Main AFK cloaky thread

It’s more that hunters are lazy and don’t want to be active while cloaked. God forbid you’ve gotta do some work to get anything other than a indy kill. Only the low tier hunters are like that anyway, but there’s lots of loud ones here.

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If they aren’t active then they are no longer logged in.

I am Nomad. The Cloak is my Citadel.

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Pure Genius!

Upwell Cloaking!!!??!!!


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Still hunting for cloaked ships in my local area. Can’t find them, many lost content opportunities.
Not looking for cloaked ships in null anymore, somehow it’s even safer to be cloaked in null than it was.

CCP says alot about causing chaos and increasing risk, but until they’ve got the balls to adjust babies safe space cloaking, it will continue to be a crutch for the loss adverse and the lazy.

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Maybe they aren’t there. Why not try baiting or hunting other ships.

Wait, you know they don’t appear in local, you know you cant d-scan them, are you really hunting them or did you just come here to make some kind of passive aggressive made-up point… you naughty boy!



Wait wait wait. Something just dawned on me. I can’t believe that I missed it given how many of your posts in this thread I’ve read.

You don’t “hunt” cloaked ships by trying to “find” them.

The key to hunting cloaked ships is, and has always been, getting them to come to you and decloak, either by way of bait, with drag bubbles coupled with a cloud of objects in space, etc.

Without local, this should be easier now than it was before because they won’t know what to expect when they land.


Please stop feeding @Hillbert_Alexis the bear.




Make the Zephyr be able to use special RSS combat probes in its iris probe launcher and allow them to scan down an approximate location of cloaking ships

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And then what?

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Because cloaking is a crime.

Back that comment up there for a sec champ, you’re equating a specific effect to an overarching problem.

How many times have people asked to make things less safe in eve?
Remove asset safety?
Nerf panic mod?
Nerf citadels even more?
I’d continue to list examples, but that’s enough to get the idea.

Now what happens, someone asks for risk to be carried with a cloaking device. Suddenly, tossing your hot pockets to the ground in disgust a few forum warriors descend to tell the poster they are scared, or some other ad-hoc repeated verbatim response that indicates they don’t want their precious cloaking touched. They are scared of losing the immense and near perfect safety provided by cloaking.

Why this disconnect?
Those asking for things to be less safe don’t want their things to be less safe, it’s as simple as that. Selfish pvp focused players who don’t know the difference between content generation and microwave wattage effects on hot pockets.
And those screeching about keeping their safety fear the bear in the woods. They think they can keep it at bay by confusing the bear, making it think there’s nothing to be gained by changing the safety level of cloaking.
For those, I need offer nothing documented, detailed or researched… but just Hilmars own words: Chaos.

Also don’t think trying to ignore the issue will make it go away. Now go do your dishes and clean your room.

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It was sarcasm, guess it was over your head :rofl:

We thought you were gone, there was going to be a celebration, now you show up…


For your own health and well being, please consider taking a break every now and then from the eve forums.
Your immediate response and seemingly consistence presence leads me to believe it would be in your best interest… or that you’re a bot.

As people have repeatedly told, no one here is rabidly against changing how cloaking works. That is mischaracterization on your part. What people are/were against is buffing the power of local as an intel tool by removing the ability to keep your name in that list indefinitely. There is no reason why local chat should be made more oppressively powerful an avoidance tool, but post-Black Out, that isn’t a concern.

So now that CCP has put a bullet in the head of local-as-a-proximity-sensor, by all means, let’s discus making cloaked ships less safe. I do however feel almost all of AFK cloak whining is over given we all know it was the safebear farmers that were the source of almost all of the tears over AFK cloaking. Now that nerfing cloaking won’t give them the safety they crave, they’ll move on to the next boogeyman that presents any risk or interruption of their compulsive resource grinding.

But an intel structure that provides some of the intel capabilities lost with the deletion of local chat, along with some ability to scan down cloaked ships sounds good to me!

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Not to mention being a cloaked spy, afk or otherwise, is not very effective without local.

On the contrary. At-the-keyboard cloaked spies are arguably far more powerful (in some respects at least) now because they can watch fleet movements without anyone knowing they’re there.

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Congratulations you have broken WH space.

I think its great, it make intel gathering while AFK useless. Meaning if you want to gather intel, then you actually have to be active and alert.

WHOO HOO! No more AFK Cloake stuff. Everyone should be happy… right? Right?

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Sorry, it’s hard to not get tunnel visioned on the dedicated postings of repeat individuals claiming otherwise. A middle ground is all I’ve really asked for, put a little risk on the cloaked guy.

As per the local thing, a role bonus to pirate faction ships to delay their appearance in local would be interesting.

Of course it remains to be seen what CCP will do with regard to this test they are doing in null presently… but that doesn’t help me shoot cloaked ■■■■■■■ in lowsec.

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