Main AFK cloaky thread

And you just destroyed bombing runs. Gj.

It’s not the cloak itself that’s the problem it’s the cyno module fitted to the ship. Obligatory remove or delay local to much intel.

What is the purpose of cloacking devices in the game. They only allow for additional aggression and violence. Tactical attackers at the start have an advantage over the defenders. When they are equipped with the cloacking device then the advantage of the attacker becomes simply too big. This leads to techniques that exploit and abuse game mechanics above every reasonable level.

When the problem is viewed from all sides, it leads to the conclusion that cloacking devices do more harm than benefits and should be removed from the game.

Please direct your renter trash tears to this thread.

What do you mean? They are much more commonly used defensively to move around dangerous space. In fact, it’s arguably the most useful defensive module in the game.

Removing it would be a terrible nerf for the weaker players and groups that need it to evade the bigger fish. I know you are trolling, but at least stick to things that are actually a detriment to the carebear paradise pipe-dream you have.

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Turrets, drones and launchers do more harm than benefits. Just look at all the predatory behaviour that comes from these modules. Please remove them from the game.

This game should be about kittens and rainbows only.

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just modify the module so that after a few hours (for example 4) the module overload and crame, and that we must fix it like any other module.
this will change the afk clocky camp and give way to the game play and the player who are camped the chance to fight this person.
and above all it will make it a bit more difficult to boot afk camp as some players do by having a program on their API

So for the sake of an afk player every single case where someone is hiding from a gank will end in 4 hours with a gank?

Talk about tossing out the baby with the bath water.

AFK cloack is the CANCER of this game. It have to be removed.

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So every industrial using a cloak to hide should just be killed outright?

You bears do realize, in spite of the hype, that the primary use of cloaking is a defensive tactic?


Your pet hate is not the ‘cancer’ of the game. Sheesh!

The amount of players in null is something like 10-15%? And many of them are in null blocks with decent pvp cover. Whatevers left is a tiny proportion of players, not all of which are affected by afk cloakers.

I guess you’re like 5 years old since you still think the world revolves around you, but maybe you shouldn’t be in null.


Wow, what an absolute bender of a thread.

So much argument and repetition, difficult to follow (perhaps that’s just me :).

I wonder if CCP takes any notice, if not, then it is all for nothing.

I have to say lots of good points on both sides but no clear winner. CCP needs to maintain the status quo or change most everything. Either way there will be winners and losers…again :wink:

CCP hasn’t done anything about AFK cloakers despite the whiners whining about it for the good part of the last 12 years. That should tell you something.

This is a trash can thread just so the renter-, botter- and rmt-trash doesn’t clutter up the rest of the forums with their endless whining.

Something seems to be ‘unanimity’ in EVE and ‘low/null sec’, the CCP’s need to revise the ‘cloak’ system.

First of all, it’s not just about the infinite campers’ that make the whole corporations unfeasible and make many fail to make the economy ‘roll’.

The cloak system should be limited to fewer ‘spacecraft’ as well as having a ‘coldown’, for example, 1 hour cloack = 3 or 5 minutes of ‘coldown’.

Either one idea or the other is reasonable to the EVE, they do not hurt any interest, I just make an ‘average’ between all the interests.

Sincerely and respectfully, Niagara

  1. There is already a thread for this
  2. The vast majority of people use a cloak as a defense, are you suggesting that those industrials hiding from a gank timeout in one hour and get killed?
  3. Spelling Bee: Cloak, C L O A K, cloak


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Well, this topic have 6 month’s, anyway, CCP need change the cloaky system. Ty for change my original post, moderation :slight_smile:

No. You need to get some brains, grow a pair and quit your whining. The problem isn’t a cloaker. It’s you and you alone.

No. Go away.

It has 6 months because your thread is in the garbage dump for all cloaking threads.