Main AFK cloaky thread


I think you were looking for this, not the 2 other threads you posted in about it.

Null ? Wormhole? You can’t see them anyway unless chatting. Lowsec, catch them entering the system othwise doesn’t matter. High sec, who cares.

It’s interesting how so many of the people who struggle to deal with cloaks also struggle to find the correct thread to whine about cloaks.

It’s almost like they’re just not very capable or something.


Yes, I get that your heat mechanic makes it impossible to stay cloaked for an extended period of time and forces AFK cloakers to log off instead. But what you haven’t done is explain how it is supposed to create more PvP encounters or allow you to hunt cloaked ships.

As for what option makes cloaking dangerous but not useless, it’s not my job to come up with ideas. You think a change should be made, you get to come up with one that accomplishes that goal and doesn’t have any unacceptable side effects.

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Prophetic? Now local is dead in null and I bet my left nut theres still afk cloakers in nearly every system of worth, difference is people balled up in to tighter defence networks.

The folks who were AFK cloaking specifically to inspire pixel fear in the locals are either gone or foolish. The ones who just go AFK while doing other things instead of logging off to avoid being seen for a moment on d-scan are still there.

This thread was always meant to be about the former, not the latter.

Lets say they are… so what? what are they doing or affecting that’s so bad you want to bring your left nut to the forums?

Can’t be hunting people - They are AFK
Can’t be killing rats - AFK
Can’t be watching gates or spying on residents - AFK/Blackout
Can’t be inspiring fear of a drop - Blackout
Can’t be making residents used to them being there, to suddenly become active and catch their target - Blackout

Seriously, what is it they are doing that you brought your left nut into it?

(BTW, i’m not taking that bet, mainly due to fear of winning :rofl: )

They are making him afraid, what else?

Pixel fear cannot be cured with code. The most that can be done is to coddle the cowards.


Who are you talking to?

There already is. Use bubbles, use cans, use interceptors, use gates. Believe it or not lots of cloaked ships die every day.

BTW, I have been ratting away since the blackout. No problems. Guess what it works both ways. They cannot see me when they first jump in. They have to fly around and use D-scan or probes. And since those work both ways…it is balanced. Sheesh.


Let me guess there will be more crying. I can’t tell if cloaky ships (or combat recons or ships outside of d-scan range) are is system. CCPlease fix and make it safer for me. Boo-hoo.


With local coming back, cloaking is losing the increased safety the change provided, but that doesn’t change it’s not good gameplay to have ships in space that you cannot interact with.
A cloaked ship that completely denies the ability for players to engage it unless they get luckily is not good conducive gameplay.
Give us the ability to actually hunt for and threaten these ships, all cloaking does is remove the risk for being in space which keeps ships from being destroyed, and keeps content options off the table when they could be there.

Your feelings about your safe space don’t matter.

A ship that logs out can’t be engaged either. Do you insist on banning logging out?

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*cough*Troll Feeder*cough*


OMG…look at this…

Seriously look at these people.

These nub players: AFK cloaking is too safe! I can see them in local and that scares me.

Also these nub players: With blackout I can’t see them and that scares me, too.

How about you just play in HS?

No. These ships have paper thin tanks. They can’t pack much of a punch either (stealth bombers the exception, but their tanks aren’t even paper). While cloaked they can’t do anything except warp around and move around at their base non-warp speed.

Now, maybe if they could shoot you while cloaked or they had a bigger punch then maybe. But the sad reality is you want to shoot ships while they are AFK. IRL do you take candy from children?


You had to know with blackout ending this thread was going to be revived by these nubs and their complaints.

I know, and I didn’t get to use my line “How do you KNOW there is a cloaked ship” near enough :rofl:


Don’t forget that bombers can’t punch anything smaller than a battlecruiser very well except in very limited situations.

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If you’re happy and a cloaker clap your hands
*clap clap*

If you’re happy and a cloaker clap your hands
*clap clap*

If you’re happy and a cloaker
RMTers get a stroke - ah!
if you’re happy and a cloaker
clap your hands
*clap clap*