Main AFK cloaky thread

No, I just reject terrible ideas. And yours is terrible. Are you a RMT farmer that is trying to remove any obstacles to your profit?

Then stop being bad at EVE and have 120 guys waiting for the 12 to decloak and commit suicide.

I mean this guy has been in our space for months. I have never seen him out of cloak. Barely ever aggresses. gathers intel and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

IOW, is zero threat to you. Why are you so concerned about this?

This is exactly the designed function of Black Ops.

Ya the weakest battleships made and their frigate/cruiser friends, no logi support, are a real threat versus caps fleets. :roll_eyes:


the thing is this, Cloaky campers Will Not STOP being this way. Dont waste your time Guys Sorry.

Among other reasons these are probably the main ones:

- CCP and big Alliances NEED this kind of logic in order to Raise the amount of content in the game.
	Updates to the game are too slow in order too maintain players gaming ... so ... content is in need for the game to continue.  

- CCP gets money for the accounts .... Bots also pay lol
	In case a bot account uses plex to maintain it, they also reduce ISK in the game so ... "a win-win situation", check what game economy is and how to avoid inflation on games, complex topic.

- Corps are Getting paid to gather and sell intel. Yes, those cloaky bots gather and sell intel basically. 
	What they basically do is they place a Cloaky Camper on every system of a Corp or alliance and they "charge" for beeing there and reporting intel of DSCANs and players on systems. 
	Not sure how much but probably could be a good bussiness inside of the game. Plex is something around 1.7B so ... at least 3B per month per system? Would have to consider Power Bill but probably is worth it instead of paying 10 to 15 bucks every month.

- Invulnerable Cloaky campers reduce the amount of "ISK Ratting Bots" so economy wont get ■■■■*d up by these bots. 
	True, also lowers gamers Ratting so it also contributes to the game economy.

- Am i forgetting something? Probably a millon good more, lets make a list. lol 

Took me a while to understand it. I dont complaint anymore. Clocky camping “ARE a NEED” according to these guys logic and they even get paid for it (CCP money - Alliances ISK )… so … it wont change …

Snowflake posting (crappy formatting) just means nobody’s going to put a lot of effort into reading whatever it was you just posted.

Use regular bullet points, it’ll make it so people don’t have to pan all the way to the next continent to read that mess you just wrote.

I get paid? What? Someone must have hacked my account and taken my money…

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Been what… Nearly a year, and the only thing that has changed about this thread is the faces.

So…covert T3 Logi aren’t a thing?

Oh right, they are.

(I’m not chiming in on the overall discussion you were responding to, I’m just pointing out that BlOps fleets do have logi support.)

This thread is a continuation of a much older one on the previous forums. And guess how much has changed since then?

The faces and the page formatting.

Instead of just looking at the list of subsystems, try fitting one.

One of the logi subsystems uses the same slot as the covert ops subsystems.

So no, you can have a covert ops T3 OR a logi T3 but not both.

I’m not talking about spider-tanking cloaky combat T3s, I’m talking about dedicated T3 cloaky logi fits.

I suggest you go look up the “Support Processor” subsystems available for all T3 ships. 7 Highs, bonuses to racially appropriate logi and command bursts, and no more than 4 hardpoints for weapons. Add 1 high for the cloak from the Covert Reconfiguration subsystem, and you’ve got, at a minimum, 4 high slots for logi/command, plus the option to forgo weapons because they aren’t bonused anyways.

So, yes, yes you can use T3 covert logi.

Not entirely true. Covert T3C logi are definitely a thing (unless ofc the covert and logistics subsystems reduce you down to 1 highslot that is, but we both know they don’t and it’ll be PG that stops you from fitting a full rack of reps). If you know you’re fighting scrubs, bringing 3-4 covert logi can let you hold grid.

That said, covert logi is pretty terrible compared to regular logi. If they’ve got logi, you should bring it too. Some T2 logi cruisers and some hacs and you’ll mop the floor with them at even numbers.

There are two logi T3 subsystems and one uses the same slot as the Covert OPs. I suppose you can have a gimped logi but without 1/2 the logi traits that is hardly a logi by any other standard.

They never have been to anyone who actually controlled the space they were flying in.

If you see 20 people in local docking up because of one cloaked non-friendly in local, those 20 people don’t control the space they’re flying in. They may think they do, but they don’t.

Then why do you keep bumping the whine thread?

You’re a year or more out of date. T3s switched from 5 subsystems to 4 a while back and shuffled everything up. The covert subsystem is now in the Defensive slot, and the logi subsystem is now in the Offensive slot.

You can fit both at once.

Well, I started off correcting your error regarding T3s, but then I saw this post of yours and figured I’d let you know that, despite being incorrect about cloaky T3 logi, I do actually agree with you in the larger picture.

Internet spaceship diplomacy FTW…


This is basically the sum of it here.

People who complain about AFK cloakers assume that they are entitled to use the space they say is theirs. They feel that they alone are free to do what they will with that space. Either because they rented it (usually the case), or because they have the sov themselves.

Either way, their entire argument is predicated on that falsehood. The space is not theirs. If the campers are bothering them that much, they can leave.

Don’t mind me, I’m just circle jerking at the moment.

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Ah your right, the “second” subsystem I was thinking of is the one with the +300 cap, I always used that but I suppose a person could use the covert sub instead.

Hello all

I’m a gambling addict. I play every day and I always put real money in this game. but I will not do this any more, while CCP, does not tidy up the cloaking system. It’s absurd for a ship to use cloaking all time. Cloaking needs a could down. An enemy turns on cloaking and stays on the system without letting other players play all day. CCP do you think that’s fair? Make an assessment about it. There are several posts complaining about this and you do not solve it. They are not supporting players. I feel unsupported until this is verified. Infinite cloaking is not correct.
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Urantia Félix

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