Main AFK cloaky thread

in my experience the two are usually connected

Cool. That’s besides the point.

This is the AFK CLOAKY CAMPING thread, not a covert cyno drop thread.

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yes this is exactly why I wrote my first post… if people would stop with the BS, the fallacies and avoiding the point, you guys might have made some progress over the past…5 or so years since this has been a daily topic.
“maybe he doesn’t have a cyno”. “maybe he’s AFK”…
the reason you broadcast for reps when you get mass yellowboxed is because of the presence of a threat. you don’t wait to see if the enemy fleet has guns fitted. so let’s cut the crap

I don’t see what this has to do with anything being discussed here.

Are you suggesting that a neutral in local is the same as getting mass yellowboxed?

are you saying if you have a neut in local whose KB shows he’s a dropper, you’d undock alone in a rattlesnake and say “if I die, I die”?

Uh, I’d check his killboard to see when he’s active and realize that he’s probably going to be AFK when I’m out so I’m not worried because AFK PLAYERS ARE NOT A THREAT.

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forum’s warning me not to have personal convos in a thread so this is my final point: our droppers have an “inactivity” window from noon to early afternoon for about 5 hours, which is useless to most people who have jobs.
PS: I understand now why this topic is so heated. as long as people play dumb you won’t be getting anywhere. cheers


-0.1 and similar systems simply don’t have enough content for that and would mean 10 people are idle while a few are ratting, but still ready to react within seconds when a drop happens.

IOW, renter trash alliances don’t want to put effort into their farming. What’s the problem here?

you guys might have made some progress over the past…

Why do you assume that progress is the goal? I’m quite happy with how this thread has gone: CCP dumps all of the anti-cloaking whines here so they don’t clutter up the forum, and no changes whatsoever are made to cloaking. Any “progress” from this state would be a step backwards.

forum’s warning me not to have personal convos in a thread

Nobody pays attention to those “warnings”, it’s just CCP’s terrible forum software saying stupid things.

our droppers have an “inactivity” window from noon to early afternoon for about 5 hours, which is useless to most people who have jobs.

Too bad. Perhaps if avoiding PvP is your only available option and you won’t maintain a standing PvP threat to counter the drop then you should find a region where the local campers are in a different time zone and inactive during your peak hours? Or are none of those systems currently available for rent?

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Hilarious, coming from you.
AFK people aren’t a threat to you.
Stop being so scared.


This thread is like fishing, every once in a while you catch a whopper! :rofl:

What I like is being afraid of covert cyno, in sov null, really?

  1. If he pops the cyno within your vision, warp out.
  2. If he doesn’t pop it in your vision you will see local fill up, warp out.

Covert cyno is only dangerous to afk players.


And to add to this, for the love of god stay aligned… :smile:

Sure. Now I know everyone always calls out the WH argument as “but my cyno”. Doesn’t change the fact that a small gang of cloaky T3 cruisers will but just as much hurt on a solo WH ratter as a cyno dropper. And the defense is exactly the same. Stay aligned, stay on dscan, punch out asap. It’s really not that hard.

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These discussions will NEVER be ‘fruitful’ - they’re just an echo-chamber to keep the cloak-phobic from polluting the rest of the forums.


No. This is beyond dumb and needs to stop being proposed. Captcha doesn’t prove you’re not a bot as proven by innumerable internet crawlers that are bots and bypass Captchas at a rate of several per minute every hour of every day.

Please don’t propose technical solutions you don’t understand.

Jesus dude please learn to read. Did you even pay attention to my whole reply in context? I was making fun of the guy who had posted right before me. Sheesh

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I bet the same people who are against afk cloaking are not against afk ratting.


It’s like this is a game and you’re playing an immortal being with enough wealth not to give a ■■■■ about potentially (that’s a keyword right there) losing a ship or two. But no, for those who keep argueing against afk cloaking, it’s not a game. For them it’s real life income.

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Otherwise known as…owning space.

If folks drop on your PvE operations and get away unscathed on a regular basis, the problem isn’t the people dropping on you, the problem is that you aren’t sufficiently securing the space you’re operating in.

This is a true statement. It’s also why -0.1 space generally isn’t worth securing properly. The good news is that you have alternatives: push into lower security nullsec that pays out better, accept the occasional losses of operating at risk in a -0.1 system, or move back into Empire space. You could also consider using less valuable ships as they generally make less appealing targets.

Also worth noting: none of this has to do with AFK cloaking. If someone is lighting a cyno for a fleet to drop in on you, they are, by definition, not AFK.


What, a thread just for cloaking??

Thanks Salt_Foambreaker for getting a ISD to murge this into the mega thread.

Your welcome, always glad to help :slight_smile: