Main AFK cloaky thread

Hey thanks man! I have a ton, help yourself!

My post was flagged as ‘spam’, apparently it resembled an advertisment. So by way of reparation and to prove my impartiality, please see more straws below that I neither own or am selling.


With the new ESS mechanics coming this quadrant, which were roughly laid out during CCP dev sessions,
I just hope cloakys attempt to steal ISK from the then always present ESS in the systems.
Plus Points:

  • another possibility to provoke conflict for the camper
  • “Stealing” their ISK hopefully drives ratter crazy enough so they want to fight. :smiley:

I am totally not a fan of cloaky camping. Me as a carebear can decide to have some guts and mine/rat nonetheless with people in comms and standing fleet coming if needed.
But the camper must be bored to death. Its shitty gameplay for them.
So like CODE safes miners from doing something boring all the time, we need a way to get Cloaky campers away from doing something boring all the time. :sweat_smile::

@Salt_Foambreaker is often caustic, but that doesn’t make him wrong.


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No I would expect it to affect all active covert ops cloaks in the system - the warmup idea would be so an active camper / friendlies could prepare for it.

Alternatively make cov ops cloaks consume liquid ozone if present but not required to function or remove covert cyno’s from stealth bombers

Hey look, a totally original and new idea that totally hasn’t been shat on a thousand times already because it’s stupid.


This month’s MER shows (as usual) that nullsec ratters receive the biggest ISK source in the game. AFK cloakies are ruining their lives, I tell you!


Add more NPC space to the existing nullsec regions - this would balance the opportunity cost it takes to go whale hunting in those places.

How would it do this?

Well yes, an AFK ship that can’t do anything but sit idle in space (with no modules active) will be probed down and destroyed immediately. How exactly do you think that an AFK decloaked ship wouldn’t be immediately destroyed?

This, of course, is why it is unacceptable that cloaking be nerfed without a simultaneous removal of local. If you can’t stay safe while AFK nobody will stay logged in while AFK, which removes the only way of mitigating local as a tool for avoiding PvP. And that’s why the RMT botters are so determined to get their anti-AFK tool.

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There’s notoriously insanely low pvp activity, high ratting/mining activity, and high amounts of rented space in places very far from NPC stations.

In general the cloak camping meta is due for a shakeup, at the very least pull cov cyno’s off stealth bombers, It feels like a design oversight that stealth bombers have cov cyno’s and no penalty on locking when decloaking, pretty sure that bonus has been on the hull since before it had a cov ops cloak or blops even existed. As it exists now a hot dropping stealth bomber has a 100% catch rate with good timing on targets due to this combinations of bonuses for a ship that should be doing dps.

I disagree with punishing all players with mechanics that are focusing on stopping RMT that have huge negative side effects on legitimate players.

Increasing the risk of interacting with other players is not punishment.

This does not sound like an AFK Cloak player.

There is already systemwide cyno jammer technology, and a more local module… make us of those.

Now i freely admit i don’t know much about Cynos, but its my understanding they take time to spin-up???

Covert Bomber is a paper thin ship, with additional cyno fuel in its hold, it is pretty gimped. Why doesn’t your system defense force simply PewPew it.

Covert cynos still work in jammed systems.

It’s kinda the opposite, they take time to spin down, immobilising they cyno ship (which is generally T2 and expensive) for the duration. Duration is variable based on cyno type and ship bonuses.

It’s too late. Once the cyno is lit the BLOPS fleet is incoming.

But none of my replies are to suggest any of this is in any way unfair. This is precisely what black ops is designed to do. And it’s working as intended.

The sensible counter is to have your own cyno alt and counter the BLOPS drop with a couple of carriers, which can also be alts on standby in the tether of any structure in jump range.

This doesn’t require a large standby PvP fleet in the system wasting players time waiting for a hot drop or any of the other fallacious reasons why it’s not practical to defend your own space.

These farmers just don’t want to reduce their bottom line by either paying for the necessary protection or plexing alts. They just wanna rat all day uninterrupted. Which I understand, but all the ■■■■■■■■ proxy arguments are just that; disingenuous ■■■■■■■■.

Cloaking doesn’t need any changes. What needs to change is the expectations of the players making these demands. They have all the tools to keep themselves pretty safe, and In the event that this fails they have the tools to destroy the BLOPS gang (including the very expensive bridging battleship).


These kinds of arguments are funny when high output isk faucets get dumped into Highsec

The argument on the total isk being made from ratting per region should be broken down by population, there are regions that are largely inaccessible except for wormholes with no staging area’s with very skewed income/population

So what, don’t tell me you are one of those people who thinks Covert Cyno is dangerous?

You didn’t even read my whole post, did you? Or any of my previous posts.

Just saw something you thought you could pull out an contest. And made an ass of yourself.

So you don’t think they are dangerous?

You wanna contest a claim I actually did make instead of trying to tell me what I think?

Why would you bring up Covert Cyno, do you think it is dangerous?

Did the post I was responding to not itself respond to (and quote) a post regarding covert cynos and stealth bombers asking for their removal?

Did you read any of it or were you just trying to pick a fight without understanding any of the context nor who was arguing for or against the removal of covert cynos from a ship?

Read before you troll in the future.

I didn’t bring up covert cynos.

I see that you were talking out your ass and now you don’t want to answer a simple question because you don’t know.

Is covert cyno a danger?