I agree with your point, but feel it should be noted that ‘his’ system was also one found in low sec space, for extra fun!
I agree with your point, but feel it should be noted that ‘his’ system was also one found in low sec space, for extra fun!
Right, and since it says “Avoid unfavorable encounters” You should be in danger in some way or another. Maybe not immediately, but there’s currently no real drawback for having a cloaked ship, unless the cloak is on a non-covert ops setup, however the minimal resolution hit isn’t a proper trade for the effect gained.
Now your suggestions to apply penalties for being cloaked might be worthwhile, since it seems being in danger while cloaked is off the table for the cloaked ship user, because status quo + silly reasons.
This could be useful, if combined with another penalty, such as the inability to use d-scan while cloaked and perhaps some graphic that shows the player cloaked in local, not just left local. Otherwise, it’s just another boon, since not showing up in local could be seen as too powerful.
It may be worthwhile to prohibit the ship in some manner from warping, or give it a temporary signature radius bloom from coming out of cloak, or even prolonging the delay to recloak, to penalize the action. Active hunters need a chance to find the cloaked ship after all, but even then it’s still real tough to catch one guy warping around, even without a cloak.
Wrong thread buster, this is the AFK cloaking thread.
You can’t dscan whilst afk.
You are just going to outright ignore where it states “travel unseen”?
Really… covert ops ships are paper thin, restricted to frigs and have very tight fitting restrictions.
You really don’t understand the whole argument here do you?
The WHOLE REASON people AFK cloak is due to their visibility in Local being too powerful of an information tool to the other people in the system. Also bots can initiate warp to station as soon as they detect other people in local.
So people don’t cloak because it makes them effectively invincible? Right. They can “Travel unseen” but nothing about the cloaked ship being immune to player interaction. Hell, trying to catch a travel fit anything in lowsec that has a cloak is rough unless you’re using a insta lock heavy interdictor, but even then you can’t always get them. And waiting around for the hope something comes isn’t exactly engaging gameplay.
All I seek is a method to engage a cloaked target. Maybe not immediately, because it seems doing anything breaks the game as is, but I haven’t really seen any proof of how.
It’s true cloaking works against botters, but the botters just keep going and you really aren’t doing anything. The answer to botters is CCPs problem, not the players. As such, I’m not considering any replies that state “But the bots!” So lets see some solutions to the issue and keep the CDF trolls out of this.
No, they don’t. Long term cloaking exists to counter local, if all you want to do is be invincible for 12+ hours you just log off.
Hell, trying to catch a travel fit anything in lowsec that has a cloak is rough unless you’re using a insta lock heavy interdictor, but even then you can’t always get them. And waiting around for the hope something comes isn’t exactly engaging gameplay.
Now you’re back to asking for changes with unacceptable consequences. How exactly do you propose to nerf cloaks such that you can find and engage a cloaked ship in less than 10 seconds as it aligns for warp but not cripple them so much that nobody ever uses a cloak again? You’re asking for effectively instant detection here!
As such, I’m not considering any replies that state “But the bots!”
How convenient. Lobby for a change that has a primary effect of buffing RMT botting, then declare “botting is CCP’s problem” so you don’t have to acknowledge any criticism of your proposed RMT buff.
Cloaked targets can be engaged. Just take a look through the kills in HED-GP for example, cloaked people die there and neighbouring system all the time at gatecamps, because cloaks do not make people invincible, they merely make people harder to catch.
The only issue I have with cloaks is afk cloakers. But that’s an issue with local as much as it is an issue with cloaked afkers.
I don’t want RMT in this game, but I do believe the game should not be balanced around potential RMTers. Ban the RMTers but ignore them for game balance purposes.
And for game balance purposes: I believe people should not be encouraged by game mechanics to leave their character logged on on all day while they’re at work.
Saying that this is necessary because of ‘fighting the RMT’ is misplaced, it’s not our job to fight bots, it’s CCPs job. They should ban the RMTers and bots. Or if they want players to help, give us useful tools to catch and fight bots with active gameplay. Saying that we need to stay AFK all day logged in to ‘fight bots’ is ridiculous.
Wait, how can an AFK Cloaker be an issue with local, they are afk, they can’t see local
That’s the funny thing about this thread, the whole thing is a misnomer, it is the cloaked ships that are AT THE KEYBOARD that you have to worry about
The issue is, like I’ve said many times before in this very thread, that one cannot tell the difference between an afk cloaker and an active cloaker until the cloaker relays the intel to his friends or uncloaks and blops you with his friends. The problem there is that one can try to bait an active cloaker or feed him false intel, but if the cloaker is potentially afk for the next 10 hours it’s going to be a complete waste of time for anyone involved except the afk cloaker.
Remove the ability to be cloaked afk all day without danger, and we get much more interesting gameplay around cloaky ships where people can try to feed false intel or bait the cloaky ship. Sure, you won’t know for sure that the guy actually bites and falls for your false intel or bait, but you can be certain that he at least sees what you’re doing.
AFK cloaky = boring and no interaction. If AFK cloaking became impossible (or counterable), we would have much more interesting interactions between players when it involves cloaks. And more interaction is a better EVE, in my opinion.
I beg to differ.
Cloaking is a defense / pvp / working-as-intended mechanism, yeah? Just because it doesn’t suit your gameplay style, it should be limited, or reshaped to what you think is good.
Personally, I love AFK cloaking! Specially when the opponents are running around like headless chicken spamming the obvious hidding spots and trying to decloak you I’ll be encroaching in their nbsi ‘safe haven’ when they’re off their usual tz, and become the draft on the back of their neck, taunt’em for the first few hours (lol) and then suddenly go afk. So they’d think I’m gone (afk) and get back to their lives. Truth is that’ll be the times when I’m most present (lol), in observation mode, relating all the meticulous move they make with my buddies on TS. Or our spies would read their alliance, corp channel, etc to find the best potentials. Then came the blops team. And voila! Content!
Oh! good times.
So meh, I think OP is trying to kill the fun out of the game, so he can spread his BOTS without fear of being detected! And umm yeah, it’s as fun to read their rage in local… so keep local alive! and thank you ratters for your isk donations over the years.
You are talking about null sec right? This thread doesn’t apply to low, wh, or high sec.
And if you are talking about null, I call bs on blops attacking you. That is theory craft.
You really wouldn’t, because the most desired interaction with a cloaked ship is “I dock up and avoid combat”. Take away the ability to stay logged in while AFK and you make local a 100% accurate warning that a threat is active and it’s time to dock.
As CCP has stated before, AFKCloaks are never going to be ‘Fixed’ unless the way cloaks works is changed along with Local. They are so entwined that changes to both is the only way.
What is totally comical about this is the AFK people can’t hurt anyone, they are AFK.
The problem is not the AFK cloakers, it is the total lack of pixel courage on the part of the whinners.
BlOps theory craft? I already started getting the idea you had only half an idea of what you’re talking about in this thread, but this…
BlOps are used to generate covert bridges to cloaking CovOps ships quite regularly. While it’s not necessarily the BlOps themselves that do the fighting, a group of Stratioses jumping through can hurt a lot.
Come visit Catch sometimes, it’s fun down here with Simple Farmers cloaking everywhere all day long!
Look at this guy for example: Purifier | Orcling08 | Killmail | zKillboard , a regular (afk) sight in our space. Would you call that covert cyno module ‘theory craft’?
(Again, not that I have something against cloaky combat. In fact I quite like the extra possibilities and danger it brings and adjust my play style accordingly. I just don’t believe the game should encourage or reward afk gameplay.)
I didn’t, you changed it from BLOPs. That kill says nothing but a cyno alt died. He had both cynos equipped as well.
It is a covert cyno module. It is equipped on one of many similar characters (all with the name ‘Orcling’ like that one) that regularly drop covops ships on people in Catch. And yet you still insist on calling blops ‘theory’?
What reason could this ‘cyno alt’, one that is (afk) cloaking in enemy space to catch people, have to equip a covert cyno module if not for blopsing people? Please explain what you have in mind, because I don’t see it. There simply is one reason to equip a covert cyno and that is to blops.
Sure, he sometimes uses the other cyno as well to put a fleet of Bhaalgorns on people as well, but that doesn’t change the fact that blopsing is very real in EVE.
You know how to engage a cloaked target that jumped into a system, warped somewhere, hit ctrl-b, then warped back to the bookmark, aimlessly moving in a random direction? That’s all I want, why I haven’t noticed you could engage them is beyond me, please let me know how this is done effectively with a reasonable success chance.
Well considering I still have not received an answer to why cloaking is as it is and why that’s good, outside of “It (kinda) stops, I mean stalls, botters and indirectly RMT people”
So all I can do is offer suggestions rather than use feedback to try and formulate a response that is in line with that people want.
You post enough about this, do YOU have any suggestions, or are you simply part of “Operation Stonewall any change to cloaking”?
Once in system it’s going to be hard to catch them. Try doing it on a gate or by baiting. These options are impossible for afk cloakers though.