Main AFK cloaky thread

So, RMT bots that use an inefficient human instead of software to run the bot and aren’t smart enough to RMT the ISK they make?

Not all are botters. Some are bot-aspirants. I’m not sure which is worse.

That’s irrelevant. Yes, it really is irrelevant. Did CCP remove afk cloaky camping to address the fake concerns of a whiny minority who should be playing some other game?

No? - Oh, well, look! I guess it’s irrelevant!

When any and all changes to afk cloaky camping are most beneficial to botters and RMTers then you really have nothing to stand on. A blanket “you’re a botter/RMTer” is fine. Everyone who demands stuff that ultimately helps these people can go ■■■■ right off.

Most nullseccers aren’t scared of afk cloakers. That’s just those who rent space, who don’t belong there. They don’t own space, they can’t defend it, thus they can ■■■■ right off. The reason, why you don’t see people whining about afk cloakers on reddit (which is mostly populated by null seccers), is because afk cloakers aren’t an issue.

No matter what people say or do, the response by us and CCP will always be the same.

You want some solution ?

use the same afk cloaking mechanics to the alliance who is camping you and let diplomacy works for a non cloaky camping agreement.

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The only problem are those who whine about afk cloakers. There is literally no other problem here. Most other alliances do not give a ■■■■ about afk cloakers, so even if you try doing so, it’s not going to help you.

All of those who do not actually own space, but rent it, are idiots not understanding that no one gives a ■■■■ about them. You’re easily replaced by other idiots who will happily spend money on systems.

The only winning move is not to rent.

Your a sad man with nothing better to do than defend an activity which does not solve issues yet creates more, as well as enables the lazy pvp player mindset that want’s kills on a silver platter.

A cloaked ship is not afraid of this, because while cloaked are not at risk. The hypocrisy is laughable. You do your false cause no good.

It’s best just to ignore them. They don’t want you here, they don’t want your voice to be heard. They don’t care about you, your concerns nor your playstyle. They just want you to feed kills and keep doing so. It’s pathetic that while afk cloaked they spend so long defending their playstyle here.

You are quite dedicated to trying to talk to them but it makes no difference. They have their responses almost premade, if you search it’s always the same retorts. They might as well be bots.

Look at CCPs track record. PVPers complain and they get exactly what they want. Warp animation bad!, it’s gone. Can’t use exploit to roll small wormholes! CCP gives them a mod that allows them to continue to do the same. Jita trade hub undock is laughably laggy and players do everything they can to keep it bad so your undock timer wears off, but do this anywhere else and CCP threatens you.

You cling to your false god of lies still it seems. Very few PVE focused players actively look to ask for change, most just leave the game. The few that do are downvoted, vilified and harassed until they leave. The only problem here is your mindset. Yours is the cancer on the game. There is a middle ground solution, but you can’t handle that, can you?

I’ve had countless mission and escalation runners get a free pass because they cloaked up. I want to hunt them, I want risk, not safety in eve. You fools complain endlessly about citadels, rorquals, faxes, logi, jammers… ANYTHING that hinders your ability to get free kills. You don’t want fights, you never did.

I want risk spread evenly. Nothing should be 100% safe while logged in and in space. Nothing. Yet here we are, with impressive mental gymnastics preformed consistently by the same people over and over gain, demanding that their safety not be touched.

Reply telling me I’m wrong and win a prize. Sympathy, but also shame.
Don’t be pathetic, don’t run and hide from risk. Don’t demand safety.

Then you have to define a problem.

Now you’re starting to get it. We don’t want farmer trash in EVE. We don’t care about it, its concerns are not relevant, and its playstyle should be taken out back and shot. Get it through your head: CCP does not care about the “concerns” of people who suck at EVE and are too afraid to undock unless it is 100% safe to farm.

They have their responses almost premade, if you search it’s always the same retorts. They might as well be bots.

That’s rather hypocritical of you to make that complaint given how many times you have reposted the exact same stupid idea and ignored all of the criticism of it. If you want to receive different responses try coming up with a new idea for once.

Very few PVE focused players actively look to ask for change, most just leave the game.

Good. They suck and are a plague on the game. Nothing of value is lost when farmer trash ragequits. In fact, when bad PvE players ragequit it means that all of my PvE activities are more profitable.

I want to hunt them

Stop lying. Your proposed cloaking nerf does absolutely nothing to allow you to hunt anyone and will not generate any additional PvP encounters. The fact that you keep pretending that it would, long after you have been given thorough explanations of how it wouldn’t, is proof that you’re just another piece of lying farmer trash who will say anything to get risk-free farming.


It’s not hypocrisy.
That is LITERALLY the advantage of the cloaking module.

If you want to, you can also put on a cloak yourself.

Hilbert - how many more useless posts do you have to make before you realise that even your own arse is fed up with you talking through it ?

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Null will never give up it’s attempts to promote botting. :roll_eyes:

Why cloaking ships can scanner? So ridiculous

Only time I concern myself with cloak camping is if I see combat scanner probes on DScan. Then I know the invisidude is looking for trouble, a fight, or for me.

That is unless I’m silly enough to not make randomized dead space locations saved and hover in moon gravity wells or something.


Not ridiculous at all. There plenty of legitimate defensive uses for cloaking. There are probably as many players using cloaks to defend against attack (explorers etc) than those using it to hunt. If you are trying to hide and get away, you need to be able to find where your hunters are.

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I love this thd. It will go on as long as there are bots. :popcorn:

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These discussions would be more fruitful if both sides stopped throwing strawmen at each other. Yes, it’s true that intel channels+local make it practically impossible to catch ratters by roaming in their space.
And yes, it’s also true that having a cloaked multiboxer cover your entire region 24/7 means any activity is a russian roulette where you can only lose.
How about we agree both aspects end up with people docking up and not generating any content and start from there?

No, because that’s not the case. A cloaked multiboxer covering your entire region 23/7 does not force you to dock up unless your alliance sucks and doesn’t belong in nullsec. So how about we start from this point and ask why we need to make changes to allow failed renter trash alliances to have safer farming?


I’ll take “disingenuous starting points of a discussion” for 300, Alex.

the counter to a drop is having at least a dozen semi-pvp fitted combat ships in the system, actively playing and ready to jump at any minute of the day. -0.1 and similar systems simply don’t have enough content for that and would mean 10 people are idle while a few are ratting, but still ready to react within seconds when a drop happens.

Are you talking about the drop or the afk cloaky camping? :thinking: