Why do we need yet another defense when farmers already have plenty of defenses that they aren’t using?
if they had these features even without local you could see whether there was a cloaked ship in your system or not and then a way to find where to go searching for them with modules that could decloak them if you got within a specified range of their location…assuming they are AFK and not moving around to make it harder for them.
Bolded the mistake. The only reason anyone stays AFK while cloaked instead of logging off is to mitigate the effectiveness of local as a warning tool for avoiding PvP. Remove local and hardly anyone will stay logged in while AFK anymore, so there’s no point in creating a whole system for finding AFK players.
Specify RMT farmers? Do you mean players and/or bots that farm to do RMT or people who prey on RMTers making exchanges?
I mean RMT farmers as in people who farm and RMT the profits. I’m sure it’s no coincidence that almost every suggestion for nerfing cloaking buffs RMT botting and does nothing to improve anything about PvP.
Either way, gotta watch what you say, RMT is a restricted topic on these forums that can get a thread locked regardless of the conversations ongoing in it.
Don’t worry, this thread won’t ever be locked. It exists for the sole purpose of being a trash can where CCP can dump all of the anti-cloaking whines. They’ve already made it clear that they aren’t nerfing cloaking, they just don’t want thread after thread cluttering up the forums.
Yet another week passes as I constantly encounter invulnerable ships out in space for an unlimited amount of time. Lots of lost content opportunities here, no wonder people say it’s hard to get fights. If only cloaking didn’t make you immune to gameplay interaction. Cue RMT/botting excuses in 5… 4…
Cloaking changes are coming. I do hope the 5 of you that constantly ■■■■ up this thread with your asinine yet repeated replies don’t quit the game when the changes hit.
Yet another week where you can’t figure out the fact that if you got your wish for a RMT buff all of those ships would just log off or dock instead of AFK cloaking and you wouldn’t get a single additional fight.
Wrong - I go AFK when cloaked so I can go to the lavatory without the bother of logging-off and back on again, or to answer the doorbell, or to let the dog out, or any number of other reasons. “mitigate the effectiveness of local” as an only reason is just plain wrong.
That’s not what people mean by “AFK cloaking”. They’re talking about sitting in a system for hours/days at a time waiting for a target, not stepping away for a few minutes and coming right back.
A easy change after the initial cyno change woud be.
Force Recon can not fit CovOps cloak and cyno at The same time but CovCyno is oke.
This woud result in more risk to set up a AFK Camper that is actually dangerous because he cant warp cloaked with a cyno.
Gives The camped peopl a chance to get rid of the Camper by scanning him out on landing if he got a cyno because he can not warp cloaked or if he does he is not that big of a Deal because he is just a scout or a HotDrop scout.
This woud be result in the peopl that got camped to decide if the Camper is dangerous and can drop caps but with effort woud be able to be found after downtime or if it is “just” a HotDrop guy and the danger of caps dropping is out.
Every other Camper is not a thread in my opinion if the intel in your region is fine.
Edt,: I mean there is a Hound Camping us a coupl days now…and we are Capital ratting and Rorqual mining like there is no one…he is in 20% struc After he tryed to tackle a coupl times.
No, you wrote remove, you just used a weird spelling of the word. Taking away the ability to warp in and get into position while cloaked effectively removes combat cyno ships from the game. You’d give too much warning that a cyno is incoming and have to depend on sheer luck to get it activated before the recon is dead. And no, adding a “normal” cloak does not help anything because “normal” cloaks are worthless except for MWD + cloak haulers trying to escape a gatecamp.
And you dont have to write in Caps…
I only do it when responding to an idea so utterly terrible that mocking the person who posted it is the only meaningful response.
Changing the modules affect them both equally. You want to change something you perceive as being wrong without thinking of other uses of those modules/ships.