’s redirecting it to those who want to, and enjoy, dealing with it.

Player groups that can form defense fleets and deal with AFK cloakers rarely complain about AFK cloakers.

You are now contradicting yourself. Minimizing the risk of PvP will almost surely reduce it.

If the risk of X is 50% then we’ll get 0.5NX where N is potential amount of X. If we reduce the risk–i.e. the probability to say 25% we get less X unless we also increase N.

I said redirecting it. The choice of taking the fight you can get is up to you.

The guy that’s looking to evade by docking until danger passes or is dealt with has made that decision. The rest is up to you.

Well, at least you’re honest here. RMTers and renter trash want to marginalize risk. First they move to the ass end of nowhere and set up defense fleets, now they lobby to remove any game mechanics that create risk for them. Opposition to AFK cloaking is not about your pretense of “removing AFK play” or “encouraging PvP fights”, it’s about marginalizing risk for RMT farmers.

That’s not eliminating PvP, it’s redirecting it to those who want to, and enjoy, dealing with it.

Part of EVE’s core design concept is that even people who don’t enjoy dealing with PvP are forced to deal with it. Perhaps WoW is a better game for you?