Main AFK cloaky thread

I remember this infinite cloaking was very annoying while I was living in Providence. When people see this kind of threads, trolling starts and comments about “start playing somewhere else” also starts. But let’s be honest, infinite cloaking is not fair and I guess not designed to be used the way it is currently used.
It would be interesting to introduce some kind of timers or cloaking expiry to give system native players a chance to catch that cloacky camper.

As someone who spend a lot of time in j-space my answer is simple: NO.

New rules can be applied for null-sec only :thinking:

Why is it not fair?

Why is current war-dec system not fair?

Wardec system is not a problem if you are smart and experienced.

Yet it is being abused and that’s the reason why CCP is changing it.
Infinite cloaking is also being abused I would say with no chance for other side to fight back. The only way to fight back is to organize a bait and to try catch that cloacker. Sometimes even that doesn’t work.

Posting in a AFK-cloaking thread before it gets moved to the right thread.

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Like everything else, like mining in rorqs to a point that allows almost any player to throw supers and titans at any neutral frig that get under the cap umbrella. Stop whining.

Afk cloaking is fair because there’s no other way to hunt nullbears thanks to local.

You hit the nail on the head.

Why would you expect it to work 100% of the time? Why am i not given a way to beat pirates in low sec 100% of the time?

Exactly how does a cloaked ship affect you?

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This demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of how EVE works. This is not a game where players “let” you do something, or where you are entitled to have your fair share of it. You start with nothing and get only what you can take by force or skill. Stop whining that another player isn’t letting you play, bring a bigger fleet, and force them to stay out of the way while you farm your PvE content. Stop acting like a victim that needs to be coddled and handed easy ISK.

Or go back to WoW, it’s your call.

There are several posts complaining about this and you do not solve it.

Correct. RMTers, renter trash alliances, etc, all like to cry about how the game doesn’t let them get maximum ISK/hour with zero risk. Fortunately CCP is not listening to them.

Of course you can fight back. Want to make an AFK cloaker ineffective? PvE in a 500-man fleet at all times and the cloaked ship might as well not exist. You don’t get to press F1 on it but you have won the battle for control over the system.

And remember, removing AFK cloaking is not going to get you more PvP. It just means that AFK players will be forced to log off when they go AFK and local will become even more effective as an intel tool for protecting RMT botters. Any argument for nerfing cloaking that starts with a premise that it is about “fighting back” is at best wrong, and often a dishonest attempt by RMT farmers to remove one of the few threats to their RMT operations.

You do realize that unless you use an expensive covert ops cloak you aren’t really that mobile while cloaked. And you cant reload, lock or even think about fire on a target.

Also if ANYTHING gets within a certain distance of you, you decloak. Not to mention unless you fly a very limited ships you have a pretty substantial lock on delay. THEN there is the MASSIVE hit on your sensor scan resolution… you go from being able to lock on to a like sized vessel in under 4 seconds to locking on to a battleship in sometime under a day.

What I am saying is, there is enough drawbacks to cloaking that I feel it is in a good place right now. And if you get wrecked by a cloaked ship, that is on you. Honestly you should worry more about recon cruisers that dont show up on d-scan.

Fight back, against what? A cloaked ship can’t use weapons while cloaked.

Afraid to Undock is not a game issue.


I typed this years ago on the original forum, and it’s just a relevant now as it was then so I feel it bears repeating:

Given how long this discussion has been going on, and the apparent lack of actual damage caused by AFK cloaking, I just don’t see CCP making any major changes to how cloaking works anytime soon.

If AFK cloaking is impacting you in space that you “own”, you may want to rethink whether you actually own that space or not.

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Not too mention that I would bet in ACTUAL REAL USAGE the number of cloaks that have cynos and are in this category are dwarfed by the number of explorers and industrials using a cloak to survive.

These ideas with timeouts and things just insure that indie that has been hiding for hours gets ganked.

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With the amount of whining about AFK cloaking, you’d think it was different. It’s not, obviously, but…

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I’m unsure why you think it’s Ok for the explorer, indy, whatever to be able to hide perfectly for hours on end with active hunters in the system trying to locate them.

You have hunters actually at the keyboard trying to find them, why should they not even have the chance?

I’m perfectly aware that making cloaks balanced cuts both ways. If what you are saying is true, you should be supporting a change to cloaks so as to get you more targets, since their use is so overwhelmingly defensive in nature, used by the kind of soft targets you want to hunt.

Because we understand that it’s good for the game when haulers/explorers/etc do not just instantly die every time they’re in the same system as a hostile target and don’t have a friendly station to dock at? And that changing “instantly” to “after X amount of time to remove the cloak” does not meaningfully improve the situation?