Main AFK cloaky thread

Why do morons post in this thread complaining about ATK cloakers when the topic is AFK cloakers?

Because it’s impossible to discuss cloaks in any application without it being sent into this thread.

Just because it got named AFK Cloaky thread doesn’t mean that’s where the discussion stayed.

Why do morons in this thread try to turn this into some dumb semantics game?

The entire point is that AFK cloakers can’t be distinguished from ATK cloakers and thus project the same kind of threat. ATK cloakers use a phase of AFK cloaking to reduce the value of local intel.

No mechanic works in isolation. Pretending AFK cloaking has no relation to ATK cloaking is just dumb.

For the last three months our space has been cloaky camped by what I assume to be one person with at least 12 or more different accounts. There is no defense for this since there is no way to find a cloaked ship, accept bumping into them. So I propose an anti cloaking method that will level the playing field. A decloaking device, both a deployable unit and a ship module.

The deployable unit can be anchored like any other structure and can be destroyed in the same fashion. The unit could consume fuel blocks for power and works by sending out a pulse that disrupts a cloaking field. The unit could send out these pules every hour and the travel time for a pulse could be 1-2 AU’s per minute. This give your cloaky camper time to get in, do his recon and get out without the residents being able to track the ship down. This will prevent perma campers and that’s what we’re talking about. To make it fair the unit decloaks all ships, not just select ships and cannot decloak ships that have just jumped into a system.

I also suggest a ship mounted module that can be fit to something either related to anti cloaking, or fit to command ships. The module works by consuming an ice product and once activated the ship sends out a burst (like a command boost) of particles that can decloak a ship and have an effective range of 10km with a diminishing affect up to 20km. So the farther out the ship is the less chance the ship has of being decloaked. I suggest a cool down timer so that the module can’t be spammed and over used.

I’m no game developer, nor do I fully understand the mechanics of Eve or any other game so I have no idea if this can even be possible. Anywho, just a thought :grin:

@ISD_Sakimura, this thread should be closed because it is no longer relevant.

The “danger” of a cloaky camper popping a cyno for a hot drop is now mitigated by the new upwell structures.

Since that was always the only risk this thread is no longer needed; the risks have new counters.

There is a defense: a standing fleet. Don’t solo farm like it’s highsec, keep an active PvP fleet at all times and if the cloaked ship is dumb enough to attack you all press F1 and kill it.

nor do I fully understand the mechanics of Eve

Then perhaps you shouldn’t post about how to improve the game.

Do the new structures stop covert cynos?

For explorers, mostly in squishy frigates, the cloak is their tank so would seriously hurt that play style. They are essentially just roaming around and cloak up when neuts pop up in local while hacking or waiting to bail.

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Really, in sov, and you are worried about blops?

When are you expecting this attack, 2007? :rofl:

They work the same as the old cyno-jammer did.

The irony here is your accusation that I don’t know what I’m talking about.

You seem very bitter to my idea. Are you a cloaky camper that would be effected by my idea? :slight_smile:

What’s to defend a cloaked ship does no damage?

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The cloaky ship moving around. This is more for AFK cloaky campers.

Yes but so what, as long as he is cloaked he is not doing anything, even more so if he is AFK, why doesn’t it need a defense?

You have a great point. I just don’t like the idea that we have 12 guys in our space just hanging around waiting for juicy targets to pop up so he can hot drop it. I mean this guy has been in our space for months. I have never seen him out of cloak. Barely ever aggresses. gathers intel and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. So I guess we just let him stay. might as well invite him to the alliance so he can give his employers all kinds of great intel

That problem is solved, unless you think black ops are a threat; but honestly if those T3 cruisers and paper battleships are a threat then I don’t see how you are holding 12 systems in the first place.

The threat is the intel being passed out by these campers and the cynos they equip to their ships. If you wanna balance the odds with a decloaker than make them a little more tanky or introduce a new skill that makes it harder to be decloaked? Idk it was a thought. just an idiot using her brain for something other than keeping their ears from touching lol

Read the November patch notes especially about cyno blocking.

The only thing that can get though is covert cyno and the covert fleet it hardly a threat. Plus of course the cloaky camper has to become visible to pop the covert cyno.

I just don’t see how cloaky campers are an issue anymore?

Firstly, are you sure that it’s your space? I mean, you’ve put your name on it, but if I write my name in the snow on the ground does that mean it’s mine? Never forget that putting your name on the space, owning the sov (or renting it) does not make it yours. In Eve, all you’re entitled to do is try and make other people explode.

Take comfort in this. It means you’re almost doing it right. A few tweaks, and in a week or two he’ll be gone.

  1. Always (let me say it again… always) rat/mine in groups. Schedule active windows where you have the bulk of your membership up and running. Do the same sites, do the same belts. Be in a position to reinforce the ■■■■ out of each other in seconds. By doing this, your campers will have no viable targets, and your campers will be causing zero impact. If they’re employed by someone to cause economic impact, their employer will see little gain. Here’s the important part though. If your membership get caught outside of a scheduled window, kick them from the corp because they’re the reason the campers are sticking around longer.
  2. In the groups that you’re in, be in a combat fleet. Have logistics. Have tackle. Have bubbles. If they’re dumb enough to engage, blap them. If it’s 12 dudes, or one dude with 12 accounts, you’ll likely experience hazing with a T3C… they’ll engage at a safe distance to try and piss you off. Keep a few RSD on grid with you (a lach if you want to be crazy, but a couple ships fit with one will work too) and they won’t be able to haze you. You’ll haze them.
  3. When they drop, kill them. Seriously. Their ships will not be combat effective against a traditional fleet. If you don’t kill them, they have no reason to move on.

It is so unbelievably easy to beat a cloaky camper, or a camping corp. They have to engage you in an asymmetric fight. All you need to do is deny them an asymmetric fight, and eventually they’ll move on. Either because whoever’s paying them isn’t getting what they’re paying for, or because the content they want to get isn’t being got.

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