Scout goes to scout. Finds a target. It cloaks before warp even finishes
A dozen or so jump in from gate and try to kill scout. Scout manages to take gate
Our 10 guys arrive, exiting warp. Before we even get a chance to lock the targets, they cloak.
Perfect safety should not exist for ships in space.
So, like I said, you weren’t on grid with them and in the absence of cloaks they would have just seen you on d-scan and warped out before you could get there. Cloaking added very little, if anything, to their escape and you will not see a meaningful increase in additional fights.
Perfect safety should not exist for ships in space.
So why should it exist for ships that log off? Or for ships docked in NPC stations? After all, if denying a PvP fight is an issue with cloaks then surely it should be the same issue when the denial happens via docking or logging off instead.
Another week, countless flashpoints for content that are lost due to in space invulnerability. It’s a real shame that we have our own logs for which characters we see on our roams are just cloaked and out in space. Instead we just warp around and rarely find a fight.
For the salty boy: The only thing I’m concerned about his how much hell the few of you will raise when cloaked ships can be engaged. I hope you don’t cause harm to anyone, including yourself.
Another week, another of your pointless spam posts about how cloaking is denying you fights and another instance of you ignoring the fact that those cloaked players will just dock/warp away/log off if cloaks are nerfed and you won’t get any additional fights.
Cloaked ships can be engaged already. If you manage to uncloak them. Usually ships are pretty slow when they turn on their cloak, so turn on your MWD and fly to where you saw them disappear. Or place some items in space beforehand, such as drones or cans, so they have a hard time getting out of your grip by cloaking.
Sure, it’s still tough to engage a cloaked ship. But it’s still easier than it is to engage a docked up ship, because those cannot be engaged at all.
PS.: Every single one of your recent arguments against cloaking can be replaced by arguments ‘against docking’. If you don’t like it that people can deny you fights by cloaking up, what is your opinion on people denying you fights by docking up?
PPS.: Please look at the title of this thread. Notice how it says afk cloaky thread? Your complaints about cloaking have nothing to do with afk cloaks anymore. Please start another thread if you wish to discuss the power of cloaks in active combat scenarios and don’t go off topic.
No one seems talk about this afk campers that destroying nullsec industry.
Every online game except Eve Online, thier is a timer that automatic been log out if your been inactive in few minutes. Why have this NOT EVER been implemented in game mechanics over decade?? Are you CCP one thouse many afk campers destroying systems after systems in eve galaxy ??
Every online games has this timer, except 1… eve online… what a shame
And the children shall lead us…right into the crapper. The whiny little kids want to be able to grief, without any effort or skill. And people wonder why this game has died out.
If nullsec industry is so fragile that an AFK player can destroy it then it should be destroyed. This is EVE, the strong survive and the weak fail. The problem is that you are weak, and instead of becoming strong enough to defend your industry you’d rather whine and cry on the forums and demand that CCP give you easier farming.
Afk timers and being logged out are a standard in the industry. Ccp however, cannot afford to do this, it would absolutely destroy their server metrics. To put it metaphorically, i would be like shining the light of a million suns on the truth… that eve’s population is utterly and unconditionally gone from the game.
ccp employs large amount of manipulation to try to hide this. Creating an afk timer would fix lot of the griefing base problems from cloaking, but then again so would a time duration on the cloak. I mean, even putting durations on the cloak and extending them with the ships bonus would fix this, but you know… the whole psychological aspects of war etc.
To be honest, while i find this form of game play extremely abusive and think counters should be created to counter it (like probes that can scan cloaked ships) i really dont know if eve should lose one of the only real forms of war resources (morale) it has left in the game.
In the end i highly doubt ccp will implement this.
ps. ignore all the other posters in this thread, they are trolls and their opinions are trash. they are part of the same bandwagon of rejects, their entire organization is garbo. Keep fighting the good fight, to make eve better.
I have taken a quick look at your recent posts. From what I can tell you do not wish to make EvE as it is was conceived, designed and produced “better” as much as you want to change it completely.
So anyone that has an opinion, idea or mere thought that differs from yours are trolls and trash?
Perhaps (as you claim to be a new alt of a former null player from 2003) you can kindly answer my question of how an “AFK Camper” is a problem or a threat?