Main AFK cloaky thread

Straight forward suggestion.

  1. Fitting a cyno removes (delayed chat) the ability to see local.

  2. Dscan pings degrade a cloak. E.g. player decloak themselves after making 6 dscan pings if they have prototype cloak, 10 pings with Improved, 12 pings with covops cloak. Other capsuleers using dscan have no impact on this counter. It’s on the player to count dscan pings and manage refreshing cloaking delays, otherwise…

  3. Decloak by the players personal dscan pings causes a 45 second spatial warp scram effect on the ship.

Even more straightforward suggestion: change nothing. Cloaking, including AFK cloaking, is working just fine.

won’t happen

Will happen. CCP has explicitly stated that they will not be making any changes to cloaking until at least after local has been nerfed. This thread exists to be a dumping ground for AFK cloaking whines so they don’t clutter up the rest of the forum. CCP is not paying any attention to it, as demonstrated by the complete lack of CCP posts here other than “moved to the AFK cloaking thread”.

Yes change will happen. :blush:

CCP has explicitly stated that it will not. Repeating your wishes for a PvP-free dystopia does not magically make them facts.


Early on in the thread (don’t ask me where :slight_smile: ) the stated problem against cloaks were that cloakers just afk’d in systems and others didn’t know what they were doing.

If the mechanic is changed to somehow prevent / reduce the impact of afk cloakers (if there is in deed a problem?) then the same should be applied to afkers that just sit in POS, stations etc.

Would that be reasonable?

So when an industrial hides from a gank with a cloak they just decloaked and killed?

You bears do realize that the primary use of cloaking is to hide from gankers?

Your idea is a ganker gift :rofl:

They can cloak, however if they spam dscan they will be hit with a decloak penalty (longer than the delay of manually decloaking and recloaking).

Instead, a player can either rely on local intel from someone cloaked up and not using a cyno or count out their own dscan pings. Once again, other players dscan pings do no decloak you.

The issue people have with AFK cloaking is not that they are cloaked up, rather that they are cloaked up and ready to deploy a cyno. Equipped cynos removing (immediate update) local and cloak degradation for dscan spam add another layer of resource/omega account commitment to AFK cloaking intel gathering.

Actually by far the most common cloaks are people hiding or intending to hide, so before you go suggesting changes maybe widen your view.

Think Explorers and Industrials.

Sure, however unless you’re a DST it’s unlikely you’d be fitting a cyno that’ll block view of active local numbers with my proposal. If you can cloak in null, and don’t have a cyno fit, why would it be imperative to spam dscan while hiding?

What I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned or reacted to with regard to my proposal is ‘collateral damage’ to cloaky wormhole hunters having to watch their dscan ping counts.

You do realize your proposal is inside a 3846 post mega thread with several hundred proposals?

Ok, so you have mostly never left high sec.

Yes. This is where they all go.

wormholer btw, land free from the scourge known as ‘immediate local’

Folks, ignore Predvonica and his spam

Almost reminding me of the late savor or whatever his name was :sweat_smile:

Sure, right.

Take a quote out of context will ya.

You have been painting a scenario where some poor hauler or explorer sap is cloaked up and hiding. If they are in known space and have a cloak and no cyno, they have options for evasion. -They can watch local numbers.
-Use limited supply of dscan pings to check if station or celestial is relatively clear.
-Uncloak and log out in space.
-Go afk while cloaked

The primary aim of what I have been bringing up is to raise the barrier on combat escalation potential on ‘afk cloaking’ through limiting a players ability to see local if they have a cyno equipped.

With the limited use of dscan if it was for a ship fitted with a cyno as well then no worries, but can’t support it’s use for those with cloak only because if a ship is bouncing around system it would probably use up it’s limited number of uses pretty quick.

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Which never happens of course.

Also if you play in wh space why do you care about cynos?

Or cloaked ships, it is not like you can even know the cloaked ship is there.