Main AFK cloaky thread

Well being its here in the hole that is this thread i might as well give up on my suggestion as the only thing to come out of this thread was a local blackout and well that didnt go well did it.

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The local blackout was awesome but CCP caved to the botters and cry babies.


That is a very caustic and troll response, the local blackout consistently lowered the active login count from the game and near broke it. The lack of local works in wormholes due to wormhole mechanics of hole control and no jumping, it is not comparable to nullsec and trying to force those mechanics upon nullsec without changing other mechanics is a very poor design change.

Yes but the people who stopped logging in were and still are a blight on the game.


the login count got down to the 2006 records (and that is with alpha clones inflating the numbers!) like literally killing the game, seriously the blight on the game are forum trolls like yourself.

Your Worship is Duly Noted! :crazy_face:

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Cloaking is part of the game. If you want to remove it, remove PvE content from null.


Man Obvious trolls are obvious

Nobody is advocating for removal of cloaking, just some form of balance to the afk cloaky meta that has been amplified by skill goo farming.

If your “balance” is to stand behind the addition of a magic button that autodecloaks ships and does the hard work of scanning them for you and provides combat bonuses to kill them.

I don’t think you know what balance is.

Cloaked campers are fine. Defend your space.


There needs to be something - a limit to covert ops cloak by timers, fuel consumption, or some kind of external interrupt - the latter being the hardest to implement in a fair way.

I have no issue with standard cloaks and see no reason for them to change.

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All of these suggestions are super harmful to wormhole players, who do not have the counter play options that you have in nullsec. Try again.

Covops cloaks need to last indefinitely.

Your PvE farming system is not the whole of Eve and your bad suggestions are not workable for everyone.


Well you’re leaving the only option as an external interrupt as a function of sov mechanics then, this would not affect wormhole play.

And yet there’s no way a systemwide magic decloak button is in any way balanced or reasonable. You should not have the luxury of removing all risk from your lucrative farming activities at minimal cost.

All PvP counter play must involve risk. Not just a big red safety button.


A structure that generates an emp, causes a solar flare etc, can be viewed from overview/space has a warmup period and a long cool down timer. That when activated would decloak any covert ops cloaks - details past that like how long the duration of the decloak would be etc are negotiable. Anchorable only with a sov upgrade, this will prevent it from interrupting wormhole play.

And yet still doesn’t address the risk issue. What are you paying for your safety? Just a few ISK up front investment and then complete safety forever?


There is no risk to you, and it removes all risk from your PvE activities.


Or a couple carriers in jump range?

nice straw man, you’re assuming that afk cloakers are the only threat and would be immediately defeated by being decloaked when afk, even momentarily.

Don’t be facile. They’re the specific “threat” being discussed. It’s the opposite of a straw man to point out that your “solution” is utterly one sided.


You are posting in a thread about AFK cloaking. Your suggestion is being judged on that basis. Whether or not other risks exist in your PvE activity is immaterial to this topic.


Says the person who has not read the thread.

Balance for what? What can the CLOAKED SHIP do? Especially while AFK?

Besides scare you? :rofl:

What ACTION are you balancing?